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Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature

Classics in the History of Early Christian Literature brings back into print book-length standard texts and research monographs on the earliest literature of Christianity. Classic editions of the works of the Fathers of the Church, translations into modern languages, critical monographs on individual texts, and surveys of the ancient literature have all been done; they are often referred to; but many of them are difficult for a modern reader to access, as they moulder in the pages of periodicals of limited circulation or availability.

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Das Hebräer-Evangelium

Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Kritik des Hebräischen Matthäus
ISBN: 978-1-61719-271-5
The data on the lost Gospel according to the Hebrews is presented in this volume with modern criticism, ancient evidence, surviving fragments, and conclusions.
$122.00 (USD) $73.20 (USD)

Die Abfassungszeit der Schriften Tertullians

ISBN: 978-1-61719-269-2
An effort to date the works of Tertullian, on stylistic and biographical grounds
$125.00 (USD) $75.00 (USD)

Der pseudocyprianische Tractat De Aleatoribus

die älteste lateinische-christliche Schrift, ein Werk des römischen Bischofs Victor II (saec[ulum] II
Edited with an Introduction by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-268-5
One of the first pieces of Christian Latin, a treatise on the evils of gambling and the role of the bishop in correcting them.
$128.00 (USD) $76.80 (USD)

Vier pseudojustinische Schiften

als Eigentum Diodors nachgewiesen
By Diodorus of Tarsus; Edited and Translated by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-371-2
Four debates between the Christians and the Greeks on philosophy and theology;they come down to us among the works of Justin, but written by Diodorus of Tarsus.
$91.00 (USD) $54.60 (USD)

Ein Martyrologium der christliche Geminde zu Rom am Anfang des V. Jahrhunderts

Quellenstudien sur Geschichte der römischen Märtyrer
ISBN: 978-1-61719-370-5
This volume reconstructs the calendar of martyrs venerated in late Theodosian Rome. It is compiled from later Church calendars, acts of the martyrs, records of relocated relics, the votive tablets of Pope Damasus, and other literary evidence.
$151.00 (USD) $90.60 (USD)

Die Kirchengeschichte des Eusebius aus dem Syrischen übersetzt

ISBN: 978-1-61719-369-9
The Syriac text of Eusebius' Historia Ecclestiastica, is here translated into German from 5th and 6th century manuscripts.
$104.00 (USD) $62.40 (USD)

Titus von Bostra

Studien zu dessen Lukashomilien
ISBN: 978-1-61719-368-2
The standard edition of the surviving fragments, and one palimpsest, of this polemical bishop's writings on Luke and Daniel.
$96.00 (USD) $57.60 (USD)

Medicinisches aus der ältesten Kirchengeschichte

ISBN: 978-1-61719-361-3
Christian physicians in the early church, from Luke to the martyrs Cosmas and Damian
$118.00 (USD) $70.80 (USD)

Gnostike Schriften in koptischer Sprache

aus dem codex Brucianus
Edited and Translated by Carl Schmidt
ISBN: 978-1-61719-358-3
The two Books of Jeu and an unnamed Coptic Gnostic work, with a German translation; diagrams of the original reproduced in Greek.
$256.00 (USD) $153.60 (USD)

Die Altercatio Simonis Judaei et Theophili Christiani

nebst Untersuchungen über der antijüdische Polemik in der alten Kirche
Edited with an Introduction by Adolf Harnack
ISBN: 978-1-61719-264-7
A quarrelsome disputation between a Jew and a Christian over the Old Testament prophecies, with introduction, notes, and essays on the character and compostion of the work.
$121.00 (USD) $72.60 (USD)

Die Überlieferung der Griechischen Apologeten

des 2 Jahrhunderts in der alten Kirche und im Mittelalter
ISBN: 978-1-61719-263-0
This volume examins the manuscript tradition, and the account of the works of the 2nd century apologists in the ancient church and the Middle Ages.
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)

The Apocryphal New Testament

Attributed in the First Four Centuries to Jesus Christ, his Apostles and their Companions, and not included in the New Testament by its Compilers, Translated from the Original Tongues and now First Collected into One Volume
Compiled by William Hone; Translated by Jeremiah Jones
ISBN: 978-1-61719-219-7
Collected by the radical journalist William Hone, this collection is of the Greek New Testament Apocrypha and other first century writings.
$151.00 (USD) $90.60 (USD)

Untersuchungen zur Nilus dem Asketen

ISBN: 978-1-61719-339-2
On the works of Nilus the Ascetic; the genuine and extensive fifth century correspondence and the spurious romance.
$72.00 (USD) $43.20 (USD)

Überlieferung und Textgeschichte der lateinisch erhaltenen Origenshomilen zur alten Testament

ISBN: 978-1-61719-338-5
The evidence of the Latin translations of Origen's homilies on the reception of Origen in the West.
$94.00 (USD) $56.40 (USD)


Aussercanonische Schriftfragmente
Edited with an Introduction by Alfred Resch
ISBN: 978-1-61719-302-6
The non-canonical sayings of Jesus, collected from various sources, are presented in this Gorgias edition.
$193.00 (USD) $115.80 (USD)

Die Briefe von Libanius

zeitlich geordnet
ISBN: 978-1-61719-301-9
Annotations on the letters of the late antique pagan philosopher, with a prosopography of his correspondents.
$206.00 (USD) $123.60 (USD)


Literar- und dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchungen
ISBN: 978-1-61719-284-5
A survey of the Christology of Athanasius, combined with a critical assessment of the works attributed to him; Stülcken finds more passion than clarity in Athanasius' declarations of the divinity of Jesus.
$124.00 (USD) $74.40 (USD)

Das sogenannte Religionsgespräch am Hof der Sasaniden

Edited by Eduard Bratke
ISBN: 978-1-61719-282-1
At the court of a fictitious King of Persia, first the Christians debate the pagans, with a rabbi as referee, and then the Christians debate the Jews, with a pagan referee. Standard edition, long unavaiable, with commentary and indices.
$160.00 (USD) $96.00 (USD)

Textkritik der vier Evangelien

ISBN: 978-1-61719-281-4
Critical and textual notes to the Gospels are presented here by one of the most important New Testament scholars.
$146.00 (USD) $87.60 (USD)

Die Todestage der Apostel Paulus und Petrus und ihre römische Denkmäler

Kritische Untersuchungen
ISBN: 978-1-61719-280-7
This book explores the dating and place of the martyrdom and commemmoration of Peter and Paul; false theories are examined.
$121.00 (USD) $72.60 (USD)


ISBN: 978-1-61719-276-0
The classic collection of the evidence on Hippolytus of Rome, his works, his actions as a leader of the church, his martyrdom, and his surviving fragments
$143.00 (USD) $85.80 (USD)

Die Überlieferung der Jeremiahomilien des Origens

ISBN: 978-1-61719-275-3
This book discusses the influence of Origen's sermons on Jeremiah, both direct and indirect.
$119.00 (USD) $71.40 (USD)

Die Sacra parallela des Johannes Damascenus

ISBN: 978-1-61719-273-9
Description of the manuscript tradition of this quasi-encyclopedia, its authorship, and its sources.
$183.00 (USD) $109.80 (USD)

Der kirchengeschichtliche Ertrag der exegistischen Arbeit des Origens

II: Die Beiden Testament mit Ausschluss des Hexateuchs und des Richterbuchs
ISBN: 978-1-61719-342-2
The remainder of Harnack's discussion of the homilies of Origen (on Ruth through the end of the Old Testament, and all of the New) and their influence on Christian exegesis is presented in this 2nd volume.
$76.00 (USD) $45.60 (USD)