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A Stranger at the Door, And Other Lebanese Short Stories

Translated into English by Admer Gouryh

This charming collection of short stories is packed with humor, suspense, and shock, but is essentially serious. Through an array of interesting characters, Al-Khoury illuminates an extraordinary range of issues.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 1-931956-32-4
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 15,2003
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 116
ISBN: 1-931956-32-4
$57.00 (USD)
Your price: $34.20 (USD)
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This charming collection of short stories is packed with humor, suspense, and shock, but is essentially serious. Through an array of interesting characters, Al-Khoury illuminates an extraordinary range of issues, such as the follies, cruelties, and injustices that lurk beneath the surface of human relations.

This charming collection of short stories is packed with humor, suspense, and shock, but is essentially serious. Through an array of interesting characters, Al-Khoury illuminates an extraordinary range of issues, such as the follies, cruelties, and injustices that lurk beneath the surface of human relations.

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  • The Dream Coat
  • The Thief
  • The Falcon
  • The Bulky Shoes
  • A Stranger at the Door
  • Help!
  • The Striped Shirt
  • It's Alright, Sir
  • The Price of the Car
  • And Death Cried!
  • A Masterstroke
  • Born Again
  • Status Quo (Recollections)
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