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Grammatik der neusyrische Sprache

am Urmia-See und in Kurdistan

This work of Theodor Nöldeke is an extremely rare find. Its scarcity should not be taken as a reflection on its authority or usefulness, however. In this original 1868 edition, Nöldeke lays out the basics of Neo-Syrian as it was used in Kurdistan and the area of Uremia. This valuable study, essentially unique to this day in its coverage of underrepresented language studies, provides a substantial, German introduction to the dialects described, followed by a thorough study of the languages themselves, also in German.
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Availability: In stock
SKU (ISBN): 978-1-59333-835-0
  • *
Publication Status: In Print
Publication Date: Jul 13,2009
Interior Color: Black
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Page Count: 458
Languages: German
ISBN: 978-1-59333-835-0
$196.00 (USD)
Your price: $117.60 (USD)
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Theodor Nöldeke ‘s Grammatik der neusyrischen Sprache is an extremely rare find. Its scarcity should not be taken as a reflection on its authority or usefulness, however. In this original 1868 edition, Nöldeke lays out the basics of Neo-Syrian as it was used in Kurdistan and the area of Uremia. This valuable study, essentially unique to this day in its coverage of underrepresented language studies, provides a substantial, German introduction to the dialects described, followed by a thorough study of the languages themselves, also in German. The utility of this essential work is without question, and it will be eagerly sought out by scholars of languages related to Syriac as they have continued to be used.

Theodor Nöldeke (1836-1930) was a celebrated scholar of Semitics. Educated at Göttingen, Vienna, and Leiden, he also taught at Göttingen before moving on to the universities of Kiel and Strasbourg. He wrote prolifically on Semitic linguistics, producing several notable grammars, including the present volume.

Theodor Nöldeke ‘s Grammatik der neusyrischen Sprache is an extremely rare find. Its scarcity should not be taken as a reflection on its authority or usefulness, however. In this original 1868 edition, Nöldeke lays out the basics of Neo-Syrian as it was used in Kurdistan and the area of Uremia. This valuable study, essentially unique to this day in its coverage of underrepresented language studies, provides a substantial, German introduction to the dialects described, followed by a thorough study of the languages themselves, also in German. The utility of this essential work is without question, and it will be eagerly sought out by scholars of languages related to Syriac as they have continued to be used.

Theodor Nöldeke (1836-1930) was a celebrated scholar of Semitics. Educated at Göttingen, Vienna, and Leiden, he also taught at Göttingen before moving on to the universities of Kiel and Strasbourg. He wrote prolifically on Semitic linguistics, producing several notable grammars, including the present volume.

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  • Vorrede (page 7)
  • Inhalt (page 13)
  • Einleitung (page 19)
  • Erster Theil: Laut- und Schriftlehre (page 41)
  • Zweiter Theil: Formenlehre (page 110)
  • Dritter Theil: Syntax (page 304)
  • Erster Anhang (page 418)
  • Zweiter Anhang (page 449)
  • Zusatze und Berichtigungen (page 453)
  • Druckfehler (page 457)