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Adolf Harnack

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Der Vorwurf des Atheismus in den drei ersten Jahrhunderten

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 604
ISBN: 978-1-61719-435-1
This study is of the concept of atheotes ("godless") in antiquity in relation to Christianity.
$34.00 (USD) $20.40 (USD)

Brüchstucke des Evangeliums und der Apokalypse des Petrus

ISBN: 978-1-61719-288-3
The surviving text of two books of New Testament apocrypha ascribed to Peter
$116.00 (USD) $69.60 (USD)

Drei wenig beachtete Cyprianische Schirften und die "Acta Pauli"

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 555
ISBN: 978-1-61719-283-8
The relations of three pseudepigrapha of Cyprian and the Acts of Paul; an elegant piece of reasoning.
$38.00 (USD) $22.80 (USD)


Aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente
By Alfred Resch; Contribution by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-272-2
The sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels, with an appendix on a new fragment from the Fayyum.
$214.00 (USD) $128.40 (USD)

Der pseudocyprianische Tractat De Aleatoribus

die älteste lateinische-christliche Schrift, ein Werk des römischen Bischofs Victor II (saec[ulum] II
Edited with an Introduction by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-268-5
One of the first pieces of Christian Latin, a treatise on the evils of gambling and the role of the bishop in correcting them.
$128.00 (USD) $76.80 (USD)

Vier pseudojustinische Schiften

als Eigentum Diodors nachgewiesen
By Diodorus of Tarsus; Edited and Translated by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-371-2
Four debates between the Christians and the Greeks on philosophy and theology;they come down to us among the works of Justin, but written by Diodorus of Tarsus.
$91.00 (USD) $54.60 (USD)

Medicinisches aus der ältesten Kirchengeschichte

ISBN: 978-1-61719-361-3
Christian physicians in the early church, from Luke to the martyrs Cosmas and Damian
$118.00 (USD) $70.80 (USD)

Die griechische Übersetzung des Apologeticus Tertullians

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 540
ISBN: 978-1-61719-360-6
Adolf Harnack reconstructs the Greek translation of Tertullian, largely from quotations by Eusebius
$39.00 (USD) $23.40 (USD)

Der angebliche Evangeliencommentar des Theophilus von Antiochien

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 539
ISBN: 978-1-61719-357-6
Demonstration of the inauthenticity of the commentary on the Gospels ascribed to Theophilus of Antioch
$49.00 (USD) $29.40 (USD)

Die Altercatio Simonis Judaei et Theophili Christiani

nebst Untersuchungen über der antijüdische Polemik in der alten Kirche
Edited with an Introduction by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-264-7
A quarrelsome disputation between a Jew and a Christian over the Old Testament prophecies, with introduction, notes, and essays on the character and compostion of the work.
$121.00 (USD) $72.60 (USD)

Die Überlieferung der Griechischen Apologeten

des 2 Jahrhunderts in der alten Kirche und im Mittelalter
ISBN: 978-1-61719-263-0
This volume examins the manuscript tradition, and the account of the works of the 2nd century apologists in the ancient church and the Middle Ages.
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)

Der Ketzer-Katalog des Bischofs Maruta von Maipherkat

Translation and Introduction by Adolf Harnack
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 601
ISBN: 978-1-61719-432-0
This short catalogue lists the heresies known on the Syrian frontier of the Roman Empire in the beginning of the fifth century.
$34.00 (USD) $20.40 (USD)

Terminologie der Wiedergeburt

und verwandter Erlebnisse in der ältesten Kircher
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 564
ISBN: 978-1-61719-341-5
As part of his work on Origen, Adolf Harnack covers the Greek patristic terms for rebirth and related concepts.
$41.00 (USD) $24.60 (USD)

Der kirchengeschichtliche Ertrag der exegistischen Arbeit des Origens

II: Die Beiden Testament mit Ausschluss des Hexateuchs und des Richterbuchs
ISBN: 978-1-61719-342-2
The remainder of Harnack's discussion of the homilies of Origen (on Ruth through the end of the Old Testament, and all of the New) and their influence on Christian exegesis is presented in this 2nd volume.
$76.00 (USD) $45.60 (USD)
Picture of Christianity and History

Christianity and History

ISBN: 1-59333-461-3
Harnack’s classic lecture on the relationship between history and Christianity has stood the test of time. Both the concepts of personality and history are closely examined. Harnack asserts that historical criticism causes no real damage to authentic Christianity.
$101.00 (USD) $60.60 (USD)