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Abrohom Nuro

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My Tour in the Parishes of the Syrian Church in Syria and Lebanon

ISBN: 978-1-60724-685-5
A record of the author’s investigation concerning the situation of the Syriac-speaking churches during the 1960s. The author provides statistics about parishes, schools, organizations, and cultural activities. The book lists most of the educational institutions with hundreds of photographs, as well as biographies and photos of Syriac writers and Orientalists specializing in Syriac studies.
$208.00 (USD) $124.80 (USD)

Catalogue of the Malphono Abrohom Nuro Collection

By Abrohom Nuro; Introduction by George Anton Kiraz
ISBN: 978-1-60724-332-8
The Abrohom Nuro library is arguably the richest private collection of Syriac material, especially containing rare titles published in the Middle East in the 1800s and early 1900s. Nuro presents here a checklist of the collection.
$141.00 (USD) $84.60 (USD)