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Denkmäler altarmenischer Meßliturgie

Translation and Introduction by Peter Ferhat & Anton Baumstark
Joseph Catergian’s Die Liturgien bei den Armeniern was significant for liturgical studies in the Armenian tradition, but it lacked translations of the texts. The present publication includes translations by Peter Ferhart, Anton Baumstark, and Adolf Rücker.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-882-8
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Feb 4,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 74
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-60724-882-8
$47.00 (USD)
Your price: $28.20 (USD)
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Joseph Catergian’s work Die Liturgien bei den Armeniern was a significant publication for the historical study of liturgy within the Armenian tradition. However, while Catergian’s work included the Armenian texts and textual studies by Jacob Dashian, it did not include translations of the texts. Thus, in the present work, Peter Ferhart, Anton Baumstark and Adolf Rücker present the translation of four of the liturgical texts contained in Catergian’s work. Originally published as three separate articles, the three translations (two by Ferhart and one by Baumstark) are published together here for the first time. The first text, translated into Latin by Ferhart, is an early Armenian translation of a liturgy attributed to Greogory of Nazianzus. For the second text, which is allegedly the liturgy of Catholicos Sahak, Ferhart presents a Latin translation and critical apparatus with comparisons to comparable liturgies. The third text, translated by Baumstark into Latin, is an Armenian recension of a liturgy of the Syrian Jacobite tradition. Each translation is accompanied by a brief introduction by the translator. The fourth and final text, translated by Adolf Rücker, is an Anaphora of Cyril of Alexandira.

Joseph Catergian’s work Die Liturgien bei den Armeniern was a significant publication for the historical study of liturgy within the Armenian tradition. However, while Catergian’s work included the Armenian texts and textual studies by Jacob Dashian, it did not include translations of the texts. Thus, in the present work, Peter Ferhart, Anton Baumstark and Adolf Rücker present the translation of four of the liturgical texts contained in Catergian’s work. Originally published as three separate articles, the three translations (two by Ferhart and one by Baumstark) are published together here for the first time. The first text, translated into Latin by Ferhart, is an early Armenian translation of a liturgy attributed to Greogory of Nazianzus. For the second text, which is allegedly the liturgy of Catholicos Sahak, Ferhart presents a Latin translation and critical apparatus with comparisons to comparable liturgies. The third text, translated by Baumstark into Latin, is an Armenian recension of a liturgy of the Syrian Jacobite tradition. Each translation is accompanied by a brief introduction by the translator. The fourth and final text, translated by Adolf Rücker, is an Anaphora of Cyril of Alexandira.

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  • 1. Eine dem hl. Gregor von Nazianz zugeschriebene Liturgie (page 5)
  • 2. Die angebliche Liturgie des hl. Katholikos Sahak (page 16)
  • 3. Die armenische Rezension der Jakobusliturgie (page 32)
  • 4. Die anaphora des patriarchen kyrillos von Alexandreia (page 64)