Spring Cleaning is in full swing here at Gorgias Press, and we have a number of exciting changes and updates to announce this month, including our 2014 Book Grant winners, a new Library Affiliate program, and a Twitter account! See the News and Enthusiast sections for more information on these improvements. As always, we hope you are aware of our deal on the Antioch Bible. Happy reading! 
- Recently Released
- Coming Soon
- From the Acquisitions Desk
- Enthusiast(s) of the Month: Book Grant Winners, Gavin McDowell and Yael Landman
- News
- Conferences
Below is a select list of recent releases. For the complete list, please visit our Just Published page. 
The Armenian Prayers attributed to Ephrem the Syrian Edited and Translated by Edward G. Mathews Jr. ISBN 978-1-4632-0262-0 Paperback, $40 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $36.00)
| Armenian text of the Prayers attributed to Ephrem the Syrian, with the first-ever translation into a western language. Utilizing a highly developed poetic rhythm, the author manifests a profound spirituality laying his own emptiness before the inexhaustible Mercy of God.
Insiders versus Outsiders Edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok & John Anthony Dunne ISBN 978-1-4632-0257-6 Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $85.50)
| Christianity as a movement developed within the already established, but volatile Jewish movement/religion, expressing a profound sense of inclusivism illustrated in the transcendence of social boundaries. In this book the dynamic reality of creating and transcending boundaries and the relationship between insiders and outsiders are explored by way of reflecting on mission and ethos.
An Introduction to Early Christianity By Pau Figueras ISBN 978-1-4632-0238-5 Paperback, $48 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $43.20)
| A general introduction to the origin and development of Christianity, from its Jewish background in the land of Israel up to its contribution to the thought and art of medieval Europe.
Here is a select list of forthcoming publications. Click here for a complete list. Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians Edited by Geoffrey Herman The Sasanian Empire was home to many religious communities. It was also a place of meeting and transformation. The studies in this volume encompass a diverse array of topics concerning these religious communities inhabiting the Sasanian Empire. Some include the Roman East in their deliberations. Most, however, deal with the interaction of one or other religious community based in the Sasanian Empire with the dominant religion of the empire, Zoroastrianism. ISBN 978-1-4632-0250-7, Hardback, $188.5 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $169.65) The Syriac Book of Steps 3 Translation and Introduction by Robert A. Kitchen & Martien F. G. Parmentier The Syriac Book of Steps collects 30 sermons by a late 4th century anonymous author in the Persian Empire. The author details the spiritual life, highlighting the duties and problems of two ranks of committed Christians, the Upright and the Perfect. ISBN 978-1-59333-981-4, Paperback, $61 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $54.90) An East Syrian Manuscript of the Syriac 'Masora' Dated to 899 CE Volume 1: Prepared by Jonathan Loopstra This unique manuscript of the East Syrian Syriac ‘Masora’ is essential for any study of early Syriac vocalization, accentuation, and punctuation. This volume presents a facsimile reproduction of this ‘masoretic’ manuscript. An introduction and comprehensive scriptural indices will be included in a forthcoming volume. ISBN 978-1-61143-896-3, Hardback, $262.6 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $236.34) Epiphanius von Salamis, Über die zwölf Steine im hohepriesterlichen Brustschild (De duodecim gemmis rationalis) By Felix Albrecht & Arthur Manukyan At the request of Diodorus, bishop of Tyre, Epiphanius of Salamis produced this exegetical treatise on the gemstones in the High Priest's breastplate. The oldest Christian work on gemstones, the the author deals with the stones according to their appearance and their medical benefit as well as their attribution to the twelve tribes based on Christian exegesis. Only extracts of this work are preserved in Greek. This volume provides the important – but hereto unconsidered – Armenian text with a German translation and commentarial annotations, as well as an English introduction. ISBN 978-1-4632-0279-8, Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $85.50)
This month we’re pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of books in the fields of Biblical Studies and Syriac Christianity: In "I will be King over you!”: The Rhetoric of Divine Kingship in the Book of Ezekiel, Terry Clark explores the motifs of divine kingship and their use in encouraging Judean exiles in Babylon to preserve their communal identity. Clark also explores the sub-themes of paradise and the underworld, divine presence and absence, and the exodus. In the seventh century a number of important Syriac writers on spirituality and monasticism, or liturgical commentators and biblical exegetes within the Church of the East, are known to have been born or educated in Beth Qatraye, revealing the presence of an important center of education that rivalled the other more well-known centers such as the School of Nisibis or the School of Edessa. The Syriac Writers of Qatar in the Seventh Century, edited by Mario Kozah, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Saif Shaeen Al-Murikhi and Sheikha Haya Al Thani, focuses attention on the extraordinary, yet often-neglected, intellectual milieu from which these Syriac writers emerged. To see the full list of titles in different series, visit our series page. Melonie Schmierer-Lee Acquisitions Editor "I will be King over you!" By Terry Clark This book examines various rhetorical ways in which the motif of Yahweh’s Kingship functions in the Book of Ezekiel and explores what these arguments contribute to our understanding of the prophetic book as a whole. ISBN 978-1-4632-0286-6, Hardback, $204.49 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $184.04) The Syriac Writers of Qatar in the Seventh Century Edited by Mario Kozah, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Saif Shaheen Al-Murikhi & Sheikha Haya Al Thani The Syriac writers of Qatar themselves produced some of the best and most sophisticated writing to be found in all Syriac literature of the seventh century, but they have not received the scholarly attention that they deserve in the last half century. This volume seeks to redress this underdevelopment by setting the standard for further research in the sub-field of Beth Qatraye studies. ISBN 978-1-4632-0355-9, Paperback, $25
For our library subscribers, we are excited to announce a chance to save big on Gorgias print books with our new direct-order initiative, The Gorgias Library Affiliate Program. Take advantage of competitive discounts on ALL our titles, including our bestselling Antioch Bible and Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage. In addition, we’ll extend the period you can return your books (from sixty days to a full year) and deliver your orders as fast as possible, straight from the press to you. For more information, check out the Library Affiliate Program website. We are also pleased to announce that Gorgias Press now has a Twitter account: @GorgiasPress. We will be posting quotes, news, sales info, and more! Following us on Twitter is one more (short) way to keep up to date on what we're doing. Finally, we are happy to announce that this year's Book Grant Recipients are Gavin McDowell and Yael Landman. They are both featured in our Enthusiast section, where you can read about their studies and their favorite Gorgias books.
Yael Landman Yael Landman is pursuing her PhD in Bible at Yeshiva University under the direction of Barry Eichler. She holds a BA in Jewish Studies and English from the University of Pennsylvania. Yael’s dissertation examines the biblical law of bailment in its ancient Near Eastern contexts. Her favorite Gorgias books (which she is excited to acquire using this book grant) include Samuel Jackson's A Comparison of Ancient Near Eastern Law Collections Prior to the First Millennium BC and Michael Sokoloff's A Syriac Lexicon. Here is what Yael had to say about Gorgias Press:
Gorgias publishes invaluable materials for all scholars of religious studies and the ancient Near East. I thank Gorgias for the opportunity to acquire books that will facilitate my research, and applaud its commitment to graduate students in the humanities. Gavin McDowell 
Gavin McDowell was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. After studying theology at the University of Notre Dame, he spent two years at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem working on a Master’s in Biblical Studies. Afterwards he moved to France, where he continued his study of ancient languages at the Institut Catholique de Paris. Having obtained a degree from three continents, he began his doctorate on the transmission of Second Temple exegetical traditions in the late rabbinic work Pirqe de-Rabbi Eliezer at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in Paris. His primary interest is the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Late Antiquity and the transmission of legends about biblical figures across different religions. This includes sources in Syriac and Arabic as well as Hebrew. He is grateful for the opportunity to fill in some gaps in his personal library with the help of Gorgias Press, including titles such as The Bible in the Syriac Tradition (English version), by Sebastian P. Brock; Symbols of Church and Kingdom, by Robert Murray; and Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition, by Eszter Spät. Gavin says, “Gorgias Press opened my eyes to the extraordinary richness of Eastern Christianity. Discovering their catalogue was like discovering another world that I scarcely knew existed.” 
A Comparison of Ancient Near Eastern Law Collections Prior to the First Millennium BC By Samuel Jackson ISBN 978-1-59333-221-1 Hardback, $99 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $89.10)
| This book highlights and explains consistent differences in both the framing and content of the various pre-first millennium BC law collections of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Hatti. The differences between collections are placed in the broader background of the worldview and political make-up of the societies and individuals that created them, and their historical context.
A Syriac Lexicon By Michael Sokoloff ISBN 978-1-60724-620-6 Hardback, $149.5 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $134.55)
| The second edition of Carl Brockelmann’s Lexicon Syriacum, published in 1928, is a highly reputable Syriac dictionary. However, its Latin language and the ordering of words according to triliteral Semitic roots make its use difficult for most students and scholars. This revised edition by Sokoloff renders meanings in English, arranges words alphabetically, and includes many useful tools on a CD.
The Bible in the Syriac Tradition (English Version) By Sebastian P. Brock ISBN 1-59333-300-5 Paperback, $38 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $34.20)
| This is a basic introduction to the various Syriac translations of the Bible and the ways in which they were used in the Syriac tradition. After an initial discussion of the general problems of biblical translation, the different surviving Syriac translations are outlined, as well as biblical manuscripts, lectionaires, printed editions, and translations. A reception history of the Syriac Bible covers the ways in which it has been interpreted, the commentary tradition, its use in preaching, in liturgy, and in spirituality. An appendix offers some comparative samples (in translation) to illustrate some of the differences between the different Syriac translations.
Symbols of Church and Kingdom By Robert Murray ISBN 1-59333-150-9 Paperback, $84 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $75.60)
| In this revised and updated edition of his classic work, Robert Murray offers the fullest and most vivid picture yet available of the development and character of the culture. It will be of interest to a wide range of readers.
Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition By Eszter Spät ISBN 978-1-60724-998-6 Hardback, $110 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $99.00)
| The Yezidis are a Kurdish-speaking religious minority who practice a highly syncretistic religion based exclusively on oral tradition. Their myths and motifs, besides showing the influence of both Sufism and a pre-Zoroastrian Western Iranian mythology, are related to the religious movements of Late Antiquity, and reveal the vestiges of a common cultural substratum once shared by the people of the region.
Upcoming Conferences - North American Patristics Society, May 22-24 - Look for us at the annual meeting of the North American Patristics Society in Chicago, May 22-24. It will be a great opportunity for you to check out some of our new releases, and we'll be offering an incredible 40% off discount!
- ATLA Annual Conference, June 18-21 - Hosted by the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, we will also be displaying at this conference in June.
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