Only 3 days left before the start of our annual sale! If you remember, when you signed up for our monthly newsletter, you also got access to the “Biblioperks” 10% discount, which applies to most of the books in our store. From October to the end of 2015, we’ll be increasing that discount to 40% off. All you have to do is place an order through our website for any of your favorite books. Please note that the order must be placed through our website, and that a few books are excluded from the Biblioperks program. If you have any problems, contact us at We’ll send you a reminder when the sale kicks off. Additionally, we’re pleased to announce two wonderful developments for our founders, George and Christine Kiraz, who have both received recognition in the academic world. After many years of teaching at Rutgers University, Christine is now an Assistant Professor of Chemistry, while George will be a lecturer in Syriac at Princeton University this semester (expect a lot about dots). Congratulations to both of them! Below, you’ll get to meet our new staff (and see a new job opportunity at Gorgias), hear from a theological librarian about how Gorgias fits into his work, and read some of the praise our books have received from RBL and other academic journals. If you would like to unsubscribe from e-Gorgias, the link can be found at the top and bottom of this newsletter (or, if you want to introduce a friend to e-Gorgias, they can subscribe here.) Happy reading! Jeff Haines, Marketing Assistant 
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Here is a select list of forthcoming publications. Click here for a complete list. The Gnomai of the Council of Nicaea (CC 0021) Edited and Translated by Alistair C. Stewart The first English translation and first complete critical text of a neglected moral treatise from fourth-century Egypt, throwing fresh light on the social history of Egyptian Christianity and on the growth of the church-order tradition. ISBN 978-1-4632-0260-6, Paperback, $51.155 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $46.04) Structural Lexicology and the Greek New Testament By Todd Price This study demonstrates a method for using corpus linguistics to disambiguate polysemes in the Greek New Testament. Included are several examples applying the method to exegetically problematic texts. ISBN 978-1-4632-0534-8, Hardback, $182.455 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $164.21) The Vision of Theophilus Edited and Translated by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala A critical edition of a fragmentary Arabic manuscript (Mingana Chr. Arab. 18), together with a study which suggests that the three Arabic versions do not represent three different texts, but rather three versions all drawing on the same original text. ISBN 978-1-4632-0550-8, Paperback, $51.35 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $46.22) The Mystery of Anointing: Hippolytus' Commentary on the Song of Songs in Social and Critical Contexts By Yancy Smith The first English translation and study of St. Hippolytus' fascinating, early third-century commentary 'On the Song of Songs'. Important for the history of biblical interpretation, rival identities of early Christians, liturgy, and mystagogy in the pre-Constantinian church. ISBN 978-1-4632-0218-7, Hardback, $170 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $153.00) Altuigurische Texte der Kirche des Ostens aus Zentralasien By Peter Zieme The book presents a full documentation of the Old Uigur texts of the Church of the East known from several places of Central Asia, mainly Bulayik and Kurutka in the Turfan oasis, as well as Xaraxoto, from the 10th to 14th century. ISBN 978-1-4632-0551-5, Hardback, $120 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $108.00) The Epistle of the Number by Ibn al-A?dab By Ilana Wartenberg The first edition of The Epistle of the Number, composed in Syracuse, Sicily, at the end of the 14th century. It is the first known Hebrew treatise to include extensive algebraic theories and procedures, exposing novel mathematical vocabulary, and enhancing our understanding of the linguistic mechanisms which helped create scientific vocabulary in medieval Hebrew. ISBN 978-1-4632-0417-4, Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $85.50) Divine Motive in the Hebrew Bible By J. Michael Thigpen This study begins with a comprehensive survey and analysis of divine motive in the Hebrew Bible. Building on the survey it explores divine motive in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, which contain 25% of the divine motive statements in the Hebrew canon. ISBN 978-1-4632-0532-4, Hardback, $125 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $112.50)
We have two new books in Biblical Studies and Syriac which we have been anticipating for a while. The first, "Behold! My Servant": An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Identity and Role of the Servant in Isaiah 42:1-9, by Stephanie Beaulieu, discusses the identity of the recurring theme of the Servant in Second Isaiah. Beaulieu compares other servant passages in Isaiah with historical, exegetical, and linguistic data, and concludes that the servant has multiple identities, as well as both historical and eschatological roles. The second book, Classical Syriac Phonology by Ebbe Knudsen, explores how Syriac was pronounced at different periods in history. Using Biblical texts and medieval Syriac grammars, as well as comparisons with Jewish Aramaic and modern Turoyo, Knudsen reconstructs both East and West Syriac pronunciations. This book will be of interest to linguists, Syriac clergy, and scholars of any dialect of Aramaic. To see the full list of titles in different series, visit our series page. Melonie Schmierer-Lee Acquisitions Editor "Behold! My Servant" By Stephane Beaulieu Scholars have long debated the identity of the servant in the first servant poem of Isaiah. This present volume provides a fresh reinvestigation of the identity of the servant in Isaiah 42:1-9 and its role among the other servant poems, also examining other relevant “servant” passages in Isaiah—particularly in Second Isaiah. The result reveals a thorough linguistic, intratextual, and thematic framework for interpreting the identity and role of this servant. ISBN 978-1-4632-0559-1, Hardback, $208 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $187.20) Classical Syriac Phonology By Ebbe Egede Knudsen This book provides a description of Classical Syriac phonology based on fully vocalized biblical texts and the detailed comments by medieval Syriac grammarians. In addition to a description of Syriac consonants and vowels (including vowel quantity and stress), there are chapters on the compararive Semitic background of Syriac phonology and the grammatical features of the pre-classical inscriptions, and comparison with both eastern and western varieties of Jewish Aramaic. The modern dialect of Turoyo is also examined, and two appendices discuss the traditional pronunciation of West Syriac and the pronunciation of Modern Literary Syriac, and offer a sketch of Turoyo phonology. ISBN 978-1-4632-0525-6, Hardback, $0 (Gorgias BiblioPerks™ $0.00)
Correction to previous edition Please note: The August edition of e-Gorgias only listed Helen Jacobus as the editor of Studies in Magic and Divination in the Biblical World. The volume was also edited by Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme and Philippe Guillaume. You can read more about Dr. Guillaume here and Dr. de Hemmer Gudme here. Introducing Adam and Melissa, our new Associate Acqusitions Editor and Graphic Designer. In the last issue of e-Gorgias, we mentioned that we had recently hired two new staff members. We’re pleased to give them a warm welcome below! Adam Walker, Acquisitions Editor (Islamic History & Thought) 
Born on the Scottish Borders, and now based in the United Kingdom, Adam studied Arabic at the University of Leeds (UK) and the University of Suez Canal (Egypt). He also holds a degree in Law (Leeds) and is approaching the end of an MA in Theology and Religion (specialism Islamic studies) at Radboud University (the Netherlands). Adam has a specific interest in Islamic history during the Late Antique period and intends to pursue a PhD in this area on completion of his Masters degree. Adam has a background in publishing and research, having most recently worked as a researcher in classical Islamic history at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany). When not sitting beside a stack of dusty Arabic manuscripts, Adam can be found trying to teach his son how to play football (soccer!), travelling and baking cakes!
Melissa Sung, Graphic Designer 
Melissa received her BFA from Cornell University, where she concentrated in new media art and minored in game design. She is inspired by stories, nature, and all creatures great and small. In her free time, Melissa collects art supplies, nurtures an interest in philosophy and theology, works through an endless reading list, dabbles in photography, and tries fruitlessly to win her cat's affection. She also designs and sews whimsical plush toys.
Job Opening: Associate Acquisitions Editor - Biblical Studies Gorgias Press, a leading academic publishing house based in Piscataway, NJ, is seeking to hire an Associate Acquisitions Editor in Biblical Studies. Job Summary The Associate Acquisitions Editor will work on a part-time basis alongside the Senior Acquisitions Editor on an active acquisitions program in the field of Biblical Studies. The Associate Acquisitions Editor should have a scholarly background in Biblical Studies (especially historical criticism, archaeology, reception history, and/or interpretation and exegesis), and should be competent in both the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. He/she will have the necessary expertise to seek, identify, and evaluate book proposals and manuscripts submitted to the Press, identifying suitable manuscripts for publication, and sending manuscripts for external peer review. He/she will maintain a database of proposals and manuscripts under review and research appropriate reviewers for projects. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the Associate Acquisitions Editor will liaise with the author on contracts and submission style guidelines, and, where necessary, with other Gorgias Press team members on any issues relating to the design, production, and marketing of the forthcoming book. He/she may be asked to travel to scholarly conferences representing Gorgias Press, to meet with authors and discuss potential manuscript acquisitions. This part-time and flexible role would suit a self-motivated and detail-oriented individual working in an academic setting. Work can be done remotely. Previous publishing experience is beneficial but not required. Candidate Competencies - A scholarly background in Biblical Studies (either an M.A. with at least one publication or a Ph.D. in a related area)
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Excellent analytic skills
- Volume of work requires exemplary organizational skills and attention to detail
- Strong proofreading, word processing, and spreadsheet skills
- Ability to handle confidential matters
- Excellent command of written English
- Knowledge of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style
- Ability to comprehend and evaluate academic writing
To apply for this position, send your CV, cover letter, and contact details for two referees to Jeff Haines ( The position will remain open until filled. We will seek to meet and interview candidates for this position at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (Atlanta GA: November 21-24 2015).

Our Enthusiast this month is Bob Turner. Bob holds a B.A. from Harding University, an M.Div. from Harding School of Theology, and an M.S.L.I.S. from the University of Illinois, and is currently the Circulation Librarian at L.M. Graves Memorial Library, Harding School of Theology. Harding School of Theology regularly buys books from Gorgias, and Bob was kind enough to write a few words about how Gorgias fits into the library's vision: "Librarians get to view a lot of the new books that come out each year. I’m always impressed with the publications from Gorgias Press. Some titles that come to mind are the Antioch Bible commentaries that have been published over the past few years. Series such as that one are valuable to libraries because of their primary source material. The press also publishes some excellent secondary literature, such as Shaul Bar’s, I Deal Death and Give Life. I appreciate that Gorgias will publish research because it deserves an audience, even if it may not appeal to every reader. I feel that one of my jobs as a librarian is to recognize such material, purchase it, preserve it, and make sure that it finds an audience for many years to come. I’m grateful for publishers who are able to partner in this mission." 
The Antioch Bible - The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation (Individual subscription $75/vol.) General Editor George A. Kiraz ISBN SurathKthob_Subs Hardback, $75
| This is a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshi?ta Bible along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. The translation and the Syriac text are presented on facing pages so that both can be studied together. All readers are catered for: those wanting to read the Syriac text in English, those wanting to improve their grasp of Syriac by reading the original language along with a translation with its extensive annotations, and those wanting to focus on a fully vocalized Syriac text. Each volume contains an introduction to the text and the translation, and when possible appendices of interesting readings and variant readings.
The Antioch Bible - The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation (Institutional subscription $100/vol.) General Editor George A. Kiraz ISBN SurathKthob_Inst Hardback, $100
| This is a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshi?ta Bible along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars. The translation and the Syriac text are presented on facing pages so that both can be studied together. All readers are catered for: those wanting to read the Syriac text in English, those wanting to improve their grasp of Syriac by reading the original language along with a translation with its extensive annotations, and those wanting to focus on a fully vocalized Syriac text. Each volume contains an introduction to the text and the translation, and when possible appendices of interesting readings and variant readings.
I Deal Death and Give Life By Shaul Bar ISBN 978-1-60724-328-1 Paperback, $166.25 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $149.63)
| Is death the end of the human journey, or is there continuity after death? What happens to body and soul after death? Were Israelites worshiping the dead? What is the source of mourning practices? This book explores this multifaceted topic as related in the Bible.
More positive reviews have continued to trickle in. We've included several of them below: Righteous Giving to the Poor: Tzedakah ("Charity") in Classic Rabbinic Judaism, by Rivka and Moshe Ulmer "[T]his book is a welcomed contribution to broader discourses on philanthropy and Jewish studies. Its insightful readings and analyses of the primary sources will be of interest to those who seek an entryway into rabbinic literature, Jewish approaches to charity, or both. Written in an accessible fashion, it provides a useful overview of the most important aspects of charity in classical rabbinic texts." - Gregg E. Gardner, review of Rivka Ulmer and Moshe Ulmer, Righteous Giving to the Poor: Tzedakah ("Charity") in Classic Rabbinic Judaism, Review of Biblical Literature [] (2015). Syriac Christianity in the Middle East and India: Contributions and Challenges, edited by Dietmar W. Winkler "While this book is certainly of interest to academics who work in Syriac-speaking Christianity, the volume will appeal to anyone working on the intersections of religion and society, especially minority religions in colonial and post-colonial contexts. . . [T]he chapters presented in this volume are valuable contributions to our understanding of the Syriac Church(es) and fertile ground for further inquiry." Robert Morehouse. Review of Syriac Christianity in the Middle East and India: Contributions and Challenges, edited by Dietmar W. Winkler. Hugoye 18.2 (2015): 461-463. "YHWH Fights for Them!": The Divine Warrior in the Exodus Narrative, by Charlie Trimm "Most studies of the divine warrior theme in the Old Testament are poetic or comparative. Charlie Trimm argues in “YHWH Fights for Them!” that these studies are too limited; brief poems need the enrichment and complexity of longer narrative treatments. His thorough, workmanlike monograph examines the theme in Exodus 1-15. That passage ends with one of the great divine warrior poems of the Bible, the Song of the Sea, but Trimm shows how that poem is the climax of a long narrative of Yahweh's war." Peter Leithart. "The Hero of Israel," review of "YHWH Fights for Them!": The Divine Warrior in the Exodus Narrative, by Charlie Trimm. First Things, August 25, 2015, accessed September 4, 2015, 
Righteous Giving to the Poor: Tzedakah ("Charity") in Classical Rabbinic Judaism By Rivka Ulmer & Moshe Ulmer ISBN 978-1-4632-0261-3 Paperback, $65 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $58.50)
| Moral insights and comments about Tzedakah ("Charity") are found throughout the vast body of rabbinic literature. This book attempts to present a survey of the rabbinic sources concerning Tzedakah and to provide the reader with an analysis of the system of Tzedakah as created and understood by the Rabbis.
Syriac Christianity in the Middle East and India Edited by Dietmar W. Winkler ISBN 978-1-4632-0247-7 Hardback, $165.49 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $148.94)
| This volume acknowledges the contributions of Syriac Christians in the fields of culture, education and civil society throughout the history in the Middle East and India, and examines the challenges of living and professing the Christian faith as a minority in a multi-religious and pluralistic society, giving special attention to religious freedom and personal status.
"YHWH Fights for Them!" By Charlie Trimm ISBN 978-1-4632-0271-2 Hardback, $95 (Gorgias BiblioPerks $85.50)
| The divine warrior is an important motif in the Old Testament, leading many to study profitably the motif in its most prominent manifestations in poetic texts. This study builds on that foundation by examining the divine warrior in detail in the exodus narrative to construct a broader picture of the motif in the Old Testament.
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