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Critical Reviews in the History of Science (Volume 7)

Aestimatio provides critical, timely assessments of books published in the history of what was called science from antiquity to the early modern period in cultures ranging from Spain to India, and from Africa to northern Europe. The aim is to allow reviewers the opportunity to engage critically both the results of research in the history of science and how these results are obtained.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0175-3
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Publication Status: In Print
Series: Aestimatio7
Publication Date: Jan 1,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 268
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0175-3
$182.00 (USD)
Your price: $109.20 (USD)
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Aestimatio provides critical, timely assessments of books published in the history of what was called science from antiquity to the early modern period in cultures ranging from Spain to India, and from Africa to northern Europe. The aim is to allow reviewers the opportunity to engage critically both the results of research in the history of science and how these results are obtained.

Reviewers in volume 7 include Clemency Montelle with Kathleen M. Clark, Sara J. Schechner, Florian Mittenhuber, Richard Oosterhoff, Silvia Di Donato, Sabetai Unguru,Teun Tieleman, John Hannah, J. Lennart Berggren, Steffen Ducheyne, Steven J. Livesey, Cecilia Trifogli, Angelo Meriani, Stephan Heilen, and Paul T. Keyser, There is also a response by Gad Freudenthal and memorial notices by Stephen Menn and Teije de Jong.

Aestimatio provides critical, timely assessments of books published in the history of what was called science from antiquity to the early modern period in cultures ranging from Spain to India, and from Africa to northern Europe. The aim is to allow reviewers the opportunity to engage critically both the results of research in the history of science and how these results are obtained.

Reviewers in volume 7 include Clemency Montelle with Kathleen M. Clark, Sara J. Schechner, Florian Mittenhuber, Richard Oosterhoff, Silvia Di Donato, Sabetai Unguru,Teun Tieleman, John Hannah, J. Lennart Berggren, Steffen Ducheyne, Steven J. Livesey, Cecilia Trifogli, Angelo Meriani, Stephan Heilen, and Paul T. Keyser, There is also a response by Gad Freudenthal and memorial notices by Stephen Menn and Teije de Jong.

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Alan C. Bowen (PhD, University of Toronto) is the Director of the Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science (Princeton). He has published extensively on the history of the exact sciences (especially astronomy and harmonic science) and philosophy in Greco-Roman antiquity.


Tracey E Rihll is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History and Classics at SwanseaUniversity. She has published extensively on various topics in ancient science and technology, and on ancient history, especially warfare and slavery.

  • Contents (page 5)
  • Preface (page 7)
  • Clemency Montelle and Kathleen M. Clark on The Mathematics of the Heavens and the Earth by G. van Brummelen (page 9)
  • Sara J. Schechner on Eastern Astrolabes by D. Pingree (page 16)
  • Florian Mittenhuber on La Géographie de Ptolémée en occident (IVe…XVIe siècle) by P. G. Dalché (page 21)
  • Richard Oosterhoff on The Mirror, the Window, and the Telescope by S. Y. Edgerton (page 24)
  • Silvia Di Donato on In the Age of al-Farabi: Arabic Philosophy in the Fourth/Tenth Century by P. Adamson (page 30)
  • Sabetai Unguru on Apollonius de Perge, Coniques. Livre IV, edited by R. Rashed (page 37)
  • Teun Tieleman on Alexander Aphrodisiensis, De anima libri mantissa, edited by R. Sharples (page 51)
  • John Hannah on Mathematics in India by K.Plofker (page 53)
  • J. Lennart Berggren on Omar al-Khayyam, Algebra wa al-Muqabala, translated by R. Khalil (page 62)
  • Steffen Ducheyne on Reenacting Galileos Experiments by P. Palmieri (page 68)
  • Steven J. Livesey on Science Translated, edited by M. Goyens, P. De Leemans, and A. Smets (page 78)
  • Cecilia Trifogli on Averroes Physics by R. Glasner (page 87)
  • Angelo Meriani on Le parole delle Muse by E. Rocconi (page 98)
  • Stephan Heilen, Anubio Reconsidered (page 135)
  • Stephen Menn, In memoriam: Ian Mueller (1938--2010) (page 201)
  • Gad Freudenthal, A Response to Trifogli on Glasner, Averroes Physics (page 237)
  • Paul T. Keyser on The Alchemy of Glass by M. Beretta (page 240)
  • Teije de Jong, In memoriam: John Phillips Britton (6 December 1939 -- 8 June 2010) (page 258)
  • Books Received (page 266)