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Gorgias Studies in Classics

In this series Gorgias publishes monographs on the literature, history, philosophy, societies and cultures of the ancient Greek- and Latin-speaking worlds. Gorgias particularly welcomes proposals from younger scholars whose dissertations have made an important contribution to the field of Classics. Studies of language and linguistics and the archaeology and culture of the Ancient Near East have their own series and will not be included in this series.
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"Epistolarity" in the First Book of Horace's Epistles

ISBN: 978-1-4632-0393-1
De Pretis’s book focuses on the epistolary features of Horace’s First Book of Epistles, reading them from points of view related to the epistolary form: the weight of the addressee; the dialogue between literary genres; the poet's self-representation; temporality; and the power of the author. These issues also pertain to literature as such, since all literature can be regarded, to a certain degree, as "epistolary." But the extent and consistency with which the Epistles explore epistolary aspects, can only be explained in terms of their generic affiliation.
$90.00 (USD)

Negotiating Island Identities

The Active Use of Pottery in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Cyclades
ISBN: 978-1-4632-0392-4
Negotiating Island Identities explores the history of interaction between Crete and the Cycladic islands from the late Middle to Late Bronze II periods when Minoan influence was at its peak. Based on a thorough investigation of pottery assemblages from key sites, the book advocates a rethink of established acculturation scenarios (such as “Minoanisation”) in relation to the Cycladic islands. Openness or closure towards outside influences was not predetermined by cultural, geographical or ecological variables but was socially constructed. Island communities could consciously fashion their worlds and make choices about the nature and degree of interaction with their neighbours.
$90.00 (USD)

Negotiating Island Identities

The Active Use of Pottery in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Cyclades
ISBN: 978-1-59333-725-4
Negotiating Island Identities explores the history of interaction between Crete and the Cycladic islands from the late Middle to Late Bronze II periods when Minoan influence was at its peak. Based on a thorough investigation of pottery assemblages from key sites, the book advocates a rethink of established acculturation scenarios (such as “Minoanisation”) in relation to the Cycladic islands. Openness or closure towards outside influences was not predetermined by cultural, geographical or ecological variables but was socially constructed. Island communities could consciously fashion their worlds and make choices about the nature and degree of interaction with their neighbours.
$146.00 (USD) $87.60 (USD)
Picture of "Epistolarity" in the First Book of Horace's Epistles

"Epistolarity" in the First Book of Horace's Epistles

ISBN: 978-1-59333-117-7
De Pretis’s book focuses on the epistolary features of Horace’s First Book of Epistles, reading them from points of view related to the epistolary form: the weight of the addressee; the dialogue between literary genres; the poet's self-representation; temporality; and the power of the author. These issues also pertain to literature as such, since all literature can be regarded, to a certain degree, as "epistolary." But the extent and consistency with which the Epistles explore epistolary aspects, can only be explained in terms of their generic affiliation.
$123.00 (USD) $73.80 (USD)