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Christliche Ikonographie

Jean-Paul Deschelr presents a scholarly survey of the development and use of icons in the Christian tradition, including origins, recurring themes, and the technical aspects of creating icons.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-569-6
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Series: Moran Etho
Publication Date: May 27,2011
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 60
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61143-569-6
$109.00 (USD)
Your price: $65.40 (USD)
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The use of icons is one of the most distinctive aspects of the Orthodox Christian traditions of the East. In the present work, Jean-Paul Deschler presents a scholarly survey of the development and use of icons in the Christian tradition. Deschler discusses the origins and development of the practice of iconography, the theological themes that recur, and various aesthetic and technical aspects in the creation of icons. Deshcler also provides a specific study of a few select icons and includes various photos of icons being discussed.

The use of icons is one of the most distinctive aspects of the Orthodox Christian traditions of the East. In the present work, Jean-Paul Deschler presents a scholarly survey of the development and use of icons in the Christian tradition. Deschler discusses the origins and development of the practice of iconography, the theological themes that recur, and various aesthetic and technical aspects in the creation of icons. Deshcler also provides a specific study of a few select icons and includes various photos of icons being discussed.

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  • Copyright Page (page 4)
  • Contents (page 5)
  • Editorial (page 7)
  • Vorwort (page 9)
  • Christliche Ikonographie (page 11)
  • I. Die Bedeutung der Ikonen (page 13)
  • II. Gegenstand undi ikonographisches Muster (page 15)
  • III. Geschichte (page 18)
  • IV. Theologie (page 22)
  • V. Wort und Bild: Literarische Quellen (page 28)
  • VI. Betrachtung ausgewähiter Ikoen (page 32)
  • VII. Liturgie und Ikone (page 39)
  • VIII. Gesichtspunkte der Ästhetik (page 42)
  • IX. Technik des Ikonenmalens (page 47)
  • Abbildungen (page 55)
  • Englische Literatur in Auswahl (Select English Bibliography) (page 56)
  • Christian Iconography - English Outline (page 58)
  • Publications of The SEERI (page 60)
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