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Symbola Caelestis

Le symbolisme liturgique et paraliturgique dans le monde chrétien

The volume deals with the liturgical dimension of mystical, ascetical, and hymnographic texts and traditions within the Christian environment. Special attention is paid to liturgical texts of the Coptic and the Byzantine rite, especially in its Slavonic and Georgian versions. The volume also explores the Jewish background of some Christian liturgical settings and the afterlife of the Jewish priestly and liturgical traditions in the Christian milieu. The collection includes the critical edition of the early Slavonic version of the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts accompanied by the historical study of this service.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-665-7
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Oct 21,2009
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 521
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-60724-665-7
$211.00 (USD)
Your price: $126.60 (USD)
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The volume deals with the liturgical dimension of mystical, ascetical, and hymnographic texts and traditions circulated in Christian environment including different liturgical texts of the Coptic and the Byzantine rite, especially in its Slavonic and Georgian versions.

The volume also explores the Jewish background of some Christian liturgical settings and the afterlife of the Jewish priestly and liturgical traditions in the Christian milieu. The collection includes the critical edition of the early Slavonic version of the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts accompanied by the historical study of this service.

The volume deals with the liturgical dimension of mystical, ascetical, and hymnographic texts and traditions circulated in Christian environment including different liturgical texts of the Coptic and the Byzantine rite, especially in its Slavonic and Georgian versions.

The volume also explores the Jewish background of some Christian liturgical settings and the afterlife of the Jewish priestly and liturgical traditions in the Christian milieu. The collection includes the critical edition of the early Slavonic version of the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts accompanied by the historical study of this service.

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Andrei A. Orlov is Professor of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity at Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA.  He is a specialist in Jewish and Christian apocalypticism and mysticism, Second Temple Judaism, and Old Testament pseudepigrapha. Within the field of early Jewish literature, Orlov is considered among the leading experts in the Jewish pseudepigrapha preserved in Slavonic language, including 2 Enoch and the Apocalypse of Abraham. He is the author of more than twenty books, including The Enoch-Metatron Tradition and The Glory of the Invisible God: Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology.


Basil Lourié is the editor in chief of "Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d'hagiographiecritique et d'histoire ecclésiastique" (St. Petersburg, Russia). He holds a Ph. D. and a Dr. habil. in Philosophy from St. Petersburg State University. He has written extensively on theological, liturgical and hagiographical traditions of the Christian Orient with a special attention to the philosophical and logical topics in patristics as well as to the Second Temple Jewish and Early Christian liturgical calendars.

  • Table Des Matières (page 5)
  • Préface (page 9)
  • Liste des abbréviations (page 10)
  • Édition critique (page 12)
    • Early Slavonic Versions of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (page 13)
    • Preface (page 13)
    • Introduction (page 14)
      • Manuscripts of the Old Russian Recension (page 22)
      • Manuscripts of the Studite Recension (page 23)
    • I. Vespers (page 24)
      • 1. Structure of the Vespers of the Presanctified Liturgy in the Manuscripts of the Old Russian Recension (page 26)
      • 2. Text of Vespers of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Manuscripts of the Old Russian Recension (page 31)
      • 3. Manuscripts of the Studite Tradition (page 35)
    • II. The Great Entrance (page 45)
      • 1. Liturgy of the Catechumens (page 45)
      • 2. Prayers of the Great Entrance (page 46)
      • 3. Dialogue of the Clergy (page 52)
    • III. Communion (page 55)
      • 1. Preparation for Communion (page 55)
      • 2. Communion of the Clergy (page 57)
      • 3. The Ending of the Service (page 60)
    • Appendix. Critical Edition of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Old Russian Recension (page 64)
  • Articles (page 88)
    • Andrei A. Orlov. Eschatological Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham: Part I. The Scapegoat Ritual (page 89)
    • Silviu N. Bunta. Your Own of Your OwnŽ: Jewish Adam Speculations and Christian Liturgy in the Slavonic and Romanian Life of Adam and Eve (page 122)
    • Bogdan G. Bucur. The Mountain of the Lord: Sinai, Zion, and Eden in Byzantine Hymnographic Exegesis (page 139)
    • Jack Custer. Inspired Word and Spiritual Worship: How Byzantine Hymnography Interprets Sacred Scripture (page 183)
    • Stéphane Verhelst. Les prières de lambonde la Liturgie de saint Jacques (page 209)
    • Dmitr? F. Bumazhnov. Das Charisma in der christlichen Gnosisund im frühen ägyptischen Mönchtum (page 234)
    • Sung-Hyun Nam. LUsage du Terme «notre père (peneiwt)» dans la littérature pachômienne (page 248)
    • Dragos A. Giulea. The Heavenly Fire Working the Earth of the Heart: Origen, Antony, Pseudo-Macarius, and the Internalization of the Image of Divine Fire (page 262)
    • Nestor Kavvadas. Theology of Language and Liturgical Prayer in Isaac of Nineveh (page 283)
    • Leena Mari Peltomaa. Role of the Virgin Mary at the Siege of Constantinople in 626 (page 294)
    • Tatiana Borisova. To the Problem of the Reconstruction of the Early Stages of the History of the Church Slavonic Translation of the Akathistos Hymn (page 310)
    • Tatiana A. Sénina (moniale Kassia). Remarquessur le canon des défunts écrit par S. Cassia de Constantinople (page 327)
    • Youhanna Nessim Youssef. The Psalis for the Consecration of the Church (Revisited) (page 333)
  • Notes (page 349)
    • Constanta Costea. Earlier Versions of Patriarch Germanus Homily on the Cross and the Icons (page 351)
    • Vladimir A. Livic. Sogdian Ancient LettersŽ (II, IV, V) (page 354)
    • Basil Lourié. Courts of Solomon, A Jewish Collection (page 363)
    • Basil Lourié. Slavonic Texts of Hard Fate: the Prophecy of Solomon and Some Others (page 374)
    • Tatiana A. Sénina (moniale Kassia). Un saint fouette un autre: Théoktistos le logothète et Euthyme de Sardes (page 401)
    • Youhanna Nessim Youssef. Two Notes on the Coptic Theotokias (page 404)
  • Bibliographie (page 433)
    • Michel Stavrou, Nicéphore Blemmydès, OEuvres théologiques. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes. Tome 1 (B. Lourié) (page 435)
    • Tedros Abreha, Il Gädl di Abuna Demyanos santo eritreo (XIV/XV sec.).Edizione del testo etiopico e traduzione italiana (A. Bausi) (page 439)
    • Nouvelles publications de lInstitut de la littérature russe (Maison de Pouchkine) sur la littérature ancienne de la Russie (B. Lourié) (page 446)
    • Les publications récentesdans la série S????G??S F????????S (page 454)
    • Deux livres sur lautocéphalie russe (page 457)
    • Bibliographie du R. P. Michel van Esbroeck, s.j. Addenda (page 458)
  • Discussion (page 459)
    • ?. ?. ?????. ????? ?? ??? «???????????»? (?? ?????? ?. ?. ??????) [P. V. Loukine, Avons-nous besoin de l’esprit novateur?] (page 461)
    • ?. ?. ??????. ?? ?????? ???????? ?. ?. ?????? «????????????? ?????????????»[T. L. Vilkoul, À propos de la recension de P. V. Loukine« Déconstruction de la déconstruction »] (page 505)
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