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Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfarag Barhebraeus zu Genes. 21-50, Exod. 14-15, Leviticus-Deuteron. u

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Rudolf Glück presents excerpts from Gregory Bar Hebraeus’s commentary on the Bible in order to compare his interpretation with that of various Jewish commentary sources. The excerpts are taken from Hebraeus’s comments on the Pentateuch and Joshua.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-633-4
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 5,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 79
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61143-633-4
$145.00 (USD)
Your price: $87.00 (USD)
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Gregory Bar Hebraeus is a well-known thirteenth-century Syriac author. His many extant writings span various topics from history to theology and grammar. One of Bar Hebraeus’s most famous works is his commentary on the whole Bible. In the present work, Rudolf Glück presents excerpts from Bar Hebraeus’s commentary in order to compare his interpretation with that of various Jewish commentary sources. These excerpts are taken from Bar Hebraeus’s comments on portions of the Pentateuch and Joshua.

Gregory Bar Hebraeus is a well-known thirteenth-century Syriac author. His many extant writings span various topics from history to theology and grammar. One of Bar Hebraeus’s most famous works is his commentary on the whole Bible. In the present work, Rudolf Glück presents excerpts from Bar Hebraeus’s commentary in order to compare his interpretation with that of various Jewish commentary sources. These excerpts are taken from Bar Hebraeus’s comments on portions of the Pentateuch and Joshua.

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  • Series Foreword (page 5)
  • Benutzte Literatur: (page 9)
  • Einleitung: (page 15)
  • Genesis: (page 25)
  • Exodus: (page 47)
  • Leviticus (page 51)
  • Deuteronomium (page 59)
  • Josua (page 75)
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