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Carl Schmidt

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Der Benanbrief

Eine moderne Leben-Jesu-Fälschung des Herrn Ernst Edler von der Planitz
By Carl Schmidt; In Collaboration With Hermann Grapow
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 605
ISBN: 978-1-61719-436-8
This work reveals the uncovering of a forged letter about Jesus by the Berlin Professor of Theology with a consideration of the career and historical sense of the forger.
$54.00 (USD) $32.40 (USD)

Gnostike Schriften in koptischer Sprache

aus dem codex Brucianus
Edited and Translated by Carl Schmidt
ISBN: 978-1-61719-358-3
The two Books of Jeu and an unnamed Coptic Gnostic work, with a German translation; diagrams of the original reproduced in Greek.
$256.00 (USD) $153.60 (USD)