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Die Panoplia dogmatica des Euthymios Zigabenos

Untersuchung ihrer Anlage und ihrer Quellen, ihres Inhaltes und ihrer Bedeutung

Jacob Wickert offers one of the most thorough discussions of Euthymios Zigabenus ever produced, including an introduction to his life and a detailed discussion of the contents of Euthymios’s compendium of heresies, the Panoplia Dogmatica.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-739-5
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jan 15,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 111
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-60724-739-5
$56.00 (USD)
Your price: $33.60 (USD)
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Euthymios Zigabenus was an important writer and thinker of the 12th century, yet little is known of his life or works. He is most well known for his treatise, the Panoplia Dogmatica, which lists and describes various heresies known to Euthymios. Most notable among these heresies is the Bogomilian heresy because the Panopllia serves as one of the only sources for information about this sect, and Euthymios’s account comes from his own interaction with its adherents. Jacob Wickert offers here one of the most thorough descriptions of Euthymios and his work ever produced. Wickert begins with an introduction to the life of Euthymios with careful attention to his relationship with Emperor Alexios, who requested that Euthymios write the Panoplia. Wickert describes the basic structure of the Panoplia and goes on to provide a list of the known patristic sources that Euthymios cites in the work. Wickert proceeds with an overview of the Panoplia, providing a detailed account of the progression of thought and the key ideas presented. Wickert concludes by offering an assessment of the value of the Panoplia and concludes that it has been overlooked as an important historical document chronicling Christianity in the 12th century.

Euthymios Zigabenus was an important writer and thinker of the 12th century, yet little is known of his life or works. He is most well known for his treatise, the Panoplia Dogmatica, which lists and describes various heresies known to Euthymios. Most notable among these heresies is the Bogomilian heresy because the Panopllia serves as one of the only sources for information about this sect, and Euthymios’s account comes from his own interaction with its adherents. Jacob Wickert offers here one of the most thorough descriptions of Euthymios and his work ever produced. Wickert begins with an introduction to the life of Euthymios with careful attention to his relationship with Emperor Alexios, who requested that Euthymios write the Panoplia. Wickert describes the basic structure of the Panoplia and goes on to provide a list of the known patristic sources that Euthymios cites in the work. Wickert proceeds with an overview of the Panoplia, providing a detailed account of the progression of thought and the key ideas presented. Wickert concludes by offering an assessment of the value of the Panoplia and concludes that it has been overlooked as an important historical document chronicling Christianity in the 12th century.

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  • Die Panoplia dogmatica des Euthymios Zigabenos. (page 5)