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From Ancient Manuscripts to Modern Dictionaries

Select Studies in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek

Edited by Tarsee Li & Keith Dyer
These articles on Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek lexicography have arisen from papers presented at the International Syriac Language Project's 14th International Conference in St. Petersburg in 2014.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-4632-0608-6
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Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Apr 6,2017
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Page Count: 521
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0608-6
Your price: $126.60
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The twenty-four peer reviewed articles in this volume consist of studies in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek on a wide range of topics. Some of the articles break new ground in the exploration of original sources such as Syriac manuscripts from Turfan, the Oxyrhynchus papyri, and even Hebrew newspapers in Russia. Others discuss lexicography and the making of modern dictionaries for ancient languages. In between, there are articles on various linguistic questions and approaches.

The twenty-four peer reviewed articles in this volume consist of studies in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek on a wide range of topics. Some of the articles break new ground in the exploration of original sources such as Syriac manuscripts from Turfan, the Oxyrhynchus papyri, and even Hebrew newspapers in Russia. Others discuss lexicography and the making of modern dictionaries for ancient languages. In between, there are articles on various linguistic questions and approaches.

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Tarsee Li is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Biblical Languages in the School of Religion at Oakwood University. His research interests include Aramaic and Semitics.


Keith taught for 5 years in the Solomon Islands at Su'u Secondary School, before returning to Australia and theological studies at Whitley College. He went on to Doctoral studies in New Testament with Rev Dr Athol Gill, and then taught for three years at the Baptist Theological Seminary, Rüschlikon, in Switzerland, before coming back to Whitley in 1994. He is the author of The Prophecy on the Mount (Mk 13) (1998) and co-editor of Resurrection and Responsibility (2009). Keith was the Chair of the Academic Board of the Melbourne College of Divinity (2006–09) and is now Deputy Chair of the Coursework Studies Committee.

Terry C.Falla

Terry C. Falla is co-founder with Beryl Turner of the International Syriac Language Project, and works with her on the lexicon A Key to the Peshitta Gospels.


Dr. Erica C.D. Hunter is Affiliated Researcher, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge. She was Senior Lecturer in Eastern Christianity, Dept. of History, Religions and Philosophies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London until 2020. Her research interests focus on Syriac Christianity in Iraq and Syria, as well as the outreach of the Church of the East in the Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia, Afghanistan and China until 1500, with a particular interest in the Syriac material from Turfan. 


Jonathan Loopstra is an Associate Professor of History at University of Northwestern in St. Paul, MN. He holds an M.St. degree in Syriac Studies from the University of Oxford, a M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America. He works primarily in the fields of Patristics and Middle Eastern Studies, with a particular interest in the history and theology of various Christian communities of the Middle East.


Professor Matthew Morgenstern is Head of the Department of Hebrew Language and Semitic Linguistics at Tel Aviv University.

Mor Polycarpus AuginAydin

Mor Polycarpus Augin Aydin (born Edip Aydin) is the Metropolitan and Patriarchal Vicar for the Archdiocese of the Netherlands of the Syriac Orthodox Church. He gained his Ph.D at Princeton Theological Seminary in 2011.

Richard A.Taylor

Richard A. Taylor is Senior Professor of Old Testament Studies and Director of PhD Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He holds a PhD in Semitic languages from the Catholic University of America. His research interests focus on Hebrew Bible and Syriac studies.







Michael P. Theophilos is Lecturer in Biblical Studies within the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at the Australian Catholic University. He holds a doctorate in Theology from Oxford University, and an MA degree in Ancient History from Macquarie University. His previous publications have made a considerable contribution to the understanding of the intersection of the Greco-Roman world and the New Testament.


Goldstein is a Ph.D candidate, Bible and Semitics, at Yeshiva University. His dissertation is on the relationship between the Targum and Peshiṭta Proverbs, including the first full critical text of the former. His current primary focus is on Syriac texts that penetrated, in a more or less redacted form, into Jewish circles.









Anne Thompson

Anne Thompson was Assistant to the Editor of the Revised Supplement to Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (1996) and the first Editor of the Cambridge Greek Lexicon (2021).

Preface (vii)

Abbreviations (ix)

Introduction (1)

Part 1: Aramaic Studies (7)

What to do about citing ambiguity in a corpus-specific lexicon (Terry C. Falla) (9)

The Jewish Recension of a Syriac version of Aesop's Fables (Binyamin Y. Goldstein) (61)

Syriac manuscripts from Turfan: Public worship and private devotion (Erica C. D. Hunter) (77)

Greek imperatives and corresponding expressions in Christian Palestinian Aramaic (Tarsee Li) (97)

Reading the Bible with the Taḥtāyā ḏa-Ṯlāṯā (Jonathan Loopstra) (109)

A new Mandaic dictionary: Challenges, accomplishments, and prospects (Matthew Morgenstern) (139)

Qlido d-Leshono - Key of language: A comprehensive Syriac lexicon by Abbot Yuyakim of Tur Islo (Mor Polycarpus Augin Aydin) (173)

Psalm 2 in Syriac: Issues of text and language (Richard A. Taylor) (179)

Part 2: Hebrew Studies (199)

A few notes concerning the reading of TSYRWTY in the Great Isaiah Scroll (Isa 50:6b) (Cyrill von Buettner) (201)

Cognitive methodology in the study of an ancient language: Impediments and possibilities (Marilyn E. Burton) (213)

Towards a science of comparative Classical Hebrew lexicography (David J. A. Clines) (227)

On dating Biblical Hebrew texts: Sources of uncertainty/analytic options (A. Dean Forbes) (247)

A re-examination of grammatical categorization in Biblical Hebrew (Cynthia L. Miller-Naudé and Jacobus A. Naudé) (273)

Internationalisms in the Hebrew press 1860s-1910s as a means of language modernization (Sonya Yampolskaya) (309)

Part 3: Greek Studies (329)

Preventing drunkenness in the Christian gathering: Hints from the Graeco-Roman world and the New Testament (Valeriy Alikin) (331)

Basileia or Imperium? Rome and the rhetoric of resistance in the Revelation to John (Keith Dyer) (346)

The birth of European linguistic theory: The idea of language in the Sophists (Nikolay P. Grintser) (365)

Amazement, fear and being troubled in responses in Gospel miracle stories: Establishing the semantic contours of the terms and their interrelations (Jordash Kiffiak) (379)

The ass and the lyre: On a Greek proverb (Olga Levinskaja) (413)

Constituent order in and usages of εἰμί - participle combinations in the Synoptics and Acts (Stephen H. Levinsohn) (423)

Redundancy, discontinuity and delimitation in the epistle of James (Steven E. Runge) (443)

An examination of metarepresentation as an essntial feature of written and oral communication (Margaret Sim) (455)

Prayer and the papyri at Oxyrhynchus (Michael P. Theophilos) (471)

The lexicographic editor and the problem of consistency (Anne Thompson) (481)

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