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Die Apologie des Aristides

Edited with an Introduction by Edgar Hennecke
This work is a reconstruction of Greek, Armenian, and Syriac versions of an early Christian text that explains to the Emperor why Christianity is the only philosophically adequate religion.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-495-5
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 13,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 86
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-495-5
$50.00 (USD)
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This work is a reconstruction of an early Christian Greek text (the Tale of Barlaam and Josaphat) alongside its Armenian and Syriac translations. Where the texts differ radically, all three are given (the Armenian and Syriac in German translation); where they do not, a reconstructed Greek text is given. In this work, Athenian philosopher Aristides explains to the Emperor why the Christian way of worship is the only philosophically adequate one, in contrast to the barbarian worship of the elements, Greek worship of many gods with all-too-human immoralities, and Jewish worship of the angels. He concludes with praise of Christian virtue and deplores the persecution of Christianity. Included is an appendix of later testimony on Aristides.

This work is a reconstruction of an early Christian Greek text (the Tale of Barlaam and Josaphat) alongside its Armenian and Syriac translations. Where the texts differ radically, all three are given (the Armenian and Syriac in German translation); where they do not, a reconstructed Greek text is given. In this work, Athenian philosopher Aristides explains to the Emperor why the Christian way of worship is the only philosophically adequate one, in contrast to the barbarian worship of the elements, Greek worship of many gods with all-too-human immoralities, and Jewish worship of the angels. He concludes with praise of Christian virtue and deplores the persecution of Christianity. Included is an appendix of later testimony on Aristides.

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  • Vorwort (page 5)
  • Nachrichten spaterer Schriftsteller (page 66)
  • Wort und Sachregister (page 69)
  • Nachtrage (page 84)
  • Berichtigungen (page 86)