Dear {FirstName} {LastName}, As the holiday season approaches its end, so does our Annual Holiday Sale. In the News Section, you'll find information about our Annual Sale, which runs through New Years with 40% off many titles, and every order receives a 30% discount coupon for orders placed in 2015 (not to be combined with other discounts). In addition, every tenth web order receives an additional 80% discount. You could be a big winner! While at SBL/AAR, we interviewed some of the Antioch Bible Contributors. For more information on that, see the News Section. Also, for an SBL/AAR conference report, see our Conference Section. Happy holidays and happy reading! 
- Recently Released
- Coming Soon
- Enthusiast of the Month: Rachael Goldman
- News
- Conference Report
For the complete list of recent releases, please visit our Just Published page. 
A Smyrneika Lexicon Second Edition: By George Galdies, Alessandro Baltazzi & George Poulimenos ISBN 978-1-4632-0251-4 Hardback, $175.825 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $158.24)
| A lexicon of Smyrneika, the Greek dialect that functioned as a lingua franca amongst the Levantine merchant communities of the Mediterranean. Rediscovering Turkey’s Ottoman past, including lost minority cultures… a study by three amateur lexicographers. The vocabulary is followed by a collection of proverbs and a series of dialogues illustrating the language and customs … “ Peter Mackridge
Foundations for Syriac Lexicography IV Edited by Kristian S. Heal & Alison G. Salvesen ISBN 978-1-61143-933-5 Hardback, $150 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $135.00)
| The fourth published colloquia of the International Syriac Language Project (ISLP), presenting papers from an international team of authors working to develop contemporary, interdisciplinary approaches to linguistics and lexicography.
The Gospel of John According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation English Translation by Jeff W. Childers & James Prather; Text Prepared by George Anton Kiraz ISBN 978-1-4632-0412-9 Cloth, $150
| This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshiṭta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. Childers has translated the Peshiṭta of John, while Kiraz has prepared the Syriac text in the west Syriac script, fully vocalized and pointed. The translation and the Syriac text are presented on facing pages so that both can be studied together. All readers are catered for: those wanting to read the text in English, those wanting to improve their grasp of Syriac by reading the original language along with a translation, and those wanting to focus on a fully vocalized Syriac text.
Here is a select list of forthcoming publications. Click here for a complete list. The Martyrs of Mount Ber'ain Edited and Translated by Sebastian P. Brock; Introduction by Paul C. Dilley The Martyrs of Mount Ber’ain is the poignant tale of three noble Iranian siblings who are martyred under Shapur II. Composed in the seventh century, it demonstrates enduring concerns of Christian self-definition in Iran, especially with respect to the Zoroastrian priesthood. ISBN 978-1-4632-0421-1, Paperback, $51.155 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $46.04) The Book of Acts According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation Acts: English Translation by Robert A. Kitchen; Text Prepared by George Anton Kiraz This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. ISBN 978-1-61143-932-8, Cloth, $150 The Sleeper's Dream By Jeffrey B. Pettis This analysis probes into the nature and use of bodily healing and dreams in antiquity, examining literary and archaeological evidence in order to gain a sense of how the Greco-Roman world understood each through the Asclepius cult, and to understand references to bodily healings and dreams by early Christian cults and groups. ISBN 978-1-4632-0256-9, Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $85.50) Humanist Comic Elements in Aristophanes and the Old Testament By Benjamin Lazarus Lazarus compares and discusses comic elements used for didactic purposes in two separate literary traditions: Old Testament narrative and Aristophanic Comedies. Given that humour relies on taking people's ideas of what is normal and making them incongruous, this volume examines these very different texts to see how they use that comic incongruity to help define what it means to be human within the hierarchy of the universe. ISBN 978-1-4632-0243-9, Hardback, $191.815 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $172.63) Neo-Aramaic and its Linguistic Context Edited by Geoffrey Khan & Lidia Napiorkowska This volume contains papers on the Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects and the languages in contact with them. The papers make important contributions to the documentation of the dialects and to the understanding of their development in the context of non-Semitic contact languages. ISBN 978-1-4632-0410-5, Hardback, $120 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $108.00)
Antioch Bible Interviews We completed video interviews with some of the Antioch Bible Contributors at SBL/AAR last month, and you can be on the lookout for those published interviews on our Facebook page. What a unique opportunity to hear these contributors describe, in their own words, their work on this project and their estimation of its value. ❄ ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE ❄ Our 40% Off Holiday Sale is ending soon! It's sad but true - our sale's days are numbered. Get 40% off all BiblioPerks titles while you still have the chance! All you need to do is to take advantage of the sale price is to log in and click on your favorite book's web page. The discounted price will be displayed in red beneath the regular price (a few books are excluded from the sale, so in rare circumstances there may not be a discount price). On top of our whopping 40% discount, every tenth order will be marked down 80%. PLUS, if you aren't one of the lucky 10th order winners, don't despair; at the end of the sale, we'll send out a 30% coupon to everyone who made a purchase, good throughout 2015. This is by far and away our best sale of the year, so if you have your eye on a book, now's your chance. Click here to buy your book now!
Dr. Rachael Goldman is a historian of the Ancient Mediterranean and Ancient Near East. She has published on the subject of ancient color and social and cultural history. She has won awards for her work from the New York Classical Club, The College Art Association, and The Association of Greek and Latin Epigraphers. Her recent book Color-Terms in Social and Cultural Context in Ancient Rome was published by Gorgias Press, 2013. Another article, “The Multicolored World of the Romans” is forthcoming from the journal Glotta in 2015. Her current research involves the color analysis of mosaics in Galilean Synagogues and an edited volume of essays on Color in an Ancient Global World (under contract with Gorgias).
Her favorite Gorgias books include Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine by Michael Rand, Ancient Egyptian Glass and Glazes in the Brooklyn Museum by Elizabeth Riefstahl, and A Comprehensive Grammar to Hammurabi's Stele by M.E.J. Richardson. There is a great amount of diversity when it comes to the output of Gorgias. The talent is amazing. As a reader, I depend on many of the works to get me through more of the obscure, fascinating and even more traditional approaches to scholarship. The authors of such works on Ugaritic, Medieval history and Hebrew Grammar could have gone to a larger press, but they chose the intimacy and attentiveness of Gorgias. Many of the works exist because of Gorgias. 
Color-Terms in Social and Cultural Context in Ancient Rome By Rachael B. Goldman ISBN 978-1-61143-914-4 Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $85.50)
| Romans attached nuanced implications to color-terms which went beyond their literal meaning, using these terms as a form of cultural assessment, defining their social values and order. By analyzing the use and color words in specific contexts, we can gain greater insight into the Roman mind.
Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine By Michael Rand ISBN 978-1-4632-0402-0 Paperback, $61.06 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $54.95)
| This book investigates the interaction between grammatical norms and poetic technique on the basis of a corpus selected from the oeuvre of the payyetan Eleazar be-rabbi Qillir. As a basis for this investigation, a descriptive/comparative analysis of the Qillirian dialect is offered. The first portion of the work is a grammar devoted mainly to morphology and syntax. The second portion of the work is an investigation of the poetic norms, as well as rhetorical techniques employed by Qillir, together with an assessment of their impact on the grammar. The overall aim of the project is to design an analytical framework within which a self-conscious poetic dialect might be investigated.
Ancient Egyptian Glass and Glazes in the Brooklyn Museum By Elizabeth Riefstahl ISBN ISBN Released Hardback, $30 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $27.00)
| Renowned for its facility with faience and other glasswork, ancient Egypt produced many surviving pieces of glassware. Illustrated descriptions of over 90 pieces of glass art from ancient Egypt, this study of the collection in the Brooklyn Museum will catch the eye of collectors and those who appreciate the finer works of ancient craftsmanship. With an introduction and descriptions by Elizabeth Riefstahl, this collection is informative as well as pleasing to view. Sprinkled with vividly colored illustrations, the photographs alone are worth the price of the volume. A variety of art forms are represented in this collection; deities, animals, jewelry, household wares, and anthropomorphic figures all grace the pages of this catalog. The first in the prestigious Wilbour Monograph series, this volume retains its value in presenting an art form in which ancient Egypt excelled.
A Comprehensive Grammar to Hammurabi’s Stele By M. E. J. Richardson ISBN 978-1-59333-540-3 Hardback, $106.25 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $95.63)
| This complete grammar of Code of Hammurabi is formally arranged and can be the basis for learning the rest of Akkadian grammar. Students of Biblical Hebrew or Arabic will find it a most convenient introduction to this sister language. The cuneiform text has been set out in columns opposite a phonetic transcription, thus enabling the comprehensive set of citations illustrating various points of Akkadian grammar to be easily checked within their wider linguistic context. This book, when used in conjunction with the author’s previous book “Hammurabi’s Laws”, makes it possible for a student to learn to read and understand the whole text of Hammurabi’s Stele.
Orientalische Literaturzeitung just released a glowing review of An Outline of Middle Voice in Syriac, by Margherita Farina. Below is a short excerpt in translation: "[This is] an astute study of a complex problem of Syriac grammar. The author handles these questions with a strong background in modern linguistic methods, which she uses often to good effect. Her linguistic proposals are of great interest, and her conclusions are original. With this in mind. . . we can recommend the articles in this work unreservedly not only to Aramaic and Syriac scholars, but even to Semiticists and linguists." 
An Outline of Middle Voice in Syriac By Margherita Farina ISBN 978-1-4632-0145-6 Hardback, $130 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $117.00)
| This study presents a modern linguistic approach to the function of the Syriac et-verbal prefix. Based on a detailed analysis of a number of early Syriac texts, it proposes a unified account of the different values traditionally attributed to the Syriac et- stems. Farina views the data within a typologically comparative framework derived from a cross-linguistic study of middle conjugations.
In November, Gorgias exhibited at AAR/SBL and at ASOR, held this year in the temperate climes of San Diego. Our bestseller – which flew off the shelves – was The New Syriac Primer. There was also a lot of interest in the newly-published “As for me, I will dwell at Mizpah…”: The Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations after 85 years (edited by Jeffrey Zorn and Aaron Brody), New Studies in the Book of Isaiah (edited by Markus Zehnder), Adam Miglio’s Tribe and State: The Dynamics of International Politics and the Reign of Zimri-Lim, and in our new paperback releases of previously published books in our Dissertations Series, such as D. Matthew Stith’s The Coups of Hazael and Jehu: Building an Historical Narrative. Thanks to all those who stopped by our table, and we look forward to seeing you next year in Atlanta!
Also, this month, we exhibited at the Association for Jewish Studies annual conference from December 14-16 in Baltimore, MD. Look for a conference report in next month's eGorgias! 
The New Syriac Primer, 2nd Edition By George Anton Kiraz ISBN 978-1-59333-325-6 Paperback, $48 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $43.20)
| A truly useful introduction to the Syriac language is a rare find. This practical initiation to the study of this ancient language of the Christian church speaks with clarity and authority. A fruitful integration of scholarly introduction and practical application, this primer is more than a simple grammar or syntactic introduction to the language. Written in a style designed for beginners, Kiraz avoids technical language and strives for a reader-friendly inductive approach. Readings from actual Syriac texts allow the student to experience the language first hand and the basics of the grammar of the language are ably explained. The book comes with downloadable material so that readers may listen to all reading sentences and text passages in the book.
"As for me, I will dwell at Mizpah …”: The Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations after 85 Years Edited by Jeffrey R. Zorn & Aaron J. Brody ISBN 978-1-4632-0416-7 Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $85.50)
| Collected essays on aspects of daily life at the Israelite site of Tell en-Nasbeh (biblical Mizpah of Benjamin). These include: trade and economy, death and burial, metals, cooking, water management, curation of the site’s materials, and a site bibliography.
New Studies in the Book of Isaiah Edited by Markus Zehnder ISBN 978-1-4632-0356-6 Hardback, $80 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $72.00)
| This volume contains twelve articles that shed new light on the Book of Isaiah, covering a wide array of historical, linguistic and theological topics. The various aspects of God’s intervention at different points of human history is a main focus of the studies. The collection is marked by a broad diversity in approaches and theological background, and is a useful tool especially for scholars, students and pastors.
Tribe and State By Adam E. Miglio ISBN 978-1-4632-0249-1 Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $85.50)
| This book analyzes Zimri-Lim’s interactions with sovereigns from the Habur and with Yamut-bal and Numha tribal polities. It describes how Zimri-Lim’s disproportionate dependence on tribal connections left him vulnerable when these alliances began to falter in his tenth regnal year.
The Coups of Hazael and Jehu By D. Matthew Stith ISBN 978-1-59333-833-6 Hardback, $118.75 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $106.88)
| The Coups of Hazael and Jehu offers a narrative reconstruction of the events surrounding the rise of Hazael to the throne of Aram-Damascus and Jehu to the throne of Israel in the mid-eighth century. These near-simultaneous dynastic changes were parts of a major shift in the political, military, and economic structure of the Levant, which took place as the mighty armies of Assyria pushed into the region. The book argues that Jehu’s bloody overthrow of Joram and Hazael’s irregular seizure of power after the death of his predecessor were not independent events, but responses to the Assyrian threat.
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