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Bardaisan of Edessa

In this volume, a reprint of his 1966 monograph, H. J. W. Drijvers investigates the life and teachings of Bardaisan of Edessa, determining his place in the religious and cultural life of Edessa in the second half of the second century of the common era.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0188-3
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Feb 13,2014
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 324
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0188-3
$163.00 (USD)
Your price: $97.80 (USD)
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In this volume, a reprint of his 1966 monograph, H. J. W. Drijvers investigates the life and teachings of Bardaisan of Edessa, determining his place in the religious and cultural life of Edessa in the second half of the second century of the common era. The cultures and religions of the day are also discussed in this comparative review, as Edessa was one of the points of contact between East and West, and was for centuries a centre of cultural exchange and mutual influence. The points of controversy concerning Bardaisan's life and doctrine are treated in turn, including that of the group that took his name and proclaimed themselves his spiritual heirs.

The volume also includes a survey by H. J. W. Drijvers of the history of research and an examination of the available sources. This information is updated in the Introduction to the present edition by Jan Willem Drijvers, which contains a bibliographic overview of research in recent decades.

Jan Willem Drijvers is Associate Professor in Ancient History at the Department of History in the University of Groningen.

In this volume, a reprint of his 1966 monograph, H. J. W. Drijvers investigates the life and teachings of Bardaisan of Edessa, determining his place in the religious and cultural life of Edessa in the second half of the second century of the common era. The cultures and religions of the day are also discussed in this comparative review, as Edessa was one of the points of contact between East and West, and was for centuries a centre of cultural exchange and mutual influence. The points of controversy concerning Bardaisan's life and doctrine are treated in turn, including that of the group that took his name and proclaimed themselves his spiritual heirs.

The volume also includes a survey by H. J. W. Drijvers of the history of research and an examination of the available sources. This information is updated in the Introduction to the present edition by Jan Willem Drijvers, which contains a bibliographic overview of research in recent decades.

Jan Willem Drijvers is Associate Professor in Ancient History at the Department of History in the University of Groningen.

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  • Table of Contents (page 5)
  • Introduction to the present edition (page 7)
  • Bibliography: Bardaisan of Edessa since 1966 (page 11)
  • List of Abbreviations (page 19)
  • Chapter 1: Introduction. The Research and its Problems (page 23)
    • The First Period: 1855-1897 (page 25)
    • The Second Period: 1897-1932 (page 49)
    • The Third Period: 1932 to the Present (page 74)
  • Chapter 2: The Book of the Laws of Countries (page 91)
    • The Problem from the Point of View of Literary History (page 91)
    • Bardaisan's Conception of God, Man, and the World, According to the "Book of the Laws of the Countries" (page 110)
  • Chapter 3: The Cosmology (page 131)
    • The First Cosmological Tradition (page 140)
    • The Second Cosmological Tradition (page 148)
    • The Third Cosmological Tradition (page 152)
    • The Muslim, and the Remaining Christian Arabic Traditions (page 158)
  • Chapter 4: Ephrem Syrus on Bardaisan (page 165)
    • Cosmology (page 168)
    • Bardaisan's Hymns and Mythology (page 182)
    • Anthropology (page 192)
    • Fate and Astrology (page 197)
    • Bardaisan's Personality, his Followers, and his Writings (page 201)
  • Chapter 5: The Other Traditions Regarding Bardaisan and the Bardesanites (page 207)
    • The Greek Tradition (page 208)
    • The Further Syriac Tradition (page 229)
    • The Arabic Tradition (page 244)
    • The Armenian Tradition (page 254)
    • The Other Works Ascribed to Bardaisan (page 255)
  • Chapter 6: Conclusions: Bardaisan and the Bardesanites in the Setting of their Times (page 261)
    • Edessa in the Second Century of our Era (page 262)
    • Bardaisan's Life (page 265)
    • Bardaisan's Teachings (page 267)
    • Bardaisan's Relations to Marcion and Mani (page 274)
    • The Fortunes of the Bardesanites (page 276)
  • Bibliography (page 279)
  • Index of Subjects (page 303)
  • Index of Names (page 317)
  • Index of Modern Authors (page 321)
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