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Analecta Isisiana: Ottoman and Turkish Studies

A co-publication with The Isis Press, Istanbul, the series consists of collections of thematic essays focused on specific themes of Ottoman and Turkish studies. These scholarly volumes address important issues throughout Turkish history, offering in a single volume the accumulated insights of a single author over a career of research on the subject.

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The Ottoman Empire

Myths, Realities and ‘Black Holes’ (Contributions in Honor of Colin Imber)
ISBN: 978-1-61719-141-1
This volume in honour of Colin Imber (University of Manchester) contains essays by many leading Ottoman historians.
$177.00 (USD) $106.20 (USD)

The Cretan Uprising 1866-1869

Part 2, September 1867 to June 1869
Edited by Sinan Kuneralp
ISBN: 978-1-61143-088-2
$245.00 (USD) $147.00 (USD)

Autoportrait du Sultan Ottoman en Conquérant

ISBN: 978-1-61143-091-2
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)

Les Balkans et la Russie à la Veille de la première guerre mondiale

Mémoires d’un diplomate ottoman
ISBN: 978-1-61143-089-9
$116.00 (USD) $69.60 (USD)

Crossing Borders

Jews and Muslims in Ottoman Law, Economy, and Society
ISBN: 978-1-61719-148-0
A study on the social and economic history of the Jewish communities of the Ottoman Empire during the 16th to 18th centuries with a particular interest in their day-to-day relations with the Muslims.
$135.00 (USD) $81.00 (USD)

Manifestations of Sainthood in Islam

Editor Grace Martin Smith; Associate Editor Carl W. Ernst
ISBN: 978-1-61143-819-2
This collection of papers by various scholars discusses a wide range of practices and beliefs relating to saints in Islam. The studies also demonstrate the influence of sainthood on political structures in many societies.
$162.00 (USD) $97.20 (USD)

La mission des augustins de l’assomption à Eski-Chéhir, 1891–1924

ISBN: 978-1-61143-813-0
This book studies a mission by Augustinians of the Assumption in Eskisehir from 1891–1924. It also offers an overview of the characteristics of the Christian missions in the Ottoman Empire.
$119.00 (USD) $71.40 (USD)

Mémoires posthumes et inachevees de Jacques Abravanel, juif portugais, salonicien de naissance, stam

ISBN: 978-1-61143-812-3
This book is the first publication of the unfinished memoir by the Portuguese Jew Jacques José Abravanel (1906–1993). For almost sixty years he was Portugal’s honorary consul in Istanbul and an active defender of ladino language.
$123.00 (USD) $73.80 (USD)

Les Ottomans, les Safavides, et la Géorgie, 1514-1524

ISBN: 978-1-61143-809-3
This book collects six studies on the interactions between Ottomans and Safavids in the early sixteenth century. It presents a number of interesting documents in original, transcription and translation.
$124.00 (USD) $74.40 (USD)

Les relations entre turcs et juifs dans la turquie moderne

ISBN: 978-1-61143-811-6
This book investigates the relationship between Turks and Jews in the Turkish Republic. A variety of sources, from popular literature to Islamist writings, are included in this unique study.
$128.00 (USD) $76.80 (USD)

Problèmes et approches de l’histoire ottomane

Un itinéraire scientifique de Kayseri à Egriboz
ISBN: 978-1-61143-810-9
This collection of selected articles by Ottoman historian Evangelia Balta discusses a variety of subjects within Ottoman social and economic history, all based on meticulous archival research.
$163.00 (USD) $97.80 (USD)

Les Turcs au Moyen-age

des Croisades aux Ottomans (XIe - XVe siècles)
ISBN: 978-1-61143-808-6
This collection of articles concentrates on the medieval history of the Turks, Seljuks, Turkmen and Ottomans. It emphasizes the multiple currents of influence linking the late Byzantine Empire, the early Ottoman Empire and humanist Europe.
$124.00 (USD) $74.40 (USD)

Byzantins et ottomans

Relations, interaction, succession
ISBN: 978-1-61143-806-2
This book offers a comprehensive study of the many points of contact, influence and exchange between Byzantines and Ottomans in medieval times, from linguistic exchange to philosophical encounters.
$154.00 (USD) $92.40 (USD)

The “Varlik Vergisi” Affair

A Study on its Legacy With Selected Documents
ISBN: 978-1-61719-124-4
A comprehensive study on Varlik Vergisi (the Capital Tax) which was implemented on the minorities of the Turkish Republic in 1942–43 and affected their lives as well as conceptions of their place in the society.
$188.00 (USD) $112.80 (USD)

Comptines de Turquie

D'apres les archives de Pertev Naili Boratav
ISBN: 978-1-61143-742-3
This collection of more than 200 Turkish nursing rhymes from all regions of Anatolia is the first of its kind. It constitutes a rich source for those interested in Turkish folklore and oral traditions.
$145.00 (USD) $87.00 (USD)

Figures anonymes, figures d’élite

Pour une anatomie de l’Homo ottomanicus
Compiled and edited by Meropi Anastassiadou & Bernard Heyberger
ISBN: 978-1-61143-741-6
This collection of papers by scholars from universities in France, Germany and Switzerland explores the complexity of Ottoman identity. By studying families and individuals with marginal backgrounds, it nuances the image of the Homo Ottomanicus.
$137.00 (USD) $82.20 (USD)

Du socialisme ottoman à l’internationalisme anatolien

ISBN: 978-1-61143-740-9
This collection of articles offers a comprehensive study of the roots of Socialism in the Ottoman Empire. It emphasizes the heterogeneous character of leftist movements in Turkey as well as their multi-ethnic history.
$207.00 (USD) $124.20 (USD)

Beyond the Language Frontier

Studies on the Karamanlis and the Karamanlidika Printing
ISBN: 978-1-61143-739-3
This collection of articles concentrates on the Karamanli people and the Karamanlidika Press of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It presents and discusses formerly unknown material from the Ottoman archives.
$140.00 (USD) $84.00 (USD)

Peuple et production

Pour une interprétation des sources ottomanes
ISBN: 978-1-61143-737-9
A collection of case studies examining the demography, life and work of the Greek minority in the Ottoman Empire. The research draws on a variety of Ottoman archival sources, from tax registers to newspapers.
$153.00 (USD) $91.80 (USD)

Studies on Ottoman Social History in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Women, Zimmis and Sharia Courts in Kayseri, Cyprus and Trabzon
ISBN: 978-1-61143-730-0
A selection of essays by Professor Ronald C. Jennings on the social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries.
$262.00 (USD) $157.20 (USD)

Religion, Economy and State in Ottoman-Arab History

ISBN: 978-1-61143-728-7
A collection of essays by Professor William Ochsenwald on the history of Arabia under the Ottoman rule.
$143.00 (USD) $85.80 (USD)

Imperial Meanderings and Republican By-Ways

Essays on Eighteenth century Ottoman and Twentieth Century History of Turkey
ISBN: 978-1-61143-724-9
A collection of essays by Dr. Robert Olson on the 18th and 20th century Ottoman and Turkish history with particular emphasis on Jews, Kurds and the Tulip Period.
$169.00 (USD) $101.40 (USD)

Familles Latines de l’Empire Ottoman

ISBN: 978-1-61143-722-5
A comprehensive history of the Latins of Asia Minor up to the present day also with discussions on various cultural and social issues such as “identity” and “nation”.
$124.00 (USD) $74.40 (USD)

Vie Latine de l’empire Ottoman

Les Latins d'Orient
ISBN: 978-1-61143-721-8
An extensive discussion of the Latin east and the Ottoman Levantines from the fall of Istanbul (ancient Constantinople) in 1453 to the recent past.
$124.00 (USD) $74.40 (USD)

Sur les traces du soufisme turc

Recherches sur l'Islam populaire en Anatolie
ISBN: 978-1-61143-718-8
A selection of articles by Irene Melikoff on the Anatolian and Turkish Sufism, including discussions on Bektasisim, Alevism and Heterodox Islam as well as Sufi customs and festivals.
$131.00 (USD) $78.60 (USD)