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Analecta Gorgiana

Analecta Gorgiana is a collection of long essays and short monographs which are consistently cited by modern scholars but previously difficult to find because of their original appearance in obscure publications. Carefully selected by a team of scholars based on their relevance to modern scholarship, these essays can now be fully utilized by scholars and proudly owned by libraries.

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"He Was Pretty Good in There Today"

Reviving the Macho Christ in Ernest Hemingway's ""Today is Friday"" and Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 1070
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0117-3
This paper examines the “muscular Christianity” phenomenon in Mel Gibson’s 2004 film The Passion of the Christ and Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 short play, “Today is Friday.”

Bemerkungen zu dem hebräischen Texte Jesus Sirachs und seiner neuesten Übersetzung

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0060-2
Text-critical notes on Dyserinck's edition and Dutch translation of the Hebrew text of Sirach.

The Latest Expansions of the Iliad

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 741
ISBN: 978-1-61143-051-6
In this article, George Melville Bolling examines the disagreements among the manuscripts of Homer's Iliad and the papyri. Through a comparison of these he shows that lines have not disappeared, but have rather been added to the manuscript tradition.

Catalogue of Psalms Recited in the Prayers

The Syrian Diocese of Mosul
Introduction by Cyrillus Behnam Benni
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 655
ISBN: 978-1-61719-604-1
This short liturgical guidebook lists the proper Psalms to be read for the daily prayers throughout the year in the Syrian diocese of Mosul.

The Devotion of the Perpetual Rosary

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 678
ISBN: 978-1-61719-629-4
This volume in Arabic, originally printed at the Dominican Press in Mosul, contains chapters on the origin of Rosary devotion, its benefits, some questions and answers on the Rosary, and the way to recite the Rosary.

Praying the Rosary and Hearing the Mass

Méthode facile pour réciter le Très-saint Rosaire
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 677
ISBN: 978-1-61719-628-7
This manual, in Arabic and originally published at the Dominican Press in Mosul, contains the complete cycle of praying the Rosary, together with a guide for hearing the Mass.

Biblical Text in Rabbinic Context

The Book of Chronicles in the Mishnah, Talmud and Midrash
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 1060
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0107-4
This study investigates how the Rabbis handled the Book of Chronicles, highlighting issues including intermarriage. While genealogical lists contain intermarriage in Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah is generally opposed. Ezra did compose some of the lists and intermarriage was acceptable only under certain conditions.

Exegetische Studien zum Septuagintapsalter

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0030-5
A series of exegetical studies on the Septuagint psalter, focusing particularly on the extent to which the religious ideas and practice of the translators have influenced the translation and distinguished it from the Hebrew original.

The Armenian Life of Marutha of Maipherkat

Translation and Introduction by Ralph Marcus
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 937
ISBN: 978-1-61143-831-4
This work retells the life of the Bishop Marutha of Maipherkat, or Martyropolis, as translated from the Armenian text.

Yezidi Texts

Edited with an Introduction by Isya Joseph
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 902
ISBN: 978-1-61143-496-5
This paper provides an Arabic text and English introduction on the holy works and literature of the Yezidi faith.

The Extremity of the Romans, and Praise before the Holy Mysteries

Syriac Texts and Translations
Edited and Translated by Isaac H. Hall
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 876
ISBN: 978-1-61143-442-2
These are two unique Syriac texts from the same manuscript.

Das Nestorianische Denkmal in Singan Fu

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 634
ISBN: 978-1-61719-583-9
This work is a survey of the text and research on the famous so-called Nestorian monument (or stele) from China, including a review of previous scholarship, as well a fresh translation and commentary.

Rhapsody in Blue

The Origin of God's Footstool in the Aramaic Targumim and Midrashic Tradition
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 1059
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0106-7
Three interpretative trends address the vision at the ratification of the Sinai covenant in Exod. 24:10. Traditions relate whether God or a throne was seen, as well as the consequences for this vision for the leaders and history of the Israelites.

Die Chronologie des Simeon Šanqlâwâjâ

Edited and Translated by Friedrich Müller
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 567
ISBN: 978-1-61719-615-7
This volume contains long excerpts of the 12th/13th cent. Church of the East author Shem‘on Shanqlawaya’s Chronicon, here given in Syriac and in German translation.

Un traité astronomique et météorologique syriaque attribué a Denys l'Aréopagite

Edited and Translated by M.-A. Kugener
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 590
ISBN: 978-1-61719-549-5
Kugener here gives an edition of the Syriac text, along with a thoroughly annotated French translation, of this unique astronomical and meteorological treatise attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite and later used in the 13th cent. by Jacob bar Shakko.

Shamanism in Siberia and European Russia

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 972
ISBN: 978-1-61143-905-2
This work presents a detailed first-hand account of shamanic songs, rituals, and healing and initiatory ceremonies from all over Siberia, arranged by tribe.

A Ruined Nestorian City in Inner Mongolia

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 954
ISBN: 978-1-61143-871-0
Owen Lattimore, a historian of Central Asia, presents the first report on Kwei-hua, the ruined city of the Syriac-Ongut Turks.

Der Psalmencommentar des Theodor von Mopsuestia in syrischer Bearbeitung

ISBN: 978-1-61143-792-8
Baethgen describes a Syriac text purporting to be a translation of a commentary on the psalms by Theodore of Mopsuestia, showing that it cannot be a simple translation of Theodore's commentary but does contain much material derived from him.

Form und Überlieferung der Lukas-Homilien des Origenes

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 895
ISBN: 978-1-61143-485-9
This text discusses the writings of Origen on the Gospel according to Luke.

Ancient Georgian Versions of the Old Testament

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 862
ISBN: 978-1-61143-411-8
This work is a description and analysis of a unique Old Testament codex in Georgian containing the first eight books of the Bible, the Prophets, and marginal commentary on both.

The Date of the Initial Miniatures of the Etchmiadzin Gospel

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 825
ISBN: 978-1-61143-263-3
A controversial essay on one of the treasures of Armenian art, arguing that its illuminations were original and Armenian; with 38 plates.

Notice sur les manuscrits syriaques

Conservés dans la bibliothèque de couvent des chaldéens de Notre-Dame-des-Semences
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 752
ISBN: 978-1-61143-085-1
This catalogue lists 153 manuscripts from the Chaldean monastery Notre-Dame-des Semences, located near Alqosh, Iraq.

Sa Chronologie

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 569
ISBN: 978-1-61719-528-0
In this essay, Lamy discusses the Chronography of east Syriac author Elias of Nisibis (975-1046). Numerous extracts in Syriac and in French translation are included.

Untersuchungen zur Syntax des Afraates

I. Die Relativpartikel und der Relativsatz
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 646
ISBN: 978-1-61719-595-2
This grammatical study focuses on how the relative particle is used in the Demonstrations of fourth century Syriac author Aphrahat. A great number of examples from Aphrahat’s writings are included in both Syriac and in German translation.

An Ancient Syriac Translation of the Kur’an exhibiting New Verses and Variants

Series: Analecta Gorgiana 639
ISBN: 978-1-61719-588-4
The focus of this study is the final part of Dionysius bar Salibi’s polemical work against the Muslims, which contains a number of quotations from the Qur’an in Syriac translation.