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Carmel McCarthy

Carmel McCarthy is Emeritus Professor of Hebrew and Syriac at University College Dublin, and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy. She authored an annotated English translation of Ephrem’s Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron. She serves on the Biblia Hebraica Quinta Editorial Committee, and has edited BHQ Deuteronomy.

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Picture of Deuteronomy According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation

Deuteronomy According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation

English Translation by Carmel McCarthy; Text Prepared by George Anton Kiraz & Joseph Bali
Series: Surath Kthob 5
ISBN: 978-1-61143-930-4
This volume is part of a series of English translations of the Syriac Peshitta along with the Syriac text carried out by an international team of scholars.
$150.00 (USD) $90.00 (USD)