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Aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente

By Alfred Resch; Contribution by Adolf Harnack
The sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels, with an appendix on a new fragment from the Fayyum.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-272-2
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 12,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 532
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-272-2
$214.00 (USD)
Your price: $128.40 (USD)
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The sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels, divided into seventy-four genuine ones, each with copious commentary and source criticism. And one hundred and two doubtful ones. Some will be interested in Resch's argument that these are the fragments of a lost Gospel; all students of Jesus will find this a useful compendium. With an appendix by Harnack, publishing a six-line fragment of an unknown text on Jesus/

The sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels, divided into seventy-four genuine ones, each with copious commentary and source criticism. And one hundred and two doubtful ones. Some will be interested in Resch's argument that these are the fragments of a lost Gospel; all students of Jesus will find this a useful compendium. With an appendix by Harnack, publishing a six-line fragment of an unknown text on Jesus/

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  • Vorwort (page 6)
  • Inhaltsubersicht (page 9)
  • Specielles Verzeichniss der Agrapha (page 10)
  • $ 1. Der Begriff der Agrapha (page 13)
  • $ 2. Die bisherige Literatur in Betreff der Agrapha (page 15)
  • $ 3. Plan der gegeb wartigen Monographie uber die Agrapha (page 24)
  • $ 4. Zur Kritik der patristischen Evangeliencitate (page 26)
  • $ 5. Zur Quellenkritik der canonischen Evangelien (page 39)
  • Aussercanonische Textbestandtheile des Codex Cantabrigiensis (page 43)
  • $ 6. Die hebraishce Grundschrift und ihre griechischen Ubersetzungen (page 52)
  • Die patristischen Aussagen bezuglich des hebraischen Matthaus (page 54)
  • $ 7. Zur Kritik der Agrapha (page 87)
  • Ubersicht der bei der Uberlieferung der Agrapha betheiligten Autoren (page 89)
  • $ 9. Textverzeichniss der Agrapha (page 107)
  • $ 10. Kritisch-exegetische Aumerkungen (page 147)
  • $ 11. Nachtrage (page 281)
  • Zweifelhafte und unechte Agrapha (page 326)
  • Index (page 511)