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American Journal of Ancient History (New Series 3-4, 2004-2005 [2007])


The continuation of the historic American Journal of Ancient History this volume contains nine articles and comprises the contents of volumes 3 and 4 of the New Series (2004-2005 [2007]).
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-59333-782-7
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jan 2,2004
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 224
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-59333-782-7
$125.00 (USD)
Your price: $75.00 (USD)
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The continuation of the historic American Journal of Ancient History, this volume contains nine articles comprising volumes 3 and 4: “The Heraia at Olympia: Gender and Peace” by Dolores Mirón, “Thucydides on Peloponnesian Strategy at Pylos” by Robert D. Luginbill, “The Athenian Decree Honoring Hebryzelmis of Thrace Reconsidered” by Danielle Kellogg, “In Defense of Hellas: The Antigonid Soteria and Paneia at Delos and the Aetolian Soteria at Delphi” by Craige B. Champion, “Insignia Lugentium: Female Mourning Garments in Roman Antiquity” by Kelly Olson, “A Cuckoo in the Nest: The Roman Odeon at Carthage in its Urban Context” by Colin M. Wells, “Usurpations in Africa: Ruler and Ruled in the Third Century Crisis” by Alexander Polley, “Quasi Libera, Quasi Ancilla: Diogenia and the Everyday Experience of Slaves” by Serena Connolly, and “Classicism, Barbarism, and Warfare: Prokopios and the Conservative Reaction to Later Roman Military Policy” by Anthony Kaldellis.

The continuation of the historic American Journal of Ancient History, this volume contains nine articles comprising volumes 3 and 4: “The Heraia at Olympia: Gender and Peace” by Dolores Mirón, “Thucydides on Peloponnesian Strategy at Pylos” by Robert D. Luginbill, “The Athenian Decree Honoring Hebryzelmis of Thrace Reconsidered” by Danielle Kellogg, “In Defense of Hellas: The Antigonid Soteria and Paneia at Delos and the Aetolian Soteria at Delphi” by Craige B. Champion, “Insignia Lugentium: Female Mourning Garments in Roman Antiquity” by Kelly Olson, “A Cuckoo in the Nest: The Roman Odeon at Carthage in its Urban Context” by Colin M. Wells, “Usurpations in Africa: Ruler and Ruled in the Third Century Crisis” by Alexander Polley, “Quasi Libera, Quasi Ancilla: Diogenia and the Everyday Experience of Slaves” by Serena Connolly, and “Classicism, Barbarism, and Warfare: Prokopios and the Conservative Reaction to Later Roman Military Policy” by Anthony Kaldellis.

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