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Gnostike Schriften in koptischer Sprache

aus dem codex Brucianus

Edited and Translated by Carl Schmidt
The two Books of Jeu and an unnamed Coptic Gnostic work, with a German translation; diagrams of the original reproduced in Greek.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61719-358-3
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Aug 12,2010
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 706
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-61719-358-3
$256.00 (USD)
Your price: $153.60 (USD)
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James Bruce, the traveller in Abyssinia, bought a manuscript in Medinet Habu in 1769. This edition and translation, by the distinguished Copticist Carl Schmidt, is still the only edition of the whole text, which he restored from the random order into which the leaves had been bound. The text consists of the two Books of Jeu, as mentioned in the Gnostic text Pistis Sophia, and another unnamed Coptic Gnostic work. The mystic diagrams of the text are reproduced, in Greek lettering, in the translation.

James Bruce, the traveller in Abyssinia, bought a manuscript in Medinet Habu in 1769. This edition and translation, by the distinguished Copticist Carl Schmidt, is still the only edition of the whole text, which he restored from the random order into which the leaves had been bound. The text consists of the two Books of Jeu, as mentioned in the Gnostic text Pistis Sophia, and another unnamed Coptic Gnostic work. The mystic diagrams of the text are reproduced, in Greek lettering, in the translation.

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  • Inhaltsubersicht (page 7)
  • Vorrede (page 9)
  • Einleitung:I.Geschichte der Handschrift (page 15)
  • II.Anordnung der Blatter (page 27)
  • A.Das Buch vom grossen AOROE KATA MYETHPION (page 53)
  • Anhang (page 153)
  • A.Das Buch vom grossen AOROE KATA MYETHPION (page 156)
  • B.Das Buch vom grossen AOROE KATA MYETHPION (page 207)
  • Anhang (page 238)
  • Das zweite koptisch-gnostische Werk (page 240)
  • Das zweite koptisch-gnostische Werk (page 292)
  • I.Komposition und Inhalt des ersten gnostischen Werkes (page 329)
  • II.Verhaltnis der zweiten Abhandlung zu der ersten (page 345)
  • III.Verhaltnis des ersten gnostischen Werkes zu der Pistis Sophia (page 348)
  • IV.Untersuchungen uber die gnostischen Werke (page 358)
  • V.Ursprung Zeit und Ort der koptisch-gnostichen Originalwerke (page 566)
  • Nachwort (page 680)
  • Index rerum et nominum (page 695)
  • verbesserungen und Zusatze (page 704)
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