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Die Geschichte der dogmatischen Florilegien vom V.-VIII. Jahrhundert

The florilegia (lists of quotations from the Fathers on a given topic) from the Council of Chalcedon to the filioque controversy
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-294-4
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 12,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 112
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-294-4
$117.00 (USD)
Your price: $70.20 (USD)
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A list of manuscripts which are Byzantine florilegia (lists of quotations from the Fathers on a given topic) against the Nestorians and Eutychians - and those that survive by the Nestorians and Eutychians; against the Monophysites, Monergists, and Monothelites; on the Origen controversy and the matter of the Three Chapters; from the Iconoclast and Filioque controversies;and lists of the works condemned by the Councils as heretical. One tactic has its own section: answering the Monophysite emphasis on Matthew 26:39 ("let this cup pass from me") with Luke 2:52 (Christ "increased in wisdom and age").

A list of manuscripts which are Byzantine florilegia (lists of quotations from the Fathers on a given topic) against the Nestorians and Eutychians - and those that survive by the Nestorians and Eutychians; against the Monophysites, Monergists, and Monothelites; on the Origen controversy and the matter of the Three Chapters; from the Iconoclast and Filioque controversies;and lists of the works condemned by the Councils as heretical. One tactic has its own section: answering the Monophysite emphasis on Matthew 26:39 ("let this cup pass from me") with Luke 2:52 (Christ "increased in wisdom and age").

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  • Vorwort (page 5)
  • Inhaltsverzeichnis (page 7)
  • I.Dogmatische Encyklopadien in Handschriften und bei Schriftsellern vom V.-VIII. Jahrhundert (page 9)
  • II.Acten und Florilegien aus der Zeit der nestorianischen und entychianischen Streitikeiten (page 21)
  • III.Florilegien aus der Zeit des Monophysitismus des VI.Jahrhunderts (page 39)
  • IV.Exegetische Catenen zu Mt.26,39 und Le.2,52 (page 49)
  • V. Acten und Florilegien aus der Zeit des Origenisten und Dreicapitelstreites (page 54)
  • VI.Acten und Florilegien aus der Zeit der monergistischen und monotheletischen Streitigkeiten (page 61)
  • VII. Ein Katalog der auf den Concilien des V.-VII.Jahrhunderts genannten Haretiker (page 73)
  • VIII.Florilegien aus der Zeit des Bildersturmes (page 82)
  • IX.Trinitarische Florilegien (page 86)
  • Anhang: Ein christologisches und ein trinitarisches Florilegium mit bemerkenswerten Citaten (page 106)
  • Register (page 109)
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