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Grammatica Hebraica

Presented here is a complete Hebrew grammar compiled by the learned Venetian rabbi Elijah Levita.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-61143-295-4
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Sep 7,2012
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 402
Languages: Latin
ISBN: 978-1-61143-295-4
$208.00 (USD)
Your price: $124.80 (USD)
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Presented here is a complete Hebrew grammar compiled by the learned Venetian rabbi Elijah Levita. Included are facing-page Latin translations, along with an essay on Hebrew points by the printer.

Presented here is a complete Hebrew grammar compiled by the learned Venetian rabbi Elijah Levita. Included are facing-page Latin translations, along with an essay on Hebrew points by the printer.

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  • Title (page 3)
  • Sebastianvs Mvnste (page 5)
  • Sebast. Mvnsterl (page 6)
  • Hebraicae Lingvae (page 12)
  • Elementarivm (page 13)
  • Elementale (page 15)
  • Liber Ele (page 52)
  • Carmen Avtoris (page 54)
  • Praefatio (page 56)
  • Sebastianvs Mvnstervs (page 65)
  • Oratio Prima (page 68)
  • Oratio Secvnda (page 136)
  • Oratio Qvarta (page 302)
  • Accentvvm Hebraicorvm (page 347)
  • De Accentibvs (page 348)
  • Hebraicis (page 349)
  • Tabvla (page 356)
  • Praefatio Sebastia (page 357)
  • Praefatio In (page 358)
  • Tabvlam Conivgat (page 359)
  • Tabvla Hebraicarvm (page 364)
  • Conivgationvm (page 365)
  • Tabvla Heb Con (page 387)
  • Decinationes Nominvm (page 388)
  • Nominvm (page 389)
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