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Brief Grammar and Vocabulary of the Kurdish Language of the Hakari District

Samuel A. Rhea created a brief vocabulary and grammar while doing missionary work with the Kurds. His goal in creating a Kurdish grammar was to translate the Old and New Testaments into Kurdish.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-037-7
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Apr 30,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 42
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-61719-037-7
$39.00 (USD)
Your price: $23.40 (USD)
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Reverend Rhea spent many years in the area of the Kurds doing missionary work. He created a brief vocabulary and grammar there. The grammatical sketch given in this article is believed to have been worked out during time spent by Rhea at Mt. Seir, above Orumiah, before leaving Gawar. The vocabulary received gradual additions and corrections after he first drew them up. In the form of the grammar and vocabulary left by Reverend Rhea, an important addition to our knowledge of this interesting language was found, especially as coming from a region and a dialect concerning which no information, to the extent that is known, has yet been put on record. The area which this dialect belongs is concentrated in the area of the Hakari people, which are on the Persian border. Samuel Rhea’s goal in creating a grammar of the Kurds was to translate the Hebrew Bible and New Testament into Kurdish as the main goal of his missionary work.

Reverend Rhea spent many years in the area of the Kurds doing missionary work. He created a brief vocabulary and grammar there. The grammatical sketch given in this article is believed to have been worked out during time spent by Rhea at Mt. Seir, above Orumiah, before leaving Gawar. The vocabulary received gradual additions and corrections after he first drew them up. In the form of the grammar and vocabulary left by Reverend Rhea, an important addition to our knowledge of this interesting language was found, especially as coming from a region and a dialect concerning which no information, to the extent that is known, has yet been put on record. The area which this dialect belongs is concentrated in the area of the Hakari people, which are on the Persian border. Samuel Rhea’s goal in creating a grammar of the Kurds was to translate the Hebrew Bible and New Testament into Kurdish as the main goal of his missionary work.

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