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Concise Teachings of Christianity for Orthodox Families and Schools

By Gregorios Bulus Behnam; Translation and Introduction by Matti Moosa
Matti Moosa provides an introduction and a translation of Rev. Bulus Behnam’s 1946 work on the basic principles of the Christian faith based on the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Syrian Church considers the Holy Bible its sole authority for salvation.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0215-6
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jun 17,2013
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 158
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0215-6
$67.00 (USD)
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In this book, Matti Moosa provides an introduction and a translation of Rev. Bulus Behnam’s work Al-Banafsaja al-Dhakiyya fi Khulasat al-Ta’alim al-Masihiyya li al-‘A’ilat wa al-Madaris al-Orthodoxiyya (The Fragrant Violet: Concise Christian Teachings for the Use of the Orthodox Families and Schools), originally published in Mosul in 1946. The book, published while Behnam (later Metropolitan of Iraq) was Principal of St Ephraim’s Seminary in Mosul, was intended to meet the needs of Syrian Orthodox families and schools for instructions on their Christian faith and its principles as held by their Church. It contains a wealth of knowledge of the basic principles of the Christian faith based on the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Syrian Church considers the Holy Bible its sole authority for salvation. Traditions are accepted and revered by this Church, which uses them as an illustration of the faith. Indeed, reading this small volume, one must conclude that Jesus Christ alone is the central object of the Bible, and that there is no salvation without him. In brief, the book contains the major institutes of the Christian faith held by the Syrian Church.

In this book, Matti Moosa provides an introduction and a translation of Rev. Bulus Behnam’s work Al-Banafsaja al-Dhakiyya fi Khulasat al-Ta’alim al-Masihiyya li al-‘A’ilat wa al-Madaris al-Orthodoxiyya (The Fragrant Violet: Concise Christian Teachings for the Use of the Orthodox Families and Schools), originally published in Mosul in 1946. The book, published while Behnam (later Metropolitan of Iraq) was Principal of St Ephraim’s Seminary in Mosul, was intended to meet the needs of Syrian Orthodox families and schools for instructions on their Christian faith and its principles as held by their Church. It contains a wealth of knowledge of the basic principles of the Christian faith based on the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Syrian Church considers the Holy Bible its sole authority for salvation. Traditions are accepted and revered by this Church, which uses them as an illustration of the faith. Indeed, reading this small volume, one must conclude that Jesus Christ alone is the central object of the Bible, and that there is no salvation without him. In brief, the book contains the major institutes of the Christian faith held by the Syrian Church.

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Matti Moosa, a native of Mosul, Iraq, and an American citizen since 1965, held a Law degree from Baghdad Law School, Iraq, a United Nations Diploma of Merit from the University of Wales in Swansea, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Middle Eastern history and culture from Columbia University in New York City. His publications include The Origins of Modern Arabic Fiction, 1983, 2nd ed., (1997) The Maronites in History (1986), translated into Arabic under the title Al-Mawarina fi al-Tarikh (Damascus, 2004), Extremist Shiites: the Ghulat Sects (1988); The Early Novels of Naguib Mahfouz: Images of Modern Egypt (1994); The Crusades: Conflict between Christendom and Islam (2008) and many other translated books. He has also contributed numerous articles on Middle Eastern history and culture to leading periodicals. Dr Moosa passed away in 2014.

Gregorios Behnam

  • Table of Contents (page 9)
  • Translators Introduction (page 11)
  • Authors Foreword (page 15)
  • Book One: The True Nature of Christianity (page 17)
    • Chapter 1: Revelation and Prophecy (page 19)
    • Chapter 2: The Truth of the Christian Religion (page 21)
    • Chapter 3: The New Testament (page 23)
    • Chapter 4: The Gospel (page 25)
    • Chapter 5: The Veracity of the Gospels (page 29)
  • Book Two: God, Angels, and Man (page 31)
    • Chapter 1: The Existence of God (page 33)
    • Chapter 2: The Attributes of God (page 35)
    • Chapter 3: The Most Specific Attributes of God (page 37)
    • Chapter 4: Trinity and Unity (page 39)
    • Chapter 5: Angels (page 43)
    • Chapter 6: Man (page 47)
  • Book Three: Incarnation and Redemption (page 49)
    • Chapter 1: The Savior and His Divinity (page 51)
    • Chapter 2: The Incarnation (page 55)
    • Chapter 3: The Acts of the Savior and His Teachings (page 59)
    • Chapter 4: The Act of Redemption (page 63)
    • Chapter 5: The Benefits of Salvation (page 67)
    • Chapter 6: The Holy Spirit and His Bestowed Talents (page 69)
  • Book Four: The Church and Its Sacraments (page 71)
    • Chapter 1: The Church (page 73)
    • Chapter 2: Mystery„Sacraments of the Church (page 77)
    • Chapter 3: The Sacrament of Baptism (page 81)
    • Chapter 4: The Sacrament of Mirun (Chrism) (page 85)
    • Chapter 5: The Sacrament of Penance and Confession of Sins (page 89)
    • Chapter 6: Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (page 93)
    • Chapter 7: The Sacrament of Holy Orders (Priesthood) (page 97)
    • Chapter 8: The Sacrament of Anointing the Sick (page 101)
    • Chapter 9: The Sacrament of Matrimony (page 103)
  • Book Five: Prayer, Its Obligations and Times (page 105)
    • Chapter 1: Prayer (page 107)
    • Chapter 2: Praying toward the East (page 111)
    • Chapter 3: The Times of Prayer (page 113)
    • Chapter 4: Singing of the Cross (page 117)
    • Chapter 5: The Trisagion (page 119)
    • Chapter 6: The Obligatory Prayer (page 121)
    • Chapter 7: The Lords Prayer (page 123)
  • Book Six: The Commandments (page 127)
    • Chapter 1: General Commandments (page 129)
    • Chapter 2: The First Part of Gods Commandments (page 131)
    • Chapter 3: The Second Part of Gods Commandments (page 135)
    • Chapter 4: The Law of the New Testament (page 139)
  • Book Seven: Virtues and Vices (page 143)
    • Chapter 1: Virtue (page 145)
    • Chapter 2: Godly Virtues (page 147)
    • Chapter 3: Moral Virtues (page 151)
    • Chapter 4: Sin (page 153)
    • Chapter 5: The Consequences of Man (page 155)
  • About the Translator (page 157)
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