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Alfred Jeremias

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Der Untergang Nineveh’s und die Weissagungsschrift des Nahum von Elkosch

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 100
ISBN: 978-1-60724-024-2
An elaborate historical treatise on the fall of Nineveh and the writings of the prophet Nahum, this work is divided into three chapters. The first contains a translation of Nahum’s oracle against Nineveh with both historical and Assyriological commentaries. The second chapter is a history and description of the city of Nineveh from earliest times to its downfall. A brief but interesting discussion of the origin and development of the Medes as a people closes the second chapter. The final chapter is an archaeological and scientific military description of ancient Assyrian fortifications and a treatise on their use in the warfare of the period.
$56.00 (USD) $33.60 (USD)

Die Babylonisch-Assyrischen Vorstellungen vom Leben nach dem Tode

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 176
ISBN: 978-1-60724-247-5
In this brief study, Jeremias examines the representations of life after death in the Babylonian and Assyrian sources. The descent of Ishtar, basic concepts of the grave, descriptions of the afterlife and the realm of the blessed are all examined. The possibility of return from death and the biblical outlook on the subject are also part of the exploration.
$61.00 (USD) $36.60 (USD)