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Divine Manifestations in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha

This volume explores the formative theophanic patterns found in pseudepigraphical writings as 2 Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham, and the Ladder of Jacob where the visual tradition of the divine Form and the aural tradition of the divine Name undergo their creative conflation and thus provide the rich conceptual soil for the subsequent elaborations prominent in later patristic and rabbinic traditions. The visionary and aural traditions found in the Slavonic pseudepigrapha are especially important for understanding the evolution of the theophanic trends inside the eastern Christian environment where these Jewish apocalyptic materials were copied and transmitted by generations of monks.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-407-3
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 16,2009
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 315
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-60724-407-3
$161.00 (USD)
Your price: $96.60 (USD)
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This volume explores the formative theophanic patterns found in such pseudepigraphical writings as 2 Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham, and the Ladder of Jacob where the visual tradition of the divine Form and the aural tradition of the divine Name undergo their creative conflation and thus provide the rich conceptual soil for the subsequent elaborations prominent in later patristic and rabbinic developments. The visionary and aural traditions found in the Slavonic pseudepigrapha are especially important for understanding the evolution of the theophanic trends inside the eastern Christian environment where these Jewish apocalyptic materials were copied and transmitted for centuries by generations of monks.

This volume explores the formative theophanic patterns found in such pseudepigraphical writings as 2 Enoch, Apocalypse of Abraham, and the Ladder of Jacob where the visual tradition of the divine Form and the aural tradition of the divine Name undergo their creative conflation and thus provide the rich conceptual soil for the subsequent elaborations prominent in later patristic and rabbinic developments. The visionary and aural traditions found in the Slavonic pseudepigrapha are especially important for understanding the evolution of the theophanic trends inside the eastern Christian environment where these Jewish apocalyptic materials were copied and transmitted for centuries by generations of monks.

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Andrei A. Orlov is Professor of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity at Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA.  He is a specialist in Jewish and Christian apocalypticism and mysticism, Second Temple Judaism, and Old Testament pseudepigrapha. Within the field of early Jewish literature, Orlov is considered among the leading experts in the Jewish pseudepigrapha preserved in Slavonic language, including 2 Enoch and the Apocalypse of Abraham. He is the author of more than twenty books, including The Enoch-Metatron Tradition and The Glory of the Invisible God: Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology.

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