| Dr. Charles Häberl
MOVING SALE!! MOVING SALE!! MOVING SALE!! We just moved into a new, larger office suite, and we STILL have too many books! In honor of our recent transition, we are having an unbelievable moving sale for ALL online orders. For a limited time only all online orders will receive a 40% discount through Gorgias BiblioPerks™. In addition, every tenth customer that takes advantage of this limited time sale will receive all the books on their order for $3/book plus shipping and handling. Don't delay: the next winner could be you! Needless to say (so that's why we're saying it!), this is a fabulous opportunity for savings on gift books for the holidays. (Don't forget to allow plenty of time for shipping.) We have everything needed for the armchair traveler, the amateur historian, the poetry lover, and that hard-to-buy-for Syriac scholar (hey, there's one in every family, right?). All sales are final--no returns or cancellations. Prepayment is required to be eligible for the $3/book prize. Winners will be posted on our website and in eGorgias. Sale ends December 31, 2007. In order to see BiblioPerks™ sale prices you need to login to your account or create one online. Only online orders will be entered in the $3/book drawing. Here are some lists that will help you shop at www.gorgiaspress.com: Login to your online account to see BiblioPerks™ 40% discounted pricing. Enjoy shopping at www.gorgiaspress.com! Our New Address, Phone and Fax Numbers Don't forget to make a note of our new contact information: - New Gorgias Press phone number: 732-885-8900
- New Gorgias Press fax number: 732-885-8908
- New Gorgias Press mailing address: 180 Centennial Avenue, Suite A, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA
Here's a look at this month's eGorgias:

- Recently Released: Our latest titles
- Coming Soon: Forthcoming titles from Gorgias Press
- From the Acquisitions Desk: By Acquisitions Editor Steve Wiggins
- News: First three winners of the Gorgias Press Moving Sale
- News: Applications for the 2008 Gorgias Press Book Grant still being accepted
- November Enthusiast of the Month: Dr. Charles Häberl
- Reviews: Michael Rand book reviewed
- Conferences: Gorgias Press present at upcoming AAR/SBL Conference in San Diego
The eagerly-anticipated The New Syriac Primer by George Kiraz is now in print, as is Nicolas Wyatt's Word of Tree and Whisper of Stone in our Gorgias Ugaritic Series. In addition, we have released a number of new titles in our Analecta Gorgiana series. You can find a full description of any of our books on our website, www.gorgiaspress.com.  | The New Syriac Primer By George Anton Kiraz
ISBN 978-1-59333-325-6 Paperback w/ CD, $72 (BiblioPerks™ $43.20)
| A truly useful introduction to the Syriac language is a rare find. This practical initiation to the study of the ancient language of the Christian church speaks with clarity and authority. A fruitful integration of scholarly introduction and practical application, this primer is more than a simple grammar or syntactic introduction to the language. Written in a style designed for beginners, Kiraz avoids technical language and strives for a reader-friendly inductive approach. Readings from actual Syriac texts allow the student to experience the language first hand and the basics of the grammar of the language are ably explained. The book comes with a handy CD so that readers may listen to all reading sentences and text passages in the book. |
|  | Word of Tree and Whisper of Stone, and other papers on Ugaritian thought By Nicolas Wyatt
ISBN 978-1-59333-716-2 Hardback, $90 (BiblioPerks™ $54.00)
| This volume is a collection of selected essays on specific themes in Ugaritic literature. Included are eight unique contributions to understanding the religious life and thought of Ugarit, including detailed studies and essays covering broader issues for grasping the worldview of ancient Syria. |
|  | A Call to Covenant Love By Jason S. DeRouchie
ISBN 978-1-59333-674-5 Hardback, $132 (BiblioPerks™ $79.20)
| Profound in its conclusions and targeted toward the exegete, this study offers a clear method for establishing literary macrostructure in OT prose. A brief literary-structural commentary on Deut 5–11 models the text grammatical approach and shows its benefits for exegesis. |
|  | A Reassessment of Asherah By Steve A. Wiggins
ISBN 978-1-59333-717-9 Hardback, $90 (BiblioPerks™ $54.00)
| Asherah is one of the most popular goddesses known from the ancient world. In this second edition of the author’s 1993 monograph on the goddess, further articles and bibliography have been added to bring this ever-expanding field of study more up-to-date. |
|  | The Independent Arab By Hubert Young
ISBN 978-1-59333-672-1 Hardback, $111 (BiblioPerks™ $66.60)
| Part travelogue and part memoir, this account of Major Sir Hubert Young’s time spent in the Middle East in diplomatic and military roles provides a rare insider’s look at political developments in that part of the world. Sympathetic with the rich Arabic heritage of Mesopotamia, Arabia, and what is now Jordan and Syria, Young writes a lucid narrative spanning the time from his first involvement up to the Iraqi Mandate. |
|  | Islam in China By Marshall Broomhall
ISBN 978-1-59333-568-7 Hardback, $123 (BiblioPerks™ $73.80)
| As an active missionary to China from a family of missionaries, Broomhall wrote with an authoritative familiarity of his subject. The concern he addressed in this treatise was the presence of Islam in China. Beginning with the history of Islam in China, Broomhall explores the interactions between aspects of Chinese culture and Islamic religion with an eye towards the effect on evangelization. |
|  | Nestorian Missionary Enterprise By John Stewart
ISBN 978-1-59333-563-2 Hardback, $127 (BiblioPerks™ $76.20)
| Constantly referenced as a reliable source on the "Nestorian" missionary movement, this historical account of that movement is a necessary volume for anyone interested in the missionary work of the Eastern Church. Stewart’s engaging account has remained fresh through the years and remains a standard reference on the topic. |
|  | The Acts of the Edessan Martyrs Guria and Shmona, and Habib and the Story of their Deliverance of Euphemia By F C Burkitt
ISBN 978-1-59333-872-5 Hardback, $113.12 (BiblioPerks™ $67.87)
| In this book the Syriac texts along with translations of the tales of the martyrs themselves as well as the miraculous deliverance of Euphemia are introduced by Professor Burkitt with a commentary focusing on the historicity of the different accounts. |
|  | The Semitic Ishtar Cult By George Aaron Barton
ISBN 978-1-59333-851-0 Paperback, $45 (BiblioPerks™ $27.00)
| Textual evidence regarding the ancient Near Eastern goddess Ishtar is carefully cataloged, transliterated and translated. This is a great resource for anyone interested in the languages and religions of the ancient Near East or Biblical Literature. |
|  | A Syriac Valentinian Hymn By William Romaine Newbold
ISBN 978-1-59333-867-1 Paperback, $32 (BiblioPerks™ $19.20)
| Epiphanius, the great fourth century heresiographer, included in his discussion of the Valentinians an excerpt from a manuscript, of which Newbold here provides the Greek text and the Syriac original, along with his translation, textual notes and commentary. |
|  | The Emperor Julian and the Jews By Michael Adler
ISBN 978-1-59333-857-2 Paperback, $38 (BiblioPerks™ $22.80)
| This study explores the Emperor Julian's actions in regards to the Jews, especially his advances toward rebuilding the Jewish Temple. It offers the reader an insight into an aspect of Julian’s reign not often examined by Christian historians. |
|  | The Life of Al-Ghazzali By Duncan B. MacDonald
ISBN 978-1-59333-863-3 Paperback, $38 (BiblioPerks™ $22.80)
| Al-Ghazzali’s contributions to Muslim theology cannot be overestimated and Professor MacDonald brings to life the thoughts and experiences of this medieval theologian, philosopher, and mystic, with special attention to his religious experiences and opinions. |
|  | Islam Corrects Judaism By Sidney Adams Weston
ISBN 978-1-59333-862-6 Paperback, $38 (BiblioPerks™ $22.80)
| Herein a 13th century Alexandrian Jewish convert to Islam records his understanding of the truth of Islam over Judaism. Dr. Sidney A. Weston edits, translates and comments on this text making it accessible to the scholar and enthusiast alike. |
|  | Ascetic Strains in Early Judaism By James A. Montgomery
ISBN 978-1-59333-868-8 Paperback, $32 (BiblioPerks™ $19.20)
| Reviewing the relevant Jewish and Christian literature the author demonstrates that though there is no mandate for ascetic practice within early Judaism, there is a deep respect there for an ascetic way of life. |
|  | Christian Demonology By F. C. Conybeare
ISBN 978-1-59333-870-1 Paperback, $44.2 (BiblioPerks™ $26.52)
| This work is concerned primarily with the treatment of the demonic within early Christian literature, but also incorporates evidence from various other world religions, especially early Judaism and paganism. |
|  | The Descent of Christ in the Odes of Solomon By William Romaine Newbold
ISBN 978-1-59333-866-4 Paperback, $32 (BiblioPerks™ $19.20)
| This title explores the implications of the Descent of Christ in the twenty-third Ode in regards to astrology and Gnostic thought and supports the thesis of the author’s earlier work that the Odes emerged from a Judaeo-Christian, Mesopotamian setting. |
We are excited to announce that the following titles will soon be in print: Click here for a complete list of our soon-to-be-published books. Negotiating Island Identities By Ina Berg Negotiating Island Identities explores the history of interaction between Crete and the Cycladic islands from the late Middle to Late Bronze II periods when Minoan influence was at its peak. Based on a thorough investigation of pottery assemblages from key sites, the book advocates a rethink of established acculturation scenarios (such as “Minoanisation”) in relation to the Cycladic islands. Openness or closure towards outside influences was not predetermined by cultural, geographical or ecological variables but was socially constructed. Island communities could consciously fashion their worlds and make choices about the nature and degree of interaction with their neighbours. ISBN 978-1-59333-725-4, Hardback, $102 (BiblioPerks™ $61.20) Terms for Eternity: Aiônios and Aïdios in Classical and Christian Texts By David Konstan Ilaria Ramelli This book explores two ancient Greek terms for eternity, aiônios and aïdios, from their earliest occurrence in Pre-Socratic philosophy and Plato down through the patristic fathers, where they play a crucial role in debates over eternal punishment vs. universal salvation. ISBN 978-1-59333-694-3 , Hardback, $103 (BiblioPerks™ $61.80) The Ceramic Oil Lamp as an Indicator of Cultural Change within Nabataean Society in Petra and its Environs circa CE 106 By Deirdre Grace Barrett Can an altered perception in the Nabataean worldview be detected at the time of the Roman annexation of Petra, Jordan, in CE106? The analysis of ancient ceramic oil lamps from three sacred/ceremonial sites in the area provides evidence for this cultural change. ISBN 978-1-59333-628-8, Hardback, $102 (BiblioPerks™ $61.20) Syriac and Antiochian Exegesis and Biblical Theology for the 3rd Millennium By Robert D. Miller (ed.) This volume of collected essays explores the exegesis of the patristic School of Antioch, the Syriac Church Fathers, and the churches of the Antiochian-Syriac traditions. This exegetical tradition can be of use in today's historical-critical biblical scholarship with relation to theology. ISBN 978-1-59333-487-1, Hardback, $98 (BiblioPerks™ $58.80) The Coming of the Impassible God: Tracing a Dilemma in Christian Theology By Joseph M. Hallman This book describes the development of the Christian understanding of God from the second to the eighth century as witnessed by major theologians who gradually realized that the Incarnate Word made flesh was not the God of the philosophers. They helped construct the great dogmas of the Christological councils. Beginning with the Apologists and ending with Maximus Confessor, the theological tradition overcame the notion of impassible deity in favor of the humble God of Christian faith, the Word made flesh. ISBN 978-1-59333-792-6, Hardback, $109 (BiblioPerks™ $65.40) Lesser Deities in the Ugaritic Texts and the Hebrew Bible By Sang Youl Cho This book explores ancient conceptions of the lesser deities, the so-called angels, in the Ugaritic texts and the Hebrew Bible. It provides readers with fundamental understanding of ancient "angelology" in the religious literatures from Ugarit and Israel. ISBN 978-1-59333-820-6, Hardback, $124 (BiblioPerks™ $74.40) Lishan Didan, Targum Didan: Translation Language in a Neo-Aramaic Targum Tradition By Margo Rees An analysis of a modern targum tradition – and the Neo-Aramaic dialect in which it was written – in light of the history of traditional Jewish Bible translation and its uses. ISBN 978-1-59333-426-0, Hardback, $98 (BiblioPerks™ $58.80)
The ebb and flow of the academic cycle are never-ending. I am reminded of how busy this time of year is even as I teach just one course this year at Rutgers as an adjunct instructor. Nevertheless, from my many years in the classroom, I know how insanely busy November can be! If you're like me, you're looking forward to the enjoyable break that the American Academy of Religion / Society of Biblical Literature Conference conference always affords. If you have a project languishing through the trials of midterms, finals, and term papers, waiting patiently for your attention, why not stop by our booth (#732) and let us know about it? We are always glad to discuss potential projects with authors, no matter how far along they may be. Wouldn’t it be great to get that project off the shelf and into a book contract? Academic publications can be produced with remarkably little work once they are finished, so if you are thinking about publishing a book, and you have received this newsletter, why not send it along? Your submission will get personal attention and you could be well on your way to your next academic book! Keep reading while there is light! Steve Wiggins, Acquisitions Editor
First Three Winners of the Gorgias Press Moving Sale
Our Moving Sale has been a smashing success so far, and we already have five winners: William Dobos, Fr. Gregory Woolfenden, Joby Uthuppan, C. J. T. Talar and Len & Sue Bardsley. Between them, they will pay only $30.00 (plus shipping) for ten books totaling $722.00. Congratulations all! As for the rest of you, we encourage you to keep trying. It ain't over till it's over and the next winner could be you! Some of the titles ordered by our winners are listed below. Announcing the 2008 Gorgias Press Book Grant
Gorgias Press is now accepting applications for the 2008 Gorgias Book Grant. Outstanding graduate students are invited to apply. Two awards are given annually, consisting of Gorgias Press books in the amount of $500.00 per grant. The application deadline is January 31, 2008. Grants will be awarded in March 2008. Check our Book Grants Page for more information on eligibility and the application process. Previous grant winners are ineligible. Items Ordered by our First Four Moving Book Sales Winners:
 | Sunshine and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople By Lady Annie Brassey
ISBN 1-59333-304-8 Paperback, $43 (BiblioPerks™ $25.80)
| In this diary recording two voyages to Constantinople, Lady Annie Brassey demonstrates her keen eye for human interest and narrative detail. The modern reader will glimpse natural wonders and cultural distinctions of Portuagal, Spain, Moroco, Italy, Greece, and Turkey during the mid-1870s. |
|  | The Searchable and Bookmarked Syriac-English Dictionary By George (ed) Kiraz
ISBN 978-1-59333-790-2 CD (PDF), $51 (BiblioPerks™ $30.60)
| In the lamentable absence of an English-Syriac dictionary, this handy digital tool will be useful to Syriac scholars on the go. A pdf version of J. Payne-Smith’s Compendious Syriac Dictionary, fully bookmarked and searchable, this innovative tool will allow scholars to search all English words in the dictionary. Not only can this pdf be uploaded to laptops, it will also work with smart phones, palms, and other portable electronic devices. Ideal for carrying into the library with you while on Syriac research, this worthwhile edition of the time-honored dictionary will be certain to find a host of applications for today’s Syriac scholar. |
|  | The Justification of Religious Faith in Soren Kierkegaard, John Henry Newman, and William James By Paul Sands
ISBN 1-59333-126-6 Hardback, $98 (BiblioPerks™ $58.80)
| This book examines the religious epistemologies of Søren Kierkegaard, John Henry Newman, and William James in the light of contemporary challenges to religious faith. They defended the right of persons to embrace religious beliefs that are not strictly warranted by empirical evidence and logical argumentation. Faith must not be hampered, they argued, by the demands of reason narrowly conceived. Paul Sands notes, however, important differences in the way each relates faith to reason. Sands examines the religious epistemologies of Kierkegaard, Newman, and James in the context of two "givens" characteristic of early twenty-first century culture, namely, the intellectual hegemony of probabilism and the pluralization of the Western mind. |
|  | Anaphoras: The Book of the Divine Liturgies By Murad Barsom (tr)
ISBN 0-9631431-0-7 Hardback, $120 (BiblioPerks™ $72.00)
| The Anaphoras gives thirteen ancient liturgies, in the original Syriac text, with English translation. Additionally, notes and comments describe how the priest and deacons perform the liturgy. |
|  | The Book of the Bee By Solomon of Akhlat
ISBN 1-59333-402-8 Hardback, $102 (BiblioPerks™ $61.20)
| The Book of the Bee is a collection of theological and historical texts compiled by Solomon of Akhlat in the thirteenth century. The book consists of 55 chapters discussing various topics including the creation, heaven and earth, the angels, darkness, paradise, Old Testament patriarchs, New Testament events, lists of kings and patriarchs, and the final day of resurrection. This edition by E. A. W. Budge gives the original Syriac text with an English translation. The edition also includes an extract from the Arabic version of the same text. |
|  | Christian Demonology By F. C. Conybeare
ISBN 978-1-59333-870-1 Paperback, $44.2 (BiblioPerks™ $26.52)
| This work is concerned primarily with the treatment of the demonic within early Christian literature, but also incorporates evidence from various other world religions, especially early Judaism and paganism. |
|  | The Liturgies of Saints Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostomos, and Basil, and the Church of Malabar By John Mason Neale
ISBN 1-931956-58-8 Paperback, $46 (BiblioPerks™ $27.60)
| In this reissue of the English version of the Primitive Liturgies, the translation has been carefully revised and compared with the original texts, and a few additional notes have been appended to elucidate difficulties. |
|  | Nusrotho By Gabriel Aydin
ISBN 0-00000-003-X CD, $34 (BiblioPerks™ $20.40)
| We have only a few copies left of this CD, so order yours now! Nusrotho provides a unique selection of pieces from the Syriac liturgical tradition. Producer Gabriel Aydin has selected hymns with distinct musical features and characteristics with regard to their melody, rhythm and scale. |
For this month's enthusiast, Gorgiasians are pleased to have Dr. Charles Häberl. Dr. Häberl is a member of the faculty at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, where he teaches courses on Qur'anic Arabic, Middle Eastern minorities, and other subjects. He is also the Assistant Director for Development and Communication at the same institution. Dr. Häberl is a scholar of the endangered languages, religious traditions, and cultures of the Middle East, and particularly those belonging to the Semitic and Iranian ambits. Because these cultures are deeply rooted in the region, and he believes that no understanding of the region can be achieved without reference to its long history, his research necessarily encompasses everything from the earliest traces of these groups to their modern descendants. Dr. Häberl is the editor for GP's Mandaic Studies series. His scholarship has focused extensively upon the Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran, including their religious literature, epigraphic remains, and their endangered language, Mandaic. He is presently the only researcher engaged in fieldwork with speakers of Neo-Mandaic, the latest results of which will soon be available in his Neo-Mandaic Dialect of Khorramshahr (Harrassowitz, 2007). A newcomer to the academy, Dr. Häberl was born and raised in the State of New Jersey, and received his PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University in 2006. He is a member of several learned societies, such as the American Oriental Society and the North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics, as well as a frequent participant in their annual meetings. This past summer, he took part in a Summer School on "Documenting Endangered Iranian Languages" at the University of Kiel, along with colleagues from Iran, Turkey, and other parts of Europe, courtesy of a grant from the VolkswagenStiftung. |
Dr. Häberl shares these thoughts about Gorgias Press: "I first discovered Gorgias Press while I was in graduate school, and like many other graduate students I was thrilled that someone was finally publishing affordable and essential resources in my field of study, either for the first time in print or as reprints often after long periods of unavailability. Several times each year I have the opportunity to visit the staff at Gorgias and peruse a wide selection of their impressive stock, as they are inevitably present at the annual meetings of my professional associations. I've also had the privilege of working together with Gorgias on a publication and was much impressed by the personal touch that the staff gave me, a refreshing change from many other publishing houses in my field. Gorgias has established itself as the premier publisher of materials related to the endangered minorities of the Middle East, a subject whose time has come. By publishing these materials, Gorgias is not only heightening the awareness of the issues facing them among the scholarly community, but also among the general public, a service for which I cannot thank it enough. It's difficult for me to pick only a few books from this stock, but since April DeConick (last month's enthusiast) has such great taste I will second her picks and offer the following suggestions:" Dr. Häberl recommends the following books from Gorgias Press:  | The Great Treasure or Great Book, commonly called "The Book of Adam," the Mandaeans' work of highest authority By Julius Heinrich Petermann
ISBN 978-1-59333-525-0 Hardback, $349 (BiblioPerks™ $209.40)
| The rare source of Mandaic doctrines, the Bible of the Nasoreans, this fascinating work has been largely unavailable until now. “The Treasures,” or Ginza, written in the Nasorean script and language, was published in 1867 by J. H. Petermann. Now with an English translation of the introduction, this scarce resource is at last available. |
|  | Iraq After The Muslim Conquest By Michael G Morony
ISBN 1-59333-315-3 Hardback, $124 (BiblioPerks™ $74.40)
| Morony compares conditions in late Sasanian and early Islamic Iraq in the seventh century AD and depicts both the emergence of a local form of Islamic society, and the interaction of Muslim conquerors from Arabia with the native population. |
|  | The Syriac-Speaking People [Suryaniler] By Melih Duygulu
ISBN 0-00000-030-X Hardback w/ CD, $62 (BiblioPerks™ $37.20)
| Referred to by many enthusiasts of the Syriac tradition as the best compilation of Syriac music, this limited supply 2-CD set and booklet is an excellent introduction to Syriac tradition through the lenses of both religion and culture. The first CD is a highlight of rich liturgical hymns while the second CD gives a taste of the popular folk music of this rich ancient tradition. |
Review of Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine by Michael Rand Michael Rand's Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine has received a review in the Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 58, no. 2 (Autumn 2007). The reviewer, Nicholas de Lange of Cambridge University, states that, "The project is an innovative one, in that it treats the language of this corpus of poems as effectively a self-conatined system that can be described in its own terms."  | Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine By Michael Rand
ISBN 1-59333-348-X Hardback, $124 (BiblioPerks™ $74.40)
| This book investigates the interaction between grammatical norms and poetic technique on the basis of a corpus selected from the oeuvre of the payyetan Eleazar be-rabbi Qillir. As a basis for this investigation, a descriptive/comparative analysis of the Qillirian dialect is offered. The first portion of the work is a grammar devoted mainly to morphology and syntax. The second portion of the work is an investigation of the poetic norms, as well as rhetorical techniques employed by Qillir, together with an assessment of their impact on the grammar. The overall aim of the project is to design an analytical framework within which a self-conscious poetic dialect might be investigated. |
Gorgias Press at AAR/SBL in San Diego, November 17-20 We are eagerly looking forward to the American Academy of Religion / Society of Biblical Literature Conference in San Diego, CA, November 17-20, 2007. Be sure to stop by and say "hello"; we are offering a 40% conference discount. You will have a chance to meet our editors, George Kiraz, Katie Stott and Steve Wiggins, who will be glad to hear of your works in progress. If you have a manuscript proposal, come talk to us and let us know. We are nicely located at booth #732: when you enter on the right side of the attendee entrance, just put your blinders on and head straight on until you see our display on the left. We're near the concessions area, so get your java (and one for us!) and come chat with us for a while. See you there! Conference Report: Pappas and Byzantine Conferences Gorgias Press has been busy on the conference circuit, having recently attended the Pappas Conference in Boston, the Byzantine Conference in Toronto, and the CAAS (Classical Association of the Atlantic States) Conference in Washington, D.C. Veteran conference-going rep and GP president George Kiraz offers the following notes on the Pappas and Byzantine conferences: Gorgias has been exhibiting at the Pappas conference regularly, and we have witnessed the growth of this conference due to the tireless efforts of Bruce Beck. Unfortunately, Bruce was not able to be with us during this conference as his mother was in her last days. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Beck family. Attendees of the conference were interested to see the many new books that Gorgias has published in the field of Orthodoxy and Eastern Christianity in the past year. Attendees were particularly interested in Stephen Thomas’s Deification in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition: A Biblical Perspective. Gorgias was also pleased to donate to the Pappas Library one of our new volumes, Lois Farag’s Cyril of Alexandria, A New Testament Exegete. This is the first time Gorgias has exhibited at the Byzantine conference. We were amazed to meet so many people who have already heard of Gorgias, were already customers, or whose emails our e-mail campaigns regularly abuse. We had the opportunity to talk to students and scholars and to possibly acquire some new titles. The best sellers were Christopher Livanos’s Greek Tradition and Latin Influence in the Work of George Scholarios, and Mark Wilson’s Thomas Allom's Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. Aside from the conference itself, going to Toronto was particularly adventurous. I had my cousin with me whom I had to abandon at the Bridge crossing to Canada—as the Americans would not let him back in had we crossed the bridge before asking (nothing to be alarmed about, just visa issues). On the way back, I visited one of our authors, Dr. Matti Moosa, who is translating important works from Arabic into English for Gorgias.
The following books were bestsellers at the Pappas, Byzantine and CAAS conferences:  | Deification in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition: A Biblical Perspective By Stephen Thomas
ISBN 978-1-59333-324-9 Hardback, $102 (BiblioPerks™ $61.20)
| A popularly-written study of the biblical roots of the Eastern Orthodox Church’s mystical understanding of the knowledge of God. This unique study brings together the best of contemporary exegesis with the tradition of Eastern Christianity and illustrates the biblical roots of the Eastern Church's understanding of grace as the energy of God. The book presents, in lay terms, the shape for an Orthodox biblical theology for the 21st century and will be of interest to all Christians for whom the Bible is divine revelation and for whom tradition continues to be creative. |
|  | Ephrem the Syrian: Select Poems By George Kiraz Sebastian Brock
ISBN 978-0-934893-65-7 Hardback, $47 (BiblioPerks™ $28.20)
| The most important poet-theologian of the ancient Syriac Church, St. Ephrem wrote many works that are still in use today. In this handsome volume, twenty of Ephrem the Syrian’s poems are arranged in compliance with the saint’s understanding of salvation history. These poems, starting with paradise and running through the sacramental life of the church, are a proficuous introduction to the thought of Ephrem. |
|  | Greek Tradition and Latin Influence in the Work of George Scholarios By Christopher Livanos
ISBN 1-59333-344-7 Hardback, $99 (BiblioPerks™ $59.40)
| This book attempts to understand the miscommunications between Greeks and westerners in the fifteenth century by concentrating on the work of George Gennadios Scholarios who under the name of Gennadios II became the first Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church during Ottoman Rule. |
|  | Thomas Allom's Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor By Mark Wilson
ISBN 1-59333-139-8 Hardback, $168 (BiblioPerks™ $100.80)
| Allom traveled through Constantinople, Bursa, and the Aegean region making drawings. Allom’s scenic portraiture, paired with descriptive commentary by Robert Walsh, is a cultural, historical, and artistic treasure of great interest to contemporary travelers and readers. |
|  | The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic By W W Fowler
ISBN 1-59333-003-0 Hardback, $76 (BiblioPerks™ $45.60)
| W. Warde Fowler's book gives a detailed commentary on Roman religious festivals for each month of the year, covering both public and non-public worship. |
|  | After Life in Roman Paganism By Franz Cumont
ISBN 1-931956-37-5 Paperback, $50 (BiblioPerks™ $30.00)
| Through the course of eight lectures, Franz Cumont gives a thorough investigation of the afterlife in Roman pagan thought. He covers topics such as the afterlife, celestial immortality, untimely death, the sufferings of hell and metempsychosis, the felicity of the blessed, the journey to the beyond, and more. |
Gorgias Press Suite A, 180 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA Tel. +1 732-885-8900 Fax. +1 732-885-8908 Email: orders@gorgiaspress.com www.gorgiaspress.com