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American Journal of Ancient History

The American Journal of Ancient History is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering ancient history and classical studies. It was established in 1976 and edited by Ernst Badian until 2001. It is continued by the American Journal of Ancient History: New Series, edited by T. Corey Brennan with the last volume edited by Eric C. De Sena.

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Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 5.2

American Journal of Ancient History 5.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0671-0
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 4 articles: Gerhard Perl, 'Cn. Tremelius Scrofa in Gallia Transalpina', Noel D. Robertson, 'The True Nature of the 'Delian League' II', John K. Evans, 'Plebs Rustica. The Peasantry of Classical Italy II', A.M. Eckstein, 'Perils of Poetry'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 7.1

American Journal of Ancient History 7.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0674-1
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 6 articles: P.J. Rhodes, 'Problems in Athenian Eisphora and Liturgies', Robert J. Rowland, Jr., 'Beyond the Frontier in Punic Sardinia', D.R. Shackleton Bailey, 'Who is Junia?', Daniel R. Schwartz, 'Apollonius, Son of Menestheus: Whose Ambassador?', Richard A. Billows, 'The Last of the Scipios', A.M. Eckstein, 'Human Sacrifice and Fear of Military Disaster in Republican Rome'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 8.1

American Journal of Ancient History 8.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0676-5
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 4 articles: Ellen Meiksins Wood, 'Agricultural Slavery in Classical Athens', N.G.L. Hammond and M.B. Hatzopoulos, 'The Via Egnatia in Westen Macedonia II', Myles McDonnell, 'Divorce Initiated by Women in Rome', Robert W. Wallace, 'The Date of Solon's Reforms'.
$55.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 8.2

American Journal of Ancient History 8.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0677-2
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 4 articles: Raphael Sealey, 'How Citizenship and the City Began in Athens', Israel Shatzman, 'The Beginning of the Roman Defensive System in Judaea', Thomas R. Martin, 'Quintus Curtius' Presentation of Philip Arrhidaeus and Josephus' Accounts of the Accession of Claudius', D.R. Shackleton Bailey, 'Brothers or Cousins?'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 9.1

American Journal of Ancient History 9.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0678-9
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 7 articles: T. Yoshimura, 'Zum romischen Libertas-Begriff in der Aussenpolitok im zweiten Jahrhundart vor Chr', Kerry A. Christensen, 'The Theseion: A Slave Refuge at Athens', Adalberto Giovannini, 'Review-Discussion: Roman Eastern Policy in the Late Republic', S.V. Tracy, 'The Date of the Athenian Archon Achaios', Michael Vickers, 'Demus's Gold Phiale (Lysias 19.25)', Robert L. Hohlfelder, 'Marcian's Gamble: A Reassessment of Eastern Imperial Policy toward Attila AD 450-453', C.P.T. Naude, 'The Date of the Lower Books of Ammianus Marcellinus'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 10.1

American Journal of Ancient History 10.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0680-2
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 5 articles: Blaise Nagy, 'The Argei Puzzle', Charles W. Fornara, 'The Order of Events in Ammianus Marcellinus 23.5.4-25', Vincent J. Rosivach, 'Manning the Athenian Fleet, 433-426 BC', Barry S. Strauss, 'Ritual, Social Drama and Politics in Classical Athens', Stephen Ruzicka, 'A Note on Philip's Persian War'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 10.2

American Journal of Ancient History 10.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0681-9
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 5 articles: J.D. Bing, 'Sissu/Issus, and Phoenicians in Cilicia', A. Shapur Shahbazi, 'Irano-Hellenic Notes: 1. The Three Faces of Tigranes', R.A. McNeal, 'Review-Discussion: Bernal Once Again', Gary Reger, 'The Date of the Battle of Kos', Torben Vestergaard, Lars Bjertrup, Mogens Herman Hansen, Thomas Heine Nielsen, Lene Rubinstein, 'A Typology of the Women Recorded on Gravestones from Attica'.
$53.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 11

American Journal of Ancient History 11

Graveyards and Groves: A Study of the Lex Lucerina
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0682-6
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains a study by John Bodel on the legal and linguistic aspects of the so-called lex Lucerina inscription. Bodel argues that the ordinance - prohibiting dumping dung/refuse, abandoning corpses, and performing sacrifices in honor of the dead - pertains to civil rather than sacred law.
$65.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 6.1

American Journal of Ancient History 6.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0672-7
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 4 articles: V.M. Warrior, 'Livy, Book 42: Structure and Chronology', Judith R. Ginsburg, 'Nero's Consular Policy', R.M. Errington, 'Review Discussion: Four Interpretations of Philip II', D. Fishwick, 'A Gold Bust of Titus at Emerita'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 6.2

American Journal of Ancient History 6.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0673-4
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 5 articles: John J. Keaney, 'Aristotle, Politics 2.12.1274a22-b28', Walter Donlan, 'Scale, Value and Function in the Homeric Economy', Lawrence A. Tritle, 'Phokion Phokou Potamios?', Robert Drews, 'The Coming of the City to Central Italy', Kenneth Wellesley, 'What Happened on the Capitol in December AD 69?'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 3.1

American Journal of Ancient History 3.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0666-6
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 6 articles: Peter Green, 'Caesar and Alexander: Aemulatio, Imitatio, Comparatio', Phyllis Culham, 'The Delian League: Bicameral or Unicameral?', J.M. Bigwood, 'Ctesias' Description of Babylon', T.D. Barnes, 'Emperor and Bishops, A.D. 324-244: Some Problems', Duncan Fishwick, 'Claudius Submersus', Marleen Boudreau Flory, 'Family in Familia: Kinship and Community in Slavery'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 3.2

American Journal of Ancient History 3.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0667-3
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 7 articles: E.M. Wightman, 'Peasants and Potentates: An Investigation of Social Structure and Land Tenure in Roman Gaul', G.L. Snider, 'Hesiod's Sailing Season (W & D 663-665)', Larissa Bonfante, 'Historical Art: Etruscan and Early Roman', T.P. Wiseman, 'Flavians on the Capitol', P. Harding, 'O Androtion, You Fool!', J.R. Melville-Jones, 'The Value of Gold at Athens in 329/8 BC', K.R. Walters, 'Diodorus 11.82-84 and the Second Battle of Tanagra'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 4.1

American Journal of Ancient History 4.1

Edited by Ernst Badian
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0668-0
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 7 articles: E. Fredricksmeyer, 'Three Notes on Alexander's Deification', June W. Allison, 'Thucydides and Polypragmosyne', K.H. Kinzl, 'Betrachtungen zur Alteren Griechischen Tyrannis', Roger S. Bagnall, 'The Date of te Foundation of Alexandria', John Buckler, 'The Re-establishment of the Boiotarchia (378 BC), Frank M. Clover, 'Count Gainas and Count Sebastian', Catherine Reid Rubincam, 'Qualification of Numerals in Thucydides'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 4.2

American Journal of Ancient History 4.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0669-7
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 8 articles: P.J. Parsons, 'The Burial of Philip II?', Eugene N. Borza, 'Some Observations on Malaria and the Ecology of Central Macedonia in Antiquity', John Humphrey, 'The Three Daughters of Agrippina Maior', Luciana Aigner Foresti, 'Zur Zeremonie der Nagelschlagung in Rom und in Etrurien', June W. Allison, 'Additional Note', Frank J. Frost, 'The Dubious Origins of the 'Marathon', E. Badian, 'The Name of the Runner: A Summary of the Evidence', Geza Alfoldy, 'Review-Discussion: Ronald Syme, Roman Papers', Michael B. Walbank, 'The Family of Philagros Erchieus and the Cult of Asklepios at Athens'.
$55.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 5.1

American Journal of Ancient History 5.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0670-3
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 5 articles: Stanley M. Burstein, 'The Aftermath of the Peace of Apamea', Edward Champlin, 'The Volcei Land-Register (CIL X 407)', John K. Evans, 'Plebs Rustica. The Peasantry of Classical Italy', Allen M. Ward, 'The Conference of Luca: Did it Happen?', Noel D. Robertson, 'The True Nature of the 'Delian League'',
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 7.2

American Journal of Ancient History 7.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0675-8
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 5 articles: Edward Champlin, 'The Suburbium of Rome', Robert A. Moysey, 'Isokrates' On the Peace: Rhetorical Exercise or Political Advice?', N.G.L. Hammond and M.B. Hatzopoulos, 'The Via Egnatia in Western Macedonia I', Arthur Keaveney, 'Sulla Augur', M.H. Hansen, 'Demographic Reflections on the Number of Athenian Citizens 451-309 BC'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 9.2

American Journal of Ancient History 9.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0679-6
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 8 articles: Sarah B. Pomeroy, 'The Persian King and the Queen Bee', R.T. Scott, 'A Note on the City and the Camp in Tacitus, Histories 3.71', Robert Drews, 'The Lacuna in Tacitus' Annales Book Five in the Light of Christian Traditions', Duncan Fishwick, 'Pliny and the Christians', Duncan Fishwick, 'The Temple of Caesar at Alexandria', Arthur M. Eckstein, 'Review-Discussion: Two Interpretations of Caesar', Michael Peachin, 'A Note on the Early Days of Diocletian's Reign', Lee E. Reams, 'Sulla's Alleged Early Poverty and Roman Rent'.
$50.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 12.1

American Journal of Ancient History 12.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0683-3
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 4 articles: Gregory S. Bucher, 'The Annales Maximi in the Light of Roman Methods of Keeping Records', Duncan Fishwick, 'The Caesareum at Alexandria Again', Duncan Fishwick, 'A Ducking in the Tiber (Dio 61 [60],33,80)', Charles King, 'The Veracity of Ammianus Marcellinus' Description of the Huns'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 12.2

American Journal of Ancient History 12.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0684-0
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 3 articles: Pericles Georges, 'Darius in Scythia: The Formation of Herodotus' Sources and the Nature of Darius' Campaign', J. Linderski, 'A Missing Ponticus', Stephan Podes, 'Ekklesiastikon and Participation in Public Service in Classical Athens: Misleading Literary and Archaeological Evidence - and the Alternative?'.
$53.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 13.1

American Journal of Ancient History 13.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0685-7
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 2 articles in memory of Fritz Schachermeyr: Gerhard Dobesch, 'Allgemeine Wurdigung', A.B. Bosworth, 'Ingenium und Macht: Fritz Schachermeyr and Alexander the Great', and Schachermeyr's Bibliography.
$53.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 13.2

American Journal of Ancient History 13.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0686-4
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 6 articles: Alessandro Barchiesi, 'Ovid the Censor', E. Badian, 'Which Metellus? A Footnote to Professor Barchiesi's Article', Marleen B. Flory, 'The Meaning of Augusta in the Julio-Claudian Period', Harold B. Mattingly, 'Review-Discussion: Robert Develin, Athenian Officials', Karl R. Muhlbauer und Theresa Miller, 'Spielzeug und Kult. Zur religiosen und kultischen Bedeutung von Kinderspielzeug in der griechischen Antike', A. Sh. Shahbazi, 'Irano-Hellenic Notes. 2. The 'King's Eyes' in Classical and Iranian Literature'.
$59.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 14.1

American Journal of Ancient History 14.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0687-1
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 3 articles: Robert E.A. Palmer, 'Bullae insignia ingenuitatis', D.R. Shackleton Bailey, 'Two Passages in Cicero's Letters', N.V. Sekunda, 'Itabelis and the Satrapy of Mysia'.
$55.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 14.2

American Journal of Ancient History 14.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0688-8
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 3 articles: Fritz Schachermeyr, 'Abbruch, Uberleben und Neuwerden am Beginn und am Ende der Antike', Ella Hermon, 'Les priscae latinae coloniae et la politique colonisatrice a Rome', Colin M. Wells, 'Celibate Soldiers: Augustus and the Army'.
$51.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 15.1

American Journal of Ancient History 15.1

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0689-5
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 4 articles: Richard Saller, 'Domitian and His Successors: Methodological Traps in Assessing Emperors', K.M. Coleman, 'Latin Literature After AD 96: Change or Continuity', T. Corey Brennan, 'Principes and Plebs: Nerva's Reign as Turning-point?', Mary T. Boatwright, 'Public Architecture in Rome and the Year AD 96'.
$54.00 (USD)
Picture of American Journal of Ancient History 15.2

American Journal of Ancient History 15.2

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0690-1
The historic American Journal of Ancient History. This volume contains 3 articles: 'Review-Discussion: M.H. Crawford (ed.), Roman Statues': Volume I: Wolfgang Dieter Lebek; Volume II: Bernardo Santalucia, Robert J. Littman, 'Dor and the Athenian Empire', Christopher Ehrhardt, 'Athens, Egypt, Phoenicia, c. 459-444 BC'.
$55.00 (USD)