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Ferdinand Wüstenfeld

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Ibn Coteiba's Handbuch der Geschichte

ISBN: 978-1-59333-949-4
An early example of Islamic history, the Kitab al-ma'arif (“Book of Knowledge”) of ibn Qutayba (ibn Coteiba) has a prominent place. Born in Kufa, in present-day Iraq, ibn Qutayba was a teacher in Baghdad and he was among the first formal historians. This particular work ambitiously covers topics from the beginning of creation and facts about the period before the appearance of Islam (jahiliyya) to the names of the companions of the prophet Mohammed, famous jurists and masters of the oral tradition associated with the prophet (hadith). Presented here in the original Arabic, along with an introduction by Wüstenfeld, this early manual of history is sure to be of interest to anyone considering Islamic outlooks from the ninth century.
$174.00 (USD) $104.40 (USD)

Register zu den genealogischen Tabellen der Arabischen Stämme und Familien

mit historischen und geographischen Bemerkungen
ISBN: 978-1-59333-940-1
In an historic attempt to map out the major tribes and families of the Arabic world, Wüstenfeld prepared this work based on three major types of documents. Taken together these sources provide a wealth of information on family names. Wüstenfeld has organized the entries for his register alphabetically, providing a starting point for current day researchers on the Arabic past.
$204.00 (USD) $122.40 (USD)

Die Statthalter von Ägypten zur Zeit der Chalifen

ISBN: 978-1-59333-939-5
An original exploration into the governors of Egypt under the caliphs, this seminal study of Wüstenfeld has remained essential reading on the topic since its original publication in the 1870s. Originally published in four parts, this edition contains the entire study in its original German. A thorough and meticulous record of the rulers of Egypt during the period of the caliphs, this book should not be overlooked by students of the Islamic culture of Egypt. Written from a lifetime of study in the field, Wüstenfeld’s sharp outlines of the governors and their influence in the growth and development of Egypt under Muslim leadership hold an authority and insight that make the book a desirable addition to the library of Arabists and scholars of Egypt alike.
$144.00 (USD) $86.40 (USD)