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Georg Graf

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Die Handschiften des jakobitischen Markusklosters in Jerusalem

By Anton Baumstark; With the Assistance of Georg Graf
ISBN: 978-1-61143-024-0
This work is a catalogue of 38 Arabic and Syriac manuscripts found in the Syrian Orthodox Monastery of St. Mark in Jerusalem; contains liturgical and literary works.
$151.00 (USD) $90.60 (USD)

Die Eucharistielehre des nestorianers Al-Muhtar ibn Butlan (11. Jahrhunderts)

Edited and Translated by Georg Graf
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 512
ISBN: 978-1-60724-991-7
Georg Graf publishes here an edited Arabic text and German translation of a “Treatise on the Eucharist” attributed to Abu l-Hasan al-Muhtar ibn Butlan. Graf supplements the text with an introduction and brief notes.
$41.00 (USD) $24.60 (USD)

Die Rangordnung der Bischöfe Ägyptens

Nach einem Protokollarischen Bericht des Patriarchen Kyrillos ibn Laklak
Edited and Translated by Georg Graf
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 469
ISBN: 978-1-60724-924-5
Georg Graf publishes here the Arabic text and German translation of a “protocol report” by Cyril ibn Laklak, an important historical source for the study of the life of Cyril and for the history of Egyptian bishops.
$39.00 (USD) $23.40 (USD)

Ein arabisches Poententiale bei den Kopten

Translation and Introduction by Georg Graf
Series: Analecta Gorgiana 483
ISBN: 978-1-60724-951-1
Georg Graf publishes a German translation, accompanied by translation notes, of an Arabic poenitentiale text that is a collection of previous material. Graf also provides an introduction to the text in which he discusses source materials and their relationship.
$36.00 (USD) $21.60 (USD)