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Daniele Arnesano

Daniele Arnesano graduated in 2003 from University of Cassino (‘Scuola di Specializzazione per Conservatori di Beni Archivistici e Librari della Civiltà Medievale’). He completed his PhD on Textual and Manuscript Book Science in 2006 (University of Cassino) as well as in Greek and Latin Palaeography in 2011 (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’). In 2013, he was entitled to teach at the University. His research deals with the production of Greek manuscripts and documents in Southern Italy. Along with numerous papers in journals, proceedings, and miscellanies, he wrote the reference book on Greek librarian culture in Otranto, La minuscola «barocca». Scritture e libri in Terra d’Otranto nei secoli XIII e XIV (Galatina, 2008).

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Picture of Multilingual and Multigraphic Documents and Manuscripts of East and West

Multilingual and Multigraphic Documents and Manuscripts of East and West

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0283-5
This volume deals with the evidence from manuscripts and handwritten documents with multilingual and multigraphic structures in Arabic, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, conceived and designed to display texts in different languages or scripts, as well as addressing the historical context of these testimonia (their production, use and circulation) and focusing on problems inherent to multicultural societies.
$228.69 (USD) $137.21 (USD)