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al-jihād al-rūḥī ʿind al-qiddīs isḥāq al-siryānī

Isaac the Syrian is one of the most significant authors from the Syriac heritage because his writings were translated and read in many monasteries. In particular, his approach to spiritual warfare was influential on the development of monastic practice, as the present book shows.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-4787-4
  • *
Publication Status: Forthcoming
Publication Date: May 23,2024
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 64
Languages: Arabic
ISBN: 978-1-4632-4787-4
$42.93 (USD)
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The writings of St. Isaac the Syrian were highly influential on the development of monastic thought, both within the Syriac tradition and more broadly in other traditions as his writings were translated and made available to new audiences. In particular, Isaac’s writings on the struggles of the spiritual life—which can be viewed in terms of spiritual warfare—were significant developments in monastic literature. The present work examines Isaac’s views of the spiritual struggles facing monastic communities and the influence of these ideas more broadly within monastic culture. 

The writings of St. Isaac the Syrian were highly influential on the development of monastic thought, both within the Syriac tradition and more broadly in other traditions as his writings were translated and made available to new audiences. In particular, Isaac’s writings on the struggles of the spiritual life—which can be viewed in terms of spiritual warfare—were significant developments in monastic literature. The present work examines Isaac’s views of the spiritual struggles facing monastic communities and the influence of these ideas more broadly within monastic culture. 

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Père Paul Matar, originaire de Naameh (Liban), a été ordonné prêtre le 10 mai 2008 ; il relève de l'Archidiocèse Maronite de Beyrouth. Il a obtenu sa Licence en Théologie de la Faculté Pontificale de Théologie, à l’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (Liban) en 2007, son Mastère en Théologie spirituelle de l'Université Teresianum des Carmes à Rome (Italie) en 2014, et son doctorat en Théologie spirituelle, sur le thème du « Combat spirituel chez Isaac de Ninive », de la même université, en 2016. Père Matar enseigne la Théologie à la Faculté Pontificale de Théologie de l'Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (Liban), ainsi qu'à la Faculté de Théologie de l'Université de la Sagesse. Il a occupé le poste de « secrétaire particulier » du Patriarche Maronite Card. Bechara Boutros Rai et ce pendant deux ans. Il est actuellement membre de l’équipe des formateurs au Séminaire Patriarcal Maronite à Ghazir (Liban).