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Der kirchengeschichtliche Ertrag der exegistischen Arbeit des Origens

II: Die Beiden Testament mit Ausschluss des Hexateuchs und des Richterbuchs

The remainder of Harnack's discussion of the homilies of Origen (on Ruth through the end of the Old Testament, and all of the New) and their influence on Christian exegesis is presented in this 2nd volume.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-342-2
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jun 4,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 192
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-342-2
$76.00 (USD)
Your price: $45.60 (USD)
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Origen's exegetical technique and its influence on later Christianity. This second installment deals with Origen's homilies on the New Testament and most of the Old Testament (from the Book of Ruth to the end), but covers the influence of Origen on polemics against heresy, relations with philosophy and ancient literature, the Jews, number symbolism, marriage and sexual relations, community, the kiss of peace, and the hierarchy of the Church.

Origen's exegetical technique and its influence on later Christianity. This second installment deals with Origen's homilies on the New Testament and most of the Old Testament (from the Book of Ruth to the end), but covers the influence of Origen on polemics against heresy, relations with philosophy and ancient literature, the Jews, number symbolism, marriage and sexual relations, community, the kiss of peace, and the hierarchy of the Church.

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  • Vorwort (page 5)
  • Inhaltsverzeichnis (page 7)
  • I. Die heiligen Schriften und die exegetische Tradition (page 12)
  • II. Antilegomena und Apocrypha (page 42)
  • III. Mitteilungen uber Haretiker und Polemik (page 62)
  • IV. Die Juden und Samaritaner (page 89)
  • V. Griechische Historie und Philosophie Griechisch-Antiquarisches. Staat und Kirche (page 95)
  • VI. Zahlensymbolik (page 118)
  • VII. Wie es unter den Christen zugeht Geschlechtliches, Ehefragen (page 122)
  • VIII. Gottesdienst, Sakramente, Bube und Vergebung (page 130)
  • IX. Bischofe, Presbyter, Diakonen, Lehrer, Heilige (page 137)
  • Register I. Behandelte Stellen aus den Werken des Origenes (page 177)
  • II. Sachregister (page 183)
  • Berichtigungen (page 192)