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`Enbe men Karmo Suryoyo (Bunches of Grapes from the Syriac Vineyard)

A Syriac Chrestomathy

`Enbe men Karmo Suryoyo is a chrestomathy intended primarily for students who have covered the essentials of Syriac morphology and syntax, but it should also interest anyone who enjoys Syriac literature in general. The twenty-six selections consist of examples of Syriac prose and poetry from the second until the thirteenth centuries AD. The readings reflect a wide and varied range of subject matter. Inevitably, selections of a religious nature predominate, but historical, ethnographic, chemical, astronomical, and linguistic excerpts produced by famous Syriac authors, as well as less familiar ones, have been included. A Syriac-English glossary and an index of grammatical points are included.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-685-3
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Nov 23,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 219
Languages: Syriac
ISBN: 978-1-61143-685-3
$58.00 (USD)
Your price: $34.80 (USD)
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`Enbe men Karmo Suryoyo is a chrestomathy intended primarily for students who have covered the essentials of Syriac morphology and syntax, but it should also interest anyone who enjoys Syriac literature in general. The twenty-six selections consist of examples of Syriac prose and poetry from the second until the thirteenth centuries AD. The readings reflect a wide and varied range of subject matter. Inevitably, selections of a religious nature predominate, but historical, ethnographic, chemical, astronomical, and linguistic excerpts produced by famous Syriac authors, as well as less familiar ones, have been included. A Syriac-English glossary and an index of grammatical points are included.

Martin R. Zammit obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Malta with the thesis: A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’anic Arabic published in Brill’s Handbuch Der Orientalistik series. Dr Zammit’s research covers various Semitic languages, with specialization in Arabic and Syriac. He is a senior lecturer at the Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Malta.

`Enbe men Karmo Suryoyo is a chrestomathy intended primarily for students who have covered the essentials of Syriac morphology and syntax, but it should also interest anyone who enjoys Syriac literature in general. The twenty-six selections consist of examples of Syriac prose and poetry from the second until the thirteenth centuries AD. The readings reflect a wide and varied range of subject matter. Inevitably, selections of a religious nature predominate, but historical, ethnographic, chemical, astronomical, and linguistic excerpts produced by famous Syriac authors, as well as less familiar ones, have been included. A Syriac-English glossary and an index of grammatical points are included.

Martin R. Zammit obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Malta with the thesis: A Comparative Lexical Study of Qur’anic Arabic published in Brill’s Handbuch Der Orientalistik series. Dr Zammit’s research covers various Semitic languages, with specialization in Arabic and Syriac. He is a senior lecturer at the Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Malta.

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  • Dedication Page (page 5)
  • Table of Contents (page 7)
  • Introduction (page 8)
  • Preface (page 9)
  • Acknowledgements (page 10)
  • Abbreviations (page 11)
  • 1. The Story of the Aramaean Sage Ahiqar (page 15)
  • 2. Bardaisan (page 20)
  • 3. Aphrahat (page 24)
  • 4. St. Ephrem (page 28)
  • 5. Extract from the Will of St. Ephrem (page 34)
  • 6. The Peshitta (Mappaqta Pshitta) (page 37)
  • 7. Anonymous 5th Century Prose: Malpanuta d'Adday Shliha (page 40)
  • 8. Isaac the Great of Edessa (page 43)
  • 9. Narsai - 'The Harp of the Spirit' (ca. 399-ca. 502) (page 48)
  • 10. Soghita Attributed to Narsai (page 52)
  • 11. From the Maronite Bet Gazo (page 55)
  • 12. Annonymous: The Chronicle of Edessa (ca. 540) (page 59)
  • 13. John of Ephesus (page 62)
  • 14. Philoxenus of Mabbug (Aksnaya, ca. 440-523) (page 66)
  • 15. A Christian Legend about Alexander the Great (page 68)
  • 16. 'Anan Isho' (page 72)
  • 17. Bishop George of the Arab Tribes of Mesopotamia (Born ca. 640 - died 724) (page 77)
  • 18. Theodore Bar Koni (Late 8th c.) (page 80)
  • 19. Job of Edessa (Born ca. 760 and flourished 817-832) (page 84)
  • 20. John of Dara (Flourished during the first half of the 9th c.) (page 87)
  • 21. Elias of Anbar (Flourished first half of the 10th c.) (page 89)
  • 22. Elias of Nisibis (Soba) (Died after 1049) (page 93)
  • 23. Elias bar Shinaya, Bishop of Nisibis (975 - 1046) (page 96)
  • 24. The Bahira Account (page 100)
  • 25. 'Abdisho' bar Brika (Died 1318) (page 105)
  • 26. Gregorius Abu l-Faraj Bar Hebraeus (Grigor bar 'Ebroyo' 1225/6 - 1286) (page 110)
  • Syriac - English Glossary (page 117)
  • English - Syriac Glossary (page 165)
  • Index of Grammatical Points (page 210)
  • Bibliography (page 215)
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