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Frühchristlich-syrische Psalterillustration in einer byzantinischen Abkürzung

Anton Baumstark describes thirty Psalter illustrations that he found in a manuscript belonging to the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem. These illustrations significantly increase our knowledge of Psalter illustrations in the Syriac tradition.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-60724-711-1
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Dec 24,2009
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 28
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-60724-711-1
$36.00 (USD)
Your price: $21.60 (USD)
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Anton Baumstark discusses the Psalter illustrations he found in a manuscript owned by the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem. Previous to the publication of this article, the number of Psalter illustrations related to the Syriac tradition was quite limited, and they were generally split into two categories. As Baumstark notes in his discussion, the illustrations found in this manuscript provide a broader view of Syriac Psalter illustrations and challenge this simple categorization. Baumstark provides a brief discussion of each of the thirty illustrations, and then discusses the similarities and differences in detail. The article also includes miniature images of four of the illustrations.

Anton Baumstark discusses the Psalter illustrations he found in a manuscript owned by the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem. Previous to the publication of this article, the number of Psalter illustrations related to the Syriac tradition was quite limited, and they were generally split into two categories. As Baumstark notes in his discussion, the illustrations found in this manuscript provide a broader view of Syriac Psalter illustrations and challenge this simple categorization. Baumstark provides a brief discussion of each of the thirty illustrations, and then discusses the similarities and differences in detail. The article also includes miniature images of four of the illustrations.

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  • Frühchristlich-syrische Psalterillustration in einer byzantinischen Abkürzung (page 5)
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