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Das Nestorianische Denkmal in Singan Fu

This work is a survey of the text and research on the famous so-called Nestorian monument (or stele) from China, including a review of previous scholarship, as well a fresh translation and commentary.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-583-9
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Oct 23,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 67
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-583-9
$45.00 (USD)
Your price: $27.00 (USD)
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The famous so-called Nestorian monument (or stele) from China, written in 781 and buried in the next century, then rediscovered in the 17th century, has been the subject of intense research from many angles. This work is a survey of the text and research on it. The first part of the book is a thoroughly documented review of previous scholarship on the stele. The second half of the book offers a description and study of it, including a German translation, Chinese and Syriac texts, and a commentary on the text dealing closely with the languages and word choice of the Chinese; finally, there is a study of the proper names. Students and scholars of Chinese and Syriac, as well as the history of Christianity in China, will welcome the reappearance of this volume.

The famous so-called Nestorian monument (or stele) from China, written in 781 and buried in the next century, then rediscovered in the 17th century, has been the subject of intense research from many angles. This work is a survey of the text and research on it. The first part of the book is a thoroughly documented review of previous scholarship on the stele. The second half of the book offers a description and study of it, including a German translation, Chinese and Syriac texts, and a commentary on the text dealing closely with the languages and word choice of the Chinese; finally, there is a study of the proper names. Students and scholars of Chinese and Syriac, as well as the history of Christianity in China, will welcome the reappearance of this volume.

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  • Vorbemerkungen (page 5)
  • Das Nestorianische Denkmal in Singan Fu (page 6)
  • Literaturverzeichinis (page 8)
  • I (page 12)
  • II (page 30)
  • III (page 42)
  • Bemerkungen Zu Den Personennamen (page 60)
  • Inhaltsverzeichniss (page 63)
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