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Eduard Schwartz

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Kyrillos von Skythopolis

ISBN: 978-1-61143-521-4
This work details the lives of seven Palestinian monks and abbots, written in popular Greek by Cyril of Scythopolis, a sixth-century monk.
$131.00 (USD) $78.60 (USD)

Libellus pro Christianos. Oratio de resurrectione cadaverum

By Athenagoras; Edited with an Introduction by Eduard Schwartz
ISBN: 978-1-61719-494-8
A full text is provided, with Latin preface and critical notes, of the works of this second-century Christian philosopher, Athenagoras. It also includes an apology for Christianity addressed to the Emperors, and an essay on the rationality of the resurrection of the dead.
$127.00 (USD) $76.20 (USD)