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Ein Martyrologium der christliche Geminde zu Rom am Anfang des V. Jahrhunderts

Quellenstudien sur Geschichte der römischen Märtyrer

This volume reconstructs the calendar of martyrs venerated in late Theodosian Rome. It is compiled from later Church calendars, acts of the martyrs, records of relocated relics, the votive tablets of Pope Damasus, and other literary evidence.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-370-5
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 12,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 274
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-370-5
$151.00 (USD)
Your price: $90.60 (USD)
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This useful work attempts to compile the list of martyrs actually venerated in late Theodosian Rome, with calendar dates from later Church calendars. The compilation uses acts of the martyrs, records of relocated relics, the votive tablets of Pope Damasus, pilgrimage accounts, and other literary evidence. A guide to the Christian community at Rome in the midst of late antiquity.

This useful work attempts to compile the list of martyrs actually venerated in late Theodosian Rome, with calendar dates from later Church calendars. The compilation uses acts of the martyrs, records of relocated relics, the votive tablets of Pope Damasus, pilgrimage accounts, and other literary evidence. A guide to the Christian community at Rome in the midst of late antiquity.

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  • VORREDE (page 5)
  • INHALT (page 7)
  • Einleitung (page 9)
  • I. Abteilung: Allgemeine Quellensammlung (page 12)
  • A. Das martyrologium Hieronymianum (page 14)
  • B. Das Verhaltnis des mart, Hieron. zum romischen Chronographen von 354 (page 21)
  • C. Andere altere Kalender und Martyrologien (page 26)
  • D. Liturgische Bucher (page 28)
  • E. Vitae,acta, passiones, hymni, translationes (page 30)
  • F.Archaologische Hilfsmittel (page 85)
  • Anhang I: Ubersichtliche Darstellung des Kalendarium (page 219)
  • Anhang II (page 225)
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