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Armenische Irenaeusfragmente

Zum Teil erstmalig herausgegeben und untersucht

Edited with an Introduction by Hermann Jordan; Translated by Willy Lüdtke
n addition to being an independent witness to his text, there is a treatise in Armenian which has not survived in Greek. With comments on the indirect influence of Irenaeus on the Armenian Church.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-516-7
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 13,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 236
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-516-7
$142.00 (USD)
Your price: $85.20 (USD)
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This book contains the corpus of Armenian quotations from the early and prolific Christian author Irenaeus of Lyons, with translations into German. In addition to being an independent witness to his text, there is a treatise in Armenian which has not survived in Greek. With comments on the indirect influence of Irenaeus on the Armenian Church.

This book contains the corpus of Armenian quotations from the early and prolific Christian author Irenaeus of Lyons, with translations into German. In addition to being an independent witness to his text, there is a treatise in Armenian which has not survived in Greek. With comments on the indirect influence of Irenaeus on the Armenian Church.

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  • Vorwort (page 7)
  • Inhaltsverzeichnis (page 10)
  • Abkurzungen (page 13)
  • I. Armenische Texte (page 15)
  • II. Ubersetzung und Untersuchung (page 54)
  • III. Uber weitere armenische Bruchstucke des Irenaeus in indirecter Uberlieferung (page 208)
  • IV. Uber die neuen Titel und die neugewonnenen Stucke der Irenaeusschriften (page 216)
  • V. Uber die armenische Ubersetzung von adv. haer. und des "Erweises" und ihr Alter: (page 217)
  • VI. Uber die Namensform und die Bezeichnungen des Irenaeus in armenischen Texten (page 220)
  • Anhang (page 222)
  • Nachtrage (page 227)
  • Register: 1. Bibelstellen (page 229)
  • 2. Handschriften (page 230)
  • 3. Personen und Sachen (page 232)
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