As we reach the peak of summer, we at Gorgias Press are working as hard as ever to bring you the finest cutting-edge books to quench your scholarly thirst. Read on for the latest around the press. Our News section this month is packed with exciting announcements. First, we send our utmost congratulations to the 2013 Gorgias Book Grant awardees, Lev Weitz of Princeton University and Bradley Marsh Jr. of Oxford University, and wish to thank all who applied. Last month, we introduced Lev to our readers; this month, you can read more about Bradley. Additionally, our Editor-in-Chief George Kiraz is currently in Jerusalem teaching an immersion Syriac course at the Polis Institute; read on for exciting updates on George's travels to Israel/Palestine. If you haven't already, sign up for our limited-time only 50%-off Antioch Bible subscription (orig. $150/volume, now $75/volume with subscription discount). Please note that the 50% off is only for subscribers to the series and not the individual books. Hurry and subscribe now! Finally, if you would like to unsubscribe from eGorgias, the link can be found at the top and bottom of this newsletter. Happy reading, Christine Kiraz

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Below is a select list of recent releases. For the complete list, please visit our Just Published page. 
The Filioque Impasse By Michelle Coetzee ISBN 978-1-60724-585-8 Hardback, $99 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $89.10)
| A fascinating study of the underlying reasons for the disagreement over the clause “and the Son” in the Western version of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan creed, which contributed to the schism between Eastern and Western Christians. Coetzee argues that there has been a great deal of misunderstanding of the positions of each tradition by the other, partly due to the fact that East and West imbue certain key words, such as ‘person’ and ‘unity’, with different meanings which Coetzee believes come from different understandings of Hellenic philosophy. Against this backdrop, Coetzee sets about clearing up some of the misunderstandings.
Revolt in Palestine in the Eighteenth Century By Ahmad Hasan Joudah ISBN 978-1-4632-0002-2 Hardback, $177.97 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $160.17)
| In the turbulent atmosphere of the eighteenth century when the Ottoman Empire was enfeebled, local leaders far from Istanbul took matters into their own hands. At first, these leaders only regulated local trade and tax collection, but soon, leaders like Shaykh Zahir al-‘Umar — a district tax collector in Palestine— saw opportunities to amass great wealth and power while providing autonomous government and safer roads to their local followers. A gripping and fascinating read, Ahmad Joudah’s biography of Shaykh Zahir is crucial for scholars seeking to contextualize developments in modern Palestinian history within the politics of the late Ottoman Empire.
Foundations for Syriac Lexicography V Edited by Jonathan Loopstra & Michael Sokoloff ISBN 978-1-61719-027-8 Hardback, $165.10 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $148.59)
| The fifth published colloquia of the International Syriac Language Project (ISLP), presenting papers from an international team of authors working to develop contemporary, interdisciplinary approaches to linguistics and lexicography.
Galatians to Philemon According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation English Translation by J. Edward Walters; Text Prepared by George Anton Kiraz ISBN 978-1-61143-893-2 Hardback, $150 (Special Subscription Price $75.00/volume)
| This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars.
Jeremiah According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation English Translation by Gillian Greenberg & Donald M. Walter; Text Prepared by George Anton Kiraz & Joseph Bali ISBN 978-1-61143-892-5 Hardback, $150 (Special Subscription Price $75.00/volume)
| This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta carried out by an international team of scholars. The fully vocalized and pointed Syriac text, and the English translation, are presented on facing pages so that both can be studied together. Much supplementary information is given in annotations, Addenda, and Appendices.
A List of Syriac Orthodox Ecclesiastic Ordinations from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century By Iskandar Bcheiry ISBN 978-1-60724-621-3 Hardback, $157.88 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $142.10)
| The Bodleian Library in Oxford currently holds an unpublished historical document in Syriac containing precious historical information about the ordination of bishops, priests, monks, and deacons. Bcheiry gives the text and translation, and focuses on the importance of the data found in this historical list which he compares with other historical data found in other sources.
Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World Edited by Helen R. Jacobus, Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme & Philippe Guillaume ISBN 978-1-61143-869-7 Hardback, $194.35 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $174.92)
| A selection of essays on magic and divination in relation to the biblical world, including Mesopotamian demonology, Akkadian literary influences, exorcism, healing, calendars, astrology, bibliomancy, dreams, ritual magic, priestly divination, prophecy, magic in the Christian Apocrypha and the New Testament, magic in rabbinic literature, and Jewish Aramaic magic bowls.
Here is a select list of forthcoming publications. Click here for a complete list. The New Syriac Primer By George Anton Kiraz A truly useful introduction to the Syriac language is a rare find. This practical initiation to the study of this ancient language of the Christian church speaks with clarity and authority. A fruitful integration of scholarly introduction and practical application, this primer is more than a simple grammar or syntactic introduction to the language. Written in a style designed for beginners, Kiraz avoids technical language and strives for a reader-friendly inductive approach. Readings from actual Syriac texts allow the student to experience the language first hand and the basics of the grammar of the language are ably explained. The book comes with downloadable material so that readers may listen to all reading sentences and text passages in the book. ISBN 978-1-59333-325-6, Paperback, $48 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $43.20) The Struggle for Roman Citizenship By Seth Kendall Between 91 and 77 BCE a series of wars were fought in Italy which left the Roman commonwealth in shambles and involved efforts on the part of Rome’s non-citizen Italian allies to obtain the rights of Roman citizenship. This is a survey of the allies' quest for citizenship in the Republic, the reasons it was sought, the often violent measures they took to acquire it, and the impact this quest had on the Roman state. ISBN 978-1-61143-487-3, Hardback, $150 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $135.00) The Petra Pool-Complex: A Hellenistic Paradeisos in the Nabataean Capital By Leigh-Ann Bedal Excavations in the Lower Market in Petra (Jordan), capital of the ancient kingdom of Nabsataea, uncovered the remnants of a monumental pool-complex at the heart of the ancient city. It played an important role in the socio-political life of Petra during the Nabataean and Roman periods. The mere presence of a paradeidos in Petra symbolized the Nabataean king's power and helped to legitimize his place among contemporary rulers. The paradeisos is an example of a gratuitous display of conspicuous consumption, a symbol of the flourishing status of Petra during its Classical era. ISBN 1-59333-120-7_xxx, Hardback, $123.75 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $111.38) Concise Teachings of Christianity for Orthodox Families and Schools By Gregorius Bulus Behnam; Translation and Introduction by Matti Moosa Matti Moosa provides an introduction and a translation of Rev. Bulus Behnam’s 1946 work on the basic principles of the Christian faith based on the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Syrian Church considers the Holy Bible its sole authority for salvation. ISBN 978-1-4632-0215-6, Paperback, $45 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $40.50) Iran as Imagined Nation Revised Edition: By Mostafa Vaziri A critical study of how Iranian nationalism, itself largely influenced by Orientalist scholarship, has shaped modern conceptions of Iran and Iranian identity, as well as narratives of Iranian history. ISBN 978-1-4632-0227-9, Paperback, $39.50 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $35.55)
Gorgias is pleased to announce forthcoming publication of the following titles in the fields of classics, religious philosophy, biblical studies, and Syriac studies. Currently in press is the next volume in the Gorgias Studies in Classical and Late Antiquity series. The Double-Edged Sword, edited by Susan Louise Graham and Robert Seesengood, explores early Jewish-Christian relations and is based on papers from the 2006 Society of Biblical Literature International meeting held in Edinburgh, Scotland. Another forthcoming title to take note of is in the Perspectives on Philosophy and Religious Thought series. John Stephens' The Dreams and Visions of Aelius Aristides presents a first-person account of the multitude of nocturnal and waking dream-visions and miraculous healings as experienced by second century CE Greco-Roman sophist Aelius Aristides. In the Texts and Studies series, Jan Joosten's Language and Textual History of the Syriac Bible sheds light on lesser-explored aspects of the Syriac Bible. In particular, Joonsten examines the roots of Old Syriac and Peshitta gospels in a much earlier Aramaic gospel tradition. Finally, the latest installation in our Antioch Bible series is currently in press. Keep an eye out for Deuteronomy According to the Syriac Peshitta Version, due to be released in August. Melonie Schmierer-Lee Acquisitions Editor The Double-Edged Sword Edited by Susan Louise Graham & Robert Seesengood The Bible is often used rhetorically as a polemical weapon to defend community consciousness and self-identity. Specialists from several different disciplines explore such rhetorical use of biblical narratives, from the time of Second Temple Judaism through late antiquity, to sharpen or dull the crisis and conflict erupting between Christian and Jew, Greek, and other Christians. ISBN 978-1-60724-085-3, Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $85.50) The Dreams and Visions of Aelius Aristides By John Stephens An analysis of the religious experiences of the Greco-Roman sophist, Aelius Aristides. As a member of the cult of Asclepius, Aristides recorded his nocturnal dreams, waking visions and spiritual healings in a diary entitled the Sacred Tales. A study of this diary sheds light on the spiritual environment of the Roman world in the first and second century CE. ISBN 978-1-4632-0232-3, Hardback, $165.10 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $148.59) Language and Textual History of the Syriac Bible By Jan Joosten The Syriac Bible is a fascinating field to which too little research has been devoted. In the present volume, Jan Joosten gathers a number of pilot studies, published in various journals and collective volumes, shedding light on the Syriac Old Testament, New Testament, and the relation between them. A number of studies advance the claim that the Old Syriac and Peshitta gospels preserve echoes of an Aramaic gospel tradition that gives independent access to the earliest, oral traditions on the life and teaching of Jesus. ISBN 978-1-61143-891-8, Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $85.50) Deuteronomy According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation English Translation by Carmel McCarthy; Text Prepared by George Anton Kiraz This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. ISBN 978-1-61143-930-4, Hardback, $150 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $135.00)
Gorgias 2013 Book Grant Winner: Bradley Marsh Jr. 
Bradley J. Marsh, Jr. is a D.Phil Candidate in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford. Under the guidance of Alison Salvesen, his thesis explores the textual awareness and exegetical use of the Samaritan Pentateuch in early Christianity. His primary interests include textual criticism/history, biblical versions, manuscript studies, the Hexapla, and the relationship between religious community and sacred text. Upon winning the award, he had the following thoughts to share: "I would like to thank Gorgias for the grant and for their continued dedication to Syriac studies in academia."
*** Excerpts of Editor-in-Chief George Kiraz's travel report from Jerusalem 
Left: George and Tabetha at Friday liturgy at St. Mark's Monastery, Jerusalem Arrived in Jerusalem after 30 years of leaving the 'country'. The Polis Institute staff picked us up and took us to the Institute in Jerusalem. The first thing we did was visit St Mark's. I was wondering if I would find my way in the small streets of the Old City, but as soon as I started walking, it was as if I was there yesterday. From New Gate across the Christian Quarter, to Hebron Gate, down to Harat al-Nasara, left, right, left, right, and we were there. Just before entering, Seren Ghattas, whom I have not seen since high school, recognized me (way to go, Seren!). We then went to visit Mor Severus Malki. Dayroyo Shimun, whom I have not seen for all these years, was present. We talked of old times, had dinner and walked back to our room in al-Musrara. Jerusalem is unique in that in one moment you are in Europe and in another you are in the Middle East. The contrast, while interesting, is a sad telling of current life in the Holy City. ... We spent Sunday in Bethlehem. Mor Severeus kindly invited us to go in his car with a diplomats’ license, which made crossing the Wall that separates the West Bank from Jerusalem easier. We arrived at St. Mary’s and began the liturgy. It was the 40th memorial of Mr. Afram Nisan, a businessman who was always good to the church. After the mercy meal, Tabetha and I walked arrived Bethlehem (which does not take too long), visiting first the Nativity Church, the Milk Grotto, the souq (market), and al-Madbaseh where my school was. We then visited Ras Fteis, where I grew up, and took pictures at the narrow stairs that went up to the house I grew up in. We went back to the church in the evening where there was a celebration of the completion of a summer camp, and Tabetha was called and given a certificate and gift as well. Everyone was so kind to us. We then drove back, through Beit Sahour, to Jerusalem. ... Busy day... After class, Fr Etienne Méténier of École Biblque took us to his monastery in Emmaus near Latrun. We had lunch and saw the chapel and archaeological tombs. I asked if he could take me to the Bruders in Latrun where I used to go as a young man for retreats. Bruder Daniel and Bruder Jacob went back to Germany for some time. But Bruder Matthias is still there and it was nice to remember the old days. In the evening I took my students to St Mark's for liturgy. Mor Severus gave us a tour and we saw the old printing press. Dayroyo Shimun showed us two manuscripts and he demonstrated calligraphy.
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