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Colin Buchanan

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The Savoy Conference Revisited

The proceedings taken from the Grand Debate of 1661 and the works of Richard Baxter
Edited with an Introduction by Colin Buchanan
ISBN: 978-1-60724-403-5
The records of the Savoy Conference come from seventeenth century sources, and they were edited and reproduced in two nineteenth century volumes: E.Cardwell's A History of Conferences and Other Proceedings connected with the Revision of The Book of Common Prayer; from the year 1558 to the year 1690 (1841, and 2nd ed. 1849) and G.Gould, Documents relating to the Settlement of the Church of England by the Act of Uniformity of 1662 (London, 1862). Both present the Presbyterians' 'Exceptions' tabled at the Savoy Conference in 1661, and the Bishops' (somewhat unyielding) Answers to the Exceptions - but neither editor brings the texts together. This Joint Study presents the General Exceptions in parallel column with their respective Answers.
$140.00 (USD) $84.00 (USD)

The Bishop in Liturgy

An Anglican Symposium on the role and task of the Bishop in the field of Liturgy
Edited by Colin Buchanan
ISBN: 978-1-60724-361-8
A series of essays exploring the sacerdotal role of the bishop in the Anglican church. Both historical and contemporary perspectives on the bishop's liturgical role are presented.
$138.00 (USD) $82.80 (USD)

Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches

Edited by Colin Buchanan
ISBN: 978-1-60724-352-6
The liturgies of the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church and the Lusitanian Church are presented here and introduced by a bishop of the Anglican communion.
$138.00 (USD) $82.80 (USD)

Modern Anglican Ordination Rites

Edited by Colin Buchanan
ISBN: 978-1-60724-359-5
This study presents the Anglican ordination rites from the 1970s and 1980s, analyzing and comparing their respective contents and character.
$100.00 (USD) $60.00 (USD)