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Die Anaphora des hl. Jakobus, des Bruders der Herrn

Nach dem Ms. aeth. 74 der Bibliothèque zu Paris

Edited and Translated by Sebastian Euringer
Sebastian Euringer publishes here the Ethiopic text and German translation of an anaphora attributed to James, the brother of Jesus.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-778-4
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jan 21,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 27
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-60724-778-4
$36.00 (USD)
Your price: $21.60 (USD)
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The anaphora attributed to James, the brother of Jesus, is known in various forms throughout the Eastern and Oriental Christian world. Sebastian Euringer published here a version of the anaphora preserved in Ethiopic and accompanies it with a German translation. Euringer attempts to present the Ethiopic text as faithfully as possible, that is, without orthographic or syntactical corrections. However, Euringer does set the text with section numbers and line breaks. Euringer provides a basic introduction, but does not discuss any critical issues concerning the text.

The anaphora attributed to James, the brother of Jesus, is known in various forms throughout the Eastern and Oriental Christian world. Sebastian Euringer published here a version of the anaphora preserved in Ethiopic and accompanies it with a German translation. Euringer attempts to present the Ethiopic text as faithfully as possible, that is, without orthographic or syntactical corrections. However, Euringer does set the text with section numbers and line breaks. Euringer provides a basic introduction, but does not discuss any critical issues concerning the text.

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  • Die Anaphora des hl. Jakobus, des Bruders des Herrn (page 5)