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Conceptual Metaphors in Poetic Texts

Proceedings of the Metaphor Research Group of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Lincoln 2009

Edited by Antje Labahn
The Hebrew Bible discusses difficult and often ineffable subjects such as life, God, heaven and earth and frequently relies upon metaphor to do so. This volume of collected essays offers a new methodological approach to understanding metaphors as conceptualizing aspects of life. Articles provide close analysis of metaphors in various biblical books such as Psalms, Job, Judges, Chronicles, Isaiah, and Hosea.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-029-2
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Feb 7,2013
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 178
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-61719-029-2
$165.00 (USD)
Your price: $99.00 (USD)
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The Hebrew Bible is full of metaphors about life in general, aspects of life, as well as God, heaven and earth. This volume offers a new approach to understand metaphors as conceptualising aspects of life. Articles provide close analysis of metaphors in various biblical books, such as Psalms, Job, Judges, Chronicles, Isaiah and Hosea.

The collection presents articles by Elisabeth R. Hayes, Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher, Jutta Hausmann, Gert Kwakkel, Antje Labahn, Pierre Van Hecke, Karolien Vermeulen, and Stefan Wälchli.

The Hebrew Bible is full of metaphors about life in general, aspects of life, as well as God, heaven and earth. This volume offers a new approach to understand metaphors as conceptualising aspects of life. Articles provide close analysis of metaphors in various biblical books, such as Psalms, Job, Judges, Chronicles, Isaiah and Hosea.

The collection presents articles by Elisabeth R. Hayes, Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher, Jutta Hausmann, Gert Kwakkel, Antje Labahn, Pierre Van Hecke, Karolien Vermeulen, and Stefan Wälchli.

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Antje Labahn is the author of Wort Gottes und Schuld Israels (1999), editor of Metaphors in Psalms (with Pierre Van Hecke), and her articles include: Antitheocratic Tendencies in Chronicles (2000), Trauern als Bewältigung der Vergangenheit zur Gestaltung der Zukunft: Bemerkungen zur anthropologischen Theologie der Klagelieder (2002), Wild Animals and Chasing Shadows: Animal Metaphors in Lamentations as Indicators for Individual Threat (2005), Observations on Women in the Genealogies of 1 Chronicles 1–9 (with Ehud Ben Zvi, 2nd. ed. 2006), „Deine Toten werden leben ...“ (Jes 26,19): Sinngebung mittels der Vorstellung individueller Revivfikation als Grenzerweiterung im Jesajabuch (2007), Aus dem Wasser kommt Leben: Frühjüdische Aspekte von Waschungen und Wasserriten (2010)



Elizabeth Hayes is an adjunct professor at...(this will change, most likely). She holds a MAT from Fuller Theological Seminary and a DPhil from the University of Oxford. She has written on the subject of cognitive linguistics and Biblical Hebrew text.


PierreVan Hecke


Stefan Wälchli

  • Copyright (page 4)
  • Table of Contents (page 5)
  • Preface and Introduction - Antje Labahn (page 7)
  • 1. HISTORICAL BOOKS (page 11)
    • Heart as a Conceptual Metaphor in Chronicles. Metaphors as Representations of Concepts of Reality: Conceptual Metaphors „ a New Paradigm in Metaphor Research - Antje Labahn (page 13)
    • What did Jotham talk about? Metaphorical Rhetoric in Judg 9:7…20 - Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher (page 41)
    • Creation, Creator and Conceptual Metaphor in Psalm 19:2…7 and Genesis 1…3 - Elizabeth R. Hayes (page 59)
    • Job 3: Metaphors Turned Into Their Contrary - Stefan Wälchli (page 73)
    • I Melt Away and Will No Longer Live.Ž The Use of Metaphor in Jobs Self-Descriptions - Pierre Van Hecke (page 79)
    • The Tree of Metaphors. ?? ???? in the Book of Proverbs - Karolien Vermeulen (page 101)
  • 3. PROPHETS (page 123)
    • A Tale of Heaven and Earth. Metaphor as Dialogue with the Inner and Outer Biblical World of Second Isaiah - Karolien Vermeulen (page 125)
    • The Wilderness in Hosea - Gert Kwakkel (page 143)
  • Contributors (page 169)
  • Index (page 173)
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