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Antje Labahn

Antje Labahn is the author of Wort Gottes und Schuld Israels (1999), editor of Metaphors in Psalms (with Pierre Van Hecke), and her articles include: Antitheocratic Tendencies in Chronicles (2000), Trauern als Bewältigung der Vergangenheit zur Gestaltung der Zukunft: Bemerkungen zur anthropologischen Theologie der Klagelieder (2002), Wild Animals and Chasing Shadows: Animal Metaphors in Lamentations as Indicators for Individual Threat (2005), Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9 (with Ehud Ben Zvi, 2nd. ed. 2006), „Deine Toten werden leben ...“ (Jes 26,19): Sinngebung mittels der Vorstellung individueller Revivfikation als Grenzerweiterung im Jesajabuch (2007), Aus dem Wasser kommt Leben: Frühjüdische Aspekte von Waschungen und Wasserriten (2010)

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Conceptual Metaphors in Poetic Texts

Proceedings of the Metaphor Research Group of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Lincoln 2009
Edited by Antje Labahn
ISBN: 978-1-61719-029-2
The Hebrew Bible discusses difficult and often ineffable subjects such as life, God, heaven and earth and frequently relies upon metaphor to do so. This volume of collected essays offers a new methodological approach to understanding metaphors as conceptualizing aspects of life. Articles provide close analysis of metaphors in various biblical books such as Psalms, Job, Judges, Chronicles, Isaiah, and Hosea.
$165.00 (USD) $99.00 (USD)