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Conflict and Trade

Maya Shatzmiller

This series provides in-depth examinations of issues related to the social, economic and cultural framework and interaction of the conduct of trade in conflict situations, worldwide, but with particular focus on the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean.
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Conflictos, negociaciones y comercio durante las guerras de independencia latinoamericanas

ISBN: 978-1-61143-000-4
En este libro se analizan los conflictos y las negociaciones que transformaron las modalidades del comercio en América Latina durante las llamadas guerras de la independencia tanto de sus rasgos comunes como de la variedad de situaciones regionales
$192.00 (USD) $115.20 (USD)

US Diplomatic Failures and the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1947-1967

With reference to final borders, Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem
ISBN: 978-1-59333-273-0
The United States’ standing in the Middle East eroded as a result of its policy towards the Arab-Israeli conflict from 1947 to 1967, with Eisenhower’s “immediate deterrence” proving the lone exception. This period was especially critical as it introduced dynamics into the Middle Eastern balance of power that have proved particularly difficult to address. While the responsibility for seeking an end to conflict ultimately lies with the belligerents, the United States bears a heavy historical responsibility for the course of events and must now constitute the driving force behind a peaceful resolution of the dispute.
$193.00 (USD) $115.80 (USD)

Notables, Merchants, and Shaykhs of Southern Iran and Its Ports

Politics and Trade in the Persian Gulf, AD 1729-1789
ISBN: 978-1-59333-957-9
This book investigates the socio-cultural and maritime history of 18th century – early 19th-century Southern Iran and the Persian Gulf in terms of the merchants, mariners and captains who lived and died in the turbulent waters of the western Indian Ocean. This “uncertain frontier” between a revitalized Ottoman Empire to the west and an emergant British India to the east became a testing grounds for the communities of the Gulf. Generally assumed to be a period of anarchy, the 18th-century maritime peoples resolved differences by marriage, forged alliances, and adapted their mercantile skills to the emerging age of global power.
$197.00 (USD) $118.20 (USD)

United States and Two Gulf Wars

Prelude and Aftermath
ISBN: 978-1-59333-591-5
This incisive study by historian Lester Brune examines the background and implications of the two conflicts. Considering the late twentieth-century involvement of the United States in Iraq, Brune discusses the policy of containment and the decision to go to war a second time. He traces the situation up to the creation of an Iraqi government and Saddam Hussein’s capture and trial. The continuing implications of the wars are also analyzed.
$182.00 (USD) $109.20 (USD)

The Greek-Turkish War 1919–23

An Australian Press Perspective
ISBN: 978-1-59333-967-8
The book describes different facets of the Greek-Turkish conflict (1919-23) through the eyes of of the Australian press. Australia’s national identity was forged on the shores of the Gallipoli Peninsula fighting against the Ottoman Empire in 1915. After the war, Australia stayed involved with that area of the world as it sought to chart an 'independent' foreign policy within the framework of the British Empire. This book discusses the role that Australia's press played during that conflict and how it shaped Australian nationalism and identity going forward.
$175.00 (USD) $105.00 (USD)